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Hello this is David George DeLancey this site is of anything to do with the term Anciently and DeLancey. My interests are Art Economics History in that order. I was born 12-27-1961 at Dorchester, Massachusetts. My mother's maiden name is Clotilde Corvello unfortunately she and my father Arnold Holbert DeLancey Jr. have passed on. I also have a brother who passed who was a year younger than me, born 11-29-1962. I have three sisters and six other brother's. My year older brother born 11-13-1960 has a son. My other five brothers are half my age younger. My two brothers and I were born in the sixties, we would have been all in the same month though unfortunetly I was born in the tenth month of my mothers pregnancy; which is ok by me I like December. My mothers side of the family are residing in Massachusetts, Arizona, and Florida. She has three other living sisters alltogether there were five sisters and two brothers, my two uncles live in Arizona and Florida. They all were born in the United States, her parents were born in Portugal. My Dad's > modified-8:06 A.M. < father's side of the family came here from Nova Scotia then from New York then from France in the Sixteen Hundreds. This side of the family will have a mixed breed throughout Europe. There are posible ties with DeLancey members circulating the Americas, especially the area in which became New England, before Etienne (Stephen) DeLancey came in 1663. In fact it would'nt surprise me that some of the French connection actually went out of France during the Epict of Nantes or any other kind of experience and while assuring prominence in places like Holland, minipulated the name DeLancey to such forms of DeLanoy and then we have the DeLavall with an extra 'l' which may be the same family who in heritance of that place name kept it. I mention DeLanoy of Holland in the sence that they were probably there for some time and those that went there from France may have inquired of another to seek vacancy elsewhere. When you lose your status in one place there just may be another elsewhere whom may still have ordinance. Holland is a place of high trade and mercantilism. The inquireries of France stated in the 17th century that the name and family were civily dead. This may be the cause in some of this inventory stating "had no issue" my relavent search for that information will be conducted through research. This was added 12-16-2010 now 8:17 A.M. E.S.T. <> This site was created on 9-14-2010 at aprox 8:30 P.M. IT IS NOW 8:41 P.M. E.S.T. This site was first published to the web 12-5-2010 within the 7th hour P.M. E.S.T. This site will be periodically updated with more information and corrections in my writing, such as spelling, commas and the sort that define creative and good writing. Thank You, Yours Truely, Your Humble Servant, In The Most Regards, Till Next Time and whatever else may come at the end of my Paragraphical Ventures, as usual just the date and time, I think that's important. There are going to be multiple pages here and alot of information. I am also currently putting together a site at www.AncientlyDeLancey.GoogleSites.com Here at Yola.com I have besides this site, www.DavidGeorgeDeLancey.yolasite.com and www.DavidGeorgeDeLanceyWorldWideWisdom.com These other two will be published perhaps sometime next year or maybe within this last month of 2010. The other two sites are also with Google Sites 12:07 P.M.12-9-10
8:21 P.M. E.S.T. 12-7-2010 History of DeLancey from France continued. Charles II succeeded in 1535 as Fifth Vicompte his wife was Isabbeau Branche, daughter of Furie Branche, Ecuyer, Sieur deBrean, whom married 15th April 1534. This is my 10th Grand Father. In the book by D.A. Story The DeLancey's "A Romance of a Great Family" it starts with my 14th grandfather Guy deLancey being alive in 1432. (continuing) They had three sons, Charles III Jacques and Claude, and one daughter, Barbe. Charles III sixth Vicompte married; 1st, on July 21, 1569, Madeleine LeBrun; and 2nd on the 15th January, 1593, Claude de May. He was present at the Battle of Ivry in 1590. By his first wife he had Charles IV Seigneur de Cocquebine, created by the King a Counsellor of State in 1652, who died in 1667, leaving by his first wife, Francoise deCrochart, a son Charles VIII, Seigneur de Charlemont, who died unmarried, when this line of the whole blood of the eldest branch became extinct in the males; and two daughters, Marie, died unmarried in 1674 and Anne, wife of Antoine le Parmentier, Ecuyer, Sieur de Cauroi. By his second wife, Dame Marthe de Resnel he had no issue. Charles III by his second wife Claude de May had Charles deLancey, Sieur de Suine et ne Neville, Councellor of the King in 1654, Antoine, a Canon of the Cathedral of Laon, and, of course unmarried, and Claude, Charles Sieur de Suine et Neville, married 25th June 1653, Jeanne de Ysore, and died 23rd November, 1689, aged 78 years. He had one son Charles Ambrose DeLancey, Ecuyer, Seigneur de Neville et du Coudai, who was confirmed in the possession of his nobility by an 'arret' or decree of the King in Council, of November 30th, 1697, in consequence of the proof of the descent then made; which declared that 'la Maison deLancey' was maintained in its 'noblesse' and its members recognized as 'nobles d' ancienne extraction'; and as much of right enjoyed, and were entitled to all the privileges belonging to the "noblesse" of France. This Charles Ambroise married, 9th January 1702, the Demoisselle Marie Madeleine Labbe', and had only one child, a son, Pierre Charles deLancey Ecuyer, Seigneur deNeville et deBlarus, born 5th June, 1707, who died without issue in 1750, when this line of the half blood of the eldest branch became extinct. "Jacques 1st 2nd son of Charles II the father of Jacques of Caen whose son Etienne, born 1663 came to New York in 1686 was the ancester of the Huguenot, or second line of the elder branch. His descendents, as Protestants, being civily dead and not appear in the French genealogies subsequent to the beginning of the seventeenth century. "Claude 1st, the 3rd son of Charles II Seigneur deCharles, married the 5th Febuary 1577, Marguerite deBrisset and had two sons John 3rd and Charles 6th John married in 1625, Madeleine Martin and their son Charles 9th married in 1653, Elizabeth Saubinet and their son Louis deLancey, Seigneur de Bois-Carbonet, and a Chevalier of St. Louis, died in 1736 having served in the armies of Louis XIV and Louis XV forty-seven years. He left a widow, Marie Catherine Therese daughter of Francois Poschet, Seigneur deNahant, whom he married 1st April 1723 and four children, three sons, Louis Charles, Nicholas Charles, Gabriel and one daughter Francoise. These sons left no decendents. Charles 6th the second son of Claude the third son of Charles II married Elizabeth Marcigny and dying in 1643 left her a widow with young children, names not given, who did not survive.'?' Thus the third line of the eldest branch became extinct.? "Christophe the 2nd son of Charles I Ecuyer, Vicompte de Laval et de Nouvain, above named, the first of the youngest branch in France, was created Baron de Raray (sometimes spelt Raret, Rare and Rarai) a dependency of Dravegny, in the Duchy of Valois, one of the four "barronies vassales" of the Bishopric of Senlis. He married 1st Barbe de Louen on the 10th December, 1539 who died without issue, and 2nd, Francoise Lami daughter of Pierre Lami, Seigneur de la Morliere, on the 19th January, 1553, and dying in 1584 left, by his sencond wife, a son, Nicholas second Baron who was Treasurer-General to Gaston, first Duke of Orleans and left by his wife "Lucrece de Lancise a lady of Florence, four children:-Henry deLancey third Baron, in whose favor the territory of Nery in the Valois was erected into the Marquisate of Raray in 1654 the letters of creation being registered on the 17th January of that year. 2: Francoise deLancey Seigneur d'Aramont, known as the Chevalier de Raray who died unmarried, being killed in the trenches at the siege of Conde' on the 17th of August, 1674. 3: Charles deLancey 7th, Seigneur de Ribecourt et Pimpre', who married Madeleine , widow of Philippe d'Aguesseau, but died in 1675 without issue. 4:Madeleine deLancey married 11th November, 1619, to Charles deMarnay, Seigneur de Montchevreuil Henry, his son; Gaston and his brother Charles were maternal cousin of the famous madame de Sevigne', and as such signed the contract of marriage of her daughter with the Compte de Grigman, and were present at the ceremony. "Henry deLancey third baron and first Marquis de Raray married Catherine d'Angennes January 20th, 1633 and had issue- Gaston Jean Baptiste second Marquis, Charles deLancey-Raray killed at the siege of Lille in 1667, unmarried, and a daughter Marie Charlotte who married Louis des Acres, Marquis de L'Argle and died at Paris on the 27th August 1724, aged 82 years. "Gaston Jean Baptiste deLancey fourth Baron and second Marquis de Raray married the 4th of May, 1660, Marie Luce Aubery daughter of Robert, Marquis de Valan and had two sons: 1.Charles Henri deLancey third Marquis, made a page to the King, Louis XIV, in 1679, who died unmarried. 2.Gaston Jean Baptiste deLancey-Rary fourth Marquis, who likewise died unmarried. Both of these brothers died in 1680, and with their death the youngest branch became extinct in the males.9:46 p.m. 12-7-10
12-16-2010 3:38 P.M. "DELANCEY BOOK" Continuing from above 12-7-10 They had five sisters: Henriette, married to the Marquis de Crevecoeur, and died without issue: Catherine married the Seingneur de la Billarderie and died without issue: Francoise 2nd and Annette who both died unmarried; and Marie Luce deLancey-Raray who married on the 26th February, 1696, Jean Francois, Compte de Nonant. With her as the last of her family he also took the name of Raray, and uniting it with his own became Compte de Nonant-Raray. He died 24th March, 1740, aged seventy-five; and she the 16th March, 1743, aged eighty; their descendant in the fifth degree is the present (1879) Compte de Nonant-Raray. "Thus of all the branches of the family the Huguenot one alone exists at this day, and the name of deLancey, for more than a century (and a half) extinct in France, is a familiar one in America, to which it was borne simply and solely for fidelity to religious principle nearly two centries ago. (Now 1926, 240 years ago) by D.A. Story (Now 2010, 324 years ago) reviewed and noted by David George DeLancey. "The law of 1789 removed all legal disabilities from the descendants of the Huguenots, and gave them the right to recover their rank titles and estates of which they were deprived by the different edicts of Louis XIV, and their very names forbidden to be registered, as being "civily dead" unless they adjured Protestantism; but few of them, to their credit, have ever taken advantage of it." "The details and genealogy above stated are condensed correctly it is believed, from the official M. S. 'deLancey' genealogies in the 'Armorial General de la France', 2nd Register 2nd Volume, in the National Library at Paris, and from the M.S.S. in the archives of the Department of the Aisne, from which a genealogy from Guy to Charles III, is given in the 'Dictionnaire Historique du Department de L'Aisne', by M. Melleville, published in two volumes, 8 vo. in 1865; also from the 'Tablettes Genealogiques des Maisons Nobles de France' under 'Lacy-Raray', 'Nonant', and 'Aubery de Valan' in the Annuaire de la Noblesse for 1885 by M. Borel d'Hauterive: from the Dictionnaire de la Noblesse de France', Vol. VIII, by M. de la Chenaye-Derbois, Paris, 1874, under Lancy, from the 'Le Palais de l'honneur' by le Frere Anselme, Paris, 1674, under 'd'Angennes' and from 'Le Nobiliare de Picardie', Paris, 1693, under 'Lance'. "The Roman numerals above prefixed to the same Christian name in different generations, are so given in the first authorities above named, and are commonly used in French genealogical works, especially in the older ones. "The M.S.S. refered to were in perfect state of preservation in 1868. They were first printed in 1738-68 by order of Louis XV. "By order of the King of France, 30th November, 1697, La Maison deLancey to remain Noblesse d'Ancienne extract, and to enjoy all its privileges,".......................
_____THE ARMS OF THE DELANCEYS_____ "The arms of the deLanceys are thus blazoned in the 'Armorial General de la France.' "Arms, d'or a l'aigle eployee de sable, chargee sur l'estomac d'un ecusson d'azur, a haut," which translate into English heraldic idiom is "Arms; or, an eagle displayed sable, charged on the breast with a shield* argent, bearing three tilting lances proper, in pale, points upwards." Over the main shield they carried the seignorial coronet of Vicompte. These arms, originating before crests were introdused in heraldry, were modified like his name, by Etienne deLancey, on becoming a British subject, to make them more like English arms, most of which have crests. However, they were never registered in the English college of arms and do not, therefore, appear in its publications. As used by him, his son, Governor James deLancey, and family up to the close of the revolution they were, Arms, Azure; a tilting lance proper, point upward with a pennon argent, bearing a cross gules fringed or floating to the right debruised of a fess or, crest, a sinister arm in armour, embowed, the hand grasping a tilting lance, pennon attached both proper. ___-Motto: "Certum Voto Pete Finem."___ The motto means .Name-which is "Corse" motto <> which is "Aim at a sure End" <> <> *The shield or escutcheon argent on the breast of the eagle indicates that they were originally Knights of the Holy Roman Empire,++part of p. 6, all of 7,8,9,10,11++ ~-----------"DeLanceys " A Romance of A Great Family~ attached 12-16-2010 4:38 P.M. E.S.T.
Added 1-20-2011 1:54 A.M. Searched Lucrece de Lancise a Lady of Florence, go to Les familles de Laon {Translate this page} go to 2nd page and click Questions [also translate it] I also saw Lancey (de) (Laon... Search Prince-Bishop of Laon go to page 2 then to Peerage of France Specs this was takin by www.aadet.com
It is proposed that Louis VII (1137-1180) created the French system of peers. Peerage was attached to a specific territorial juristiction, either on episcopal see for episcopal peerage or a fief for secular. Peerage attached to fiefs were transmissable or inherited with the fief, and these fiefs are often designated as pairie-duche (for duchies), and pairie-comte (for counties). By 1216 there were nine peers. Archbishop of Reims who had the distinction of crowning the king. Bishop of Langres. Bishop of Beavais. Bishop of Chalons. Bishop of Noyon. Duke of Normandy. Duke of Burgundy. Duke of Aquitaine also called Duke of Guyenne. Count of Champagne. The presence of Normandy - held by the English crown by Angevin heritage - was theoretical, since in French eyes it had been forfeited to the crown in 1202. A few years later and before 1228 three peers were added to make the total of twelve peers: Bishop of Laon. Count of Flanders. Count of Toulose. These twelve peerages are known as the ancient peerage or Prairie Ancienne and the number twelve is sometimes said to have been chosen to mirror the 12 Paladins of Charlemagne in the chanson de geste which pledges the knight's fealty to Charlemagne. The elite of the Imperial Army and Charlemagne's closet advisors were called *"The Twelve Peers"*. In the Oxford edition The Song of Roland the peers are, Roland, Olivier, Geren, Gerier, Anseis, and Gerard de Roussillan chanson de Roland. Parallels may also be seen with mythical Knights of the Round Table under King Arthur. So popular was the notion, that for a long time people thought peerage had originated in the reign of Charlemagne and he was also a perfect example of a shining king for knighthood and nobility.
The twelve original peers were divided in two classes, six clerical peers hierarchically above six lay peers, which were themselves divided in two, three dukes above three counts.
In 1204 the Duchy of Normandy was absorbed by the French crown, and later in the 13th century two more of the lay peerages were absorbed by the crown Toulouse 1271, Champagne 1284, so in 1297 three new peerages were created the County of Artois, the Duchy of Anjou and the Duchy of Brittany to compensate for the three that had disappeared.
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Reims.~ The archdiocese comprises the arrondissement of Reims and the department of Ardemes while the Province comprises the region of Champagne-Ardenne. The suffragen diocesses within Reims are Amiens, Beauvais-Noyon-Senlis, Chalons, Langres, Soissons-Laon-Saint-Quentin, and Troyes. The Archepiscopal see is located in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de reims, where the Kings of France were traditionally crowned.
Franks: The Franks employed dukes as the governors of Roman provinces, though they also led military expeditions far from their duchies. The dukes were the highest ranking officials in the realm, typically Frankish (whereas the counts were often Gallo-Roman), and formed the class from which the king's generals were chosen in times of war. The dukes met with the king every May to discuss policy for the upcoming year, the so-called Mayfield. taken from Duchess information (Knightly. Keira. Windsor) @TopEuros.com Search was Prince Bishopric or Duchy of Laon go to p.2. ----Thursday, 1:04 P.M. 1-20-2011
researched and filed to be added to this site on 12-4-2010 at 1:30 P.M. E.S.T. It is now 5:00 P.M. E.S.T. King Guy of Jerusalem 1187 July 4, Battle of Hattin
Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights
Knights Templar and other people.
Chroniclers of the order.
Archbishop William of Tyre composed history 1165-1184
Crusaders called Solomons Temple - was Agsa Mosque a palace on the south side of the "Lords Temple" or Dome of the Rock it was belonging to King Baldwin II (1118-31)
"Abbot Bernard's role played on after the order came into existence. Abbot Bernard of Clairvaux
Seals of the Master Brother ~ Otto of Brunswich commander of Supplingenburg, ~ William, Master of the Temple in Hungary and Solonia 1297, ~ Bertron Von Esbeck Master of the Temple of Germany 1296, ~ Brother Frederick Wildergrave 1289, ~ The seals of Templar officials in Yorkshire 1300 shows a town with a pointed roof, ~ Brother Roustow de Corups Temple at Richerenches 1232, ~ Seal of Brother Bertrand de Blancafort Master of the Temple 1168, ~ The Seals of the Masters of the Temple in England of Aimery de St Mour 1200, ~ Robert of Scotland 1241~ Richard of Hastings 1160-85 And William de la More 1304
From as early as the 13th century The Knights Templar, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights purchased or were given many castles, by nobility of its time from the crusader states, this was in cause because of the low effort no account affording to garrison and maintaining them. The Templars held fourteen fortifications and two other properties in the Iberian Peninsula during the 12th and 13th centries. The Templars held five fortresses and fourteen other properties in eastern Europe.
A good sourse of work by__ Evelyn Lord __ "The Knights Templar in Britain" describes how they built their own churches but in old style and used on the spot local help to do it. P.158 If a Templar church was going up it was built in the local style, anywhere the Templars were, the local cultural style was the style of the church built.
I'm thinking a Church is like a Temple, almost like a Palace. A church is a place where many are, as where a house or home is of a certain unit of a family. Such as a castle you'll never hear of the Kings home being a certain part of the castle, although you will hear that the king or queen live in the castle and sometimes they'll live in different parts of it.
12:11 P.M. 12-14-2010 notes taking at 10:44 A.M. from History of the city of New York. search was started with www.ancientlydelancey.com go to www.toquod.lib.umich.edu go to page 243 for Van Cortlandt. Here is something on DeLanoy and DeLavall. Peter DeLanoy, Mayor of New York in 1688-9, was a merchant who came to the city from Holland, about the year 1651. He was an active adherent of Leisler, and was elected Mayor by the popular suffrage, being the first person chosen to that office by the people. Thomas DeLavall, Mayor in 1666-71-78, became first known as a resident here after the capture by the English in 1664. He was then a captain in the English service, and held a command under Colonel Nichols; but it would seem that he had been before that time in America, as we find some transactions of his which took place prior to the year 1664. Captain DeLavall immediately after the surrender of the place to the English, took a prominent part in the administration of public affairs. He purchased a farm at Harlem, and also a residence in the city on the present southeast corner of Broad street and Exchange place, his premises imbracing an orchard and large garden. Captain DeLavall visited England in the late mid 1600's where he had a conference with the Duke of York, who sent by him to the mayor and aldermen a mace of the Mayorality office, and gowns for the Alderman. He died in this city in the year 1682, leaving a considerable estate. His son John DeLavall and several daughters (married to eminent merchants of the city), succeeded to his property. William Dervall, Mayor in 1675, was originally a Boston Merchant, who had been somewhat interested in the trade with New Amsterdam and about the year 1667, engaged in that trade. His brother accompanied him, and they set up a store, principally of dry goods. William married a daughter of Thomas DeLavall, (a wealthy citizen who had been Mayor of New York) and occupied a fine residence near the present corner of Whitehall and State streets.
Abram DeLanoy one of the inhabitants who offered loans for erecting the city Palisades in 1653, also in part with the tax and contibution list, raised in 1653, to defrey the debt for constructing the city defences. He was at the highest bracket to this cause.
Taking from History of New York: Valentine, David Thomas, 1801-1869., Paulding, William Irving. supposed author.
........From the DeLancey Book........p.75 "This report includes the evidence taken before the Commission appointed July, 1783, by the British Government to enquire into the losses and services of all such persons who have suffered in the Rights, Properties and Professions, during the late unhappy dissensions in America, in consequence of their Loyalty to His Majesty and attachment to the British Government," which at in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Saint John, New Brunswick, Montreal, Canada, and elswhere December 2nd, 1785-86.____ _______"Part 2. At Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, England, 3rd May 1784 before Commissioner Wilmont. No. 1172. Case of Brigadier-General Oliver DeLancey. Esteems his property in America worth more than 100.000 Pounds. Delivered schedule Decision. The Board are of the opinion that the claimant is an active and zealous and meritorious Loyalist. He bore arms and rendered services to Great Britain.
No. 1.--Lot in Pearl St., New York rented at 8 Pounds per_84 Pounds.. His value_______________________________________________100--- Pounds.. No. 3.---3 Lots in Field Market with the Houses____________563~-- No. 4.---Lot in New St. with House-253 Lot alone costs_____100--- Pounds, ______________________________House let for 16 and 25 Pounds.. No. 5.---Lots and houses in Broad Street_________________1,660--- His value___________________________________________3,000-- Pounds. --------------------------------------------------------------------No. 6.---Lots in Damnation Alley ______________________1,000~~ No. 7.---Lots in Lombard Street_________________________160~~ No. 8.---DeLancey Island_______________________________310~~ __________________________________________His value 1,000--- Pounds No. 9.---15 Acres 3 lots Salt Meadow______________________85~~ No. 10.-Pew in Trinity Church____________________________20~~ No. 11.-Half of Mr. Woodcock's House_____________________22~~- No. 12-242 Acres and some stock Courtland Manor__________675~~ No. 14.-Lands in Albany County, Tryon Co., ets.__________1,125~~ No. 17.-Appeal Patent Expense__________________________169~~ No. 18.-1/2 of 2,000 acres at Schenectady________________225~~ No. 20.-Part of the Cosby, cost__________________________675~~ No. 23.-6,288 acres on Minisent Patent___________________549~~ No. 24.-Part of. appear to have been cultivated____________310~~ No. 25.-Part of Minisent Patent, cost ____________________113~~ No. 26.-8,927 acres in Minisent Patent and Deer Park_____2,250--- No. 27.-Proprietory lands in New Jersey bought of Bowery-10,725---No. 28.-Proprietory purchased of Ruenora. _______________408~~- No. 29.- House at Bloomingdale ______________________2,848~~~ No. 31.-Negroes (23)__________________________________820~~~ Total____________________________________________24,940~--States Debts due to him_____________________________11,219~~~ _________________________________________________36,159~~ \*.+.*/..........P.76.............\*.+.*/
In 1775 he lived at Greenwhich, Long Island. His estate produced between 3,000 and 4,000 Pounds per annum, had 531 tenants and but for troubles (i.e. political troubles) would have been worth 10,000 Pounds per annum to him. Held bonds in Connecticut for 21,000 Pounds, had 23 slaves. Loss by fire in New York 23,591 Pounds. Furniture burnt in house belonging to Colonel Cruger valued at 973/16/7 Pounds. house burned at Kingston 400 Pounds. Stock 275 Pounds. Brother's picture_________. Account for forage given to the Treasurer 1,126/16/0 Pounds. The expences of patenting Lands in New York Province was 25 Pounds per 1,000 acres. Mr. deLancey had half pay as colonel. Confiscation is proved, but no proof of sale. Mrs. DeLancey has an allowance of 200 Pounds per annum, Miss DeLancey an allowance of 100 Pounds per annum. John Smythe, Esq., Perth Amboy, states "General deLancey had the 1/2 of 2/24 A 24th share, if nothing done upon it, was worth a thousand (pounds) currency. Did not think General delancey had 40,000 acres. He gave half of one 24th share to his son just before the trouble, thinks General deLancey's land was worth 25 shillings per acre one with another." General Robertson: "Has know General DeLancey many years before the rebellion. His was one of the first fortunes in the Province. It is difficult to estimate American estates. He bought a great deal of land in New Jersey. He believes his house was burnt out of enmity. He was held a man of great integrity and honor. He kept a good table and lived in great splendour.
General Stirling states: "He knew his house at Bloomingdale. He thinks it was worth 1,600 or 1,800 Pounds, with the furniture 2,000 Pounds or near that. General deLancey had large property rights in New Jersey. He purchased from one, Duckora, more than 2/24th of the whole province. These rights were granted by Charles II to the Duke of York and by him to the two first proprietors, Lord Berkeley and Lord Cartant. Known also to have had 1,060 acres at "Wreck-a-bank" which in a division came to Deckere. Thinks it worth '-' 5 Pounds per acre. " NOTE: It is worthy of note that in the acts of Attainder 280-290 were aimed at the friends of the deLancey's all Episcopalians.
___________BANNERET__________p.77 Banneret. a higher grade of Knighthood conferred by the sovereign for some heroic act performed on the field. The first Banneret in England is said by Froissart to have been made by King Edward I, and the last by King Charles I after the battle of Edgehill. The ceremony must have been impressive. The King or General at the head of his army, drawn up in order of battle after victory, under the Royal Standard displaye, and attended by all the nobility and officers of the court, received the Banneret-elect, who was not necessarily a Knight previously. He was led by two Knights of note, or other men famous in arms; he carried his pennon in his hands. The heralds walking before him and proclaiming his valiant Banneret and to be allowed to display his banner on the field. The King or General said to him "advance Banneret". He then caused his pennon to be torn off (thus making it a banner). The new Knight with the trumpets sounding before him and the nobility and officers bearing him company, was sent back to his tent, where a noble entertainment was provided by the King. In the British order of precedence, a banneret made under the Royal Banner in open war, the Sovereign and the Prince of Wales both being present, rank above the younger sons of Viscounts and barons, and Bannerets not made by the Sovereign in person rank next below Baronets and above Knights Grand Cross of the Bath. 2:12 P.M. 12-14-2010
7:55 P.M. 12-15-2010 DeLancey Book continuing with 2nd son of James and Martha (Tippett) DeLancey. Their second son is JAMES DELANCEY 9th, was born at Roundhill, Annapolis Co., Nova Scotia, in April 1790. He joined the 104th regiment or New Brunswick Fencible Infantry on the 9th Jan., 1808, as ensign, was made lieutenant 21st June, 1810, captain (temporary) 25th May, 1813, and held that rank until the disbandment in Jan., 1816, and although the family tradition is that he died in Canada, the British Army lists seem to show that he was put on half pay Oct. 24th, 1817, but later served as lieutenant 2nd Ceylon Rifles up to 1824. He was given a grant of 5,550 acres of land in the vicinity of Woodstock, N.B., but left there sometime afterward._______JOHN DELANCEY 3rd son of Colonel James DeLancey and his wife Martha Tippett, was born near Roundhill, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, in June 1791, He was educated at King's College, Windsor, N.S., and was later a major in the St. John Fencibels and Transfered to the 75th regiment of the British Army, but his record beyond that is difficult to trace.___OLIVER DELANCEY 4TH, the fourth son of Colonel James and it is writin as Margaret but I think it is Martha unless its the same name (Tippett) DeLancey, was born near Roundhill, Annapolis Co., N.S. April 30th, 1793, was educated at King's College, Windsor N.S., and entered the British Army as a cornet in the 17th Dragoons, June 1820, and is shown in the Army list as on half-pay from 22nd June until 1840. Savary states that he was killed in battle but I have been unable to confirm this. ...Another attachment by David George DeLancey.... of D.A. Story 1930 author of The DeLancey's "A Romance of a Great Family" Of the five sons of Lieutenant-Colonel James and Margaret Tippett DeLancey, William, James, John, and Oliver were educated at King's College, Windsor, but Peter after attending there, completed his course at columbia (formerly King's) University, in the United States. Colonel DeLancey's sword is now in King's College museum, having been presented to it by his grandson, Oliver DeLancey. His portrait (attributed to Trumbull) is in Fort Anne Museum, Annapolis Royal. '.'***The children of Peter 3rd, and Elizabeth (Starratt) DeLancey were '~1. Oliver DeLancey 7th, b. March 4th, 1837, d. Dec.13th, 1925 married 1st to Carolyn Robinson and by her had five children. 2nd marriage on Sept. 14th, 1856, to the daughter of John and Sara A. Gibson, but had no issue by her. '~2. Mary Elizabeth DeLancey, b. Jan. 26th, 1840, d. June 1st, 1918 married to William H. Lee and had four children. '~3 Kate DeLancey, b. 1843, living (1925) at Cheverie, N.S., unmarried '~4. James Boyle Uniacke DeLancey, b. Dec. 24th,1845 married to Lidia Burbidge b. 1848, d. Sept. 28th, 1916, and had eight children. '~5. Frances DeLancey, b. Oct. 14th, 1847 married to Frank H. Wentworth, and had one child---Pearl__________________'.'***The children of Oliver 7th and Carolyn (Robinson) DeLancey were: ~1. Harvey DeLancey, died at 12 years of age. '~2. Judson DeLancey but had no children, n.f.r. ____'~3. George DeLancey and Amy Proctor my Great Grand Parents (David George DeLancey 12-27-1961 Dorchester Massachusetts) and had five children. '~4. Catherine DeLancey 2nd married William Brown and had one daughter. They went to Alberta, no further record. _'~5. Anna DeLancey married J. H. Crowe and removed to Alberta no issue. ~~~'.' ***The Children of George and Amy (Proctor) DeLancey '~1. My Grand Father Arnold Holbert DeLancey, b. Dec. 22nd, 1908 '~2. Oliver Delmont DeLancey, b. Sept. 8th, 1910. '~3. Natalie Merle DeLancey, b. Nov. 26th, 1913 '~4. Grace Levolia DeLancey, b. 1915, died before 1925. '~5. Helen Virginia DeLancey, b.Feb.22nd,1917 ~~~~~'.' ***The children of James Boyle Uniacke and Lidia (Burbidge) DeLancey were: '~1. Leah M. DeLancey, b. Dec. 10th. 1876 married to Stuart Theodore Hanger (1st) had tow sons. They are George DeLancey Hanger, b. May 16th, 1907 and Stuart Theodore Hanger, 2nd, b. July 22nd, 1909. _'~2. Alice Elizabeth DeLancey, b. 29th Aug., 1878, d. Feb. 12th, 1879. _'~3. James Arnold DeLancey, C. E. major 25th Canadian Battn. M. C., born 15th July, 1880, married to Mary Morse and had issue. ____'~4. William Wheelock DeLancey, M.D., b. Nov. 2nd, 1882, d. march 26th, 1910 unmarried. '~5. Henry Crawford DeLancey, b. May 25th, (1884?), n.f.r. '~6. Mabel Eaton DeLancey, b. Aug., 9th, 1887, living in N.Y. ______'~7. Margery DeLancey, b. 22nd Aug., 1890, d. Sept., 1912 ____'~8. Walter Uniacke DeLancey, b. Feb. 27th, 1892 married Etta Durling and had two children and died previous to 1924. children are Vernon Walter DeLancey, b. 1918 and Dorothy Jean DeLancey, b. 1920, d. 1923.
JAMES ARNOLD DELANCEY, M.C. major 25th Canadian battalion, was the eldest son of James Boyle Uniacke and Lidia (Burbidge) DeLancey, grandson of Peter and Elizabeth (Starratt) DeLancey and great grandson of Colonel James and Martha (Tippett) DeLancey and was a C. E. (MeGill). When the great war of 1914-18 broke out, he joined the 25th Nova Scotia unit and went overseas with it. At the battle of Vimy Ridge, Aug. 9th, 1917, he was second in command of the regiment, and was killed while leading it to the attack. He married Mary Morse and left one daughter, Margaret. *HENRY CRAWFORD DELANCEY 3rd son of James Boyle Uniacke DeLancey born 1884, also went overseas and served during the Great War, was wounded and suffered much for his country. The two sons of Stephen and Ann (DeLancey) Bromley were: Stephen James Bromley, n.f.r. and Walter Henry Bromley, sometime Captain in the 42nd Highlanders, but transfered and served through the Crimean War, was wounded twice in the attack on the little Redan, served in the Relief of Lucknow. OLIVER DELANCEY 3rd ({[eighth]}) child of Peter and Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey, b. 1749, d. Westchester, N.Y. Sept. 4th, 1820, married Rachael Hunt and had two children. '~1. Julia DeLancey married Captain Pallerson and had 1 daughter. Elizabeth Patterson married Captain Joseph Smith and had 1 son Oliver Delancey Smith married Fanny Gallop but d.s.p. Woodstock, N.B. 1926.__________ '~2. JOHN JAMES DELANCEY 1st married Mary Dawley and had 8 children: they are '/1. Ellen Louise DeLancey, 1832 d. 1920 married William Hinman had 1 daughter: Anna Florence Hinman married Leroy Tabor had 2 children: /Florence Ann Tabor b. 1889, n.f.r. and /William Hinman Tabor b. 1892 married to Maud Ethel Hinman n.f.r. '/2. Joseph Yates DeLancey b. 1835 d. 1922 married Emma Lawrence and had 3 children -1 Goerge W, DeLancey b. 1868 married Carrie Brown and had 2 children they are Wilbur Avery DeLancey b. 1893 married to McDuff, n.f.r. and Martha Katherine DeLancey b. 1902 married Don O. Wetmore, n.f.r. -2. Martha W. DeLancey---Munich n.f.r. -3 William DeLancey d.s.p. back to John James Delancey and '/3. child John James DeLancey 2nd b. 1837, d 1918 married Lidia Hutcheson and had 2 children Frank B.DeLancey b. 1869, n.f.r. Charles H. DeLancey b. 1871, of Binghamton N.Y. n.f.r. '/4. William Henry DeLancey b. 1840 d. 1915 married Ella Eastly 1 son Earl DeLancey, n.f.r. '/5. Maria DeLancey b. 1842, d young '/6. Alvin Calvin DeLancey b. 1846, d.s.p., 1924 '/7. Amelia Maria DeLancey b.1850, living 1929, n.f.r. '/8. Frank DeLancey b. 1853, d young.
12-16-2010 10:27 A.M. E.S.T.___________ SUSAN DELANCEY 3RD, ([{ninth}]) child of Peter and Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey, b. Sept. 15th, 1754, d. May 2nd 1937, married in 1775. *major Thomas Barclay (he has a brilliant record) son of Rev. Henry Barclay, D.D. Rector of Trinity Church, New York, and had a large family; five children were born previous to their coming to Annapolis. 1. Henry DeLancey Barclay, C.B. Lieutenant_General and A.D.C. to the King. 2. Thomas Edward Barclay, n.f.r. 3. George Cornwell Barclay, n.f.r. died young? 4. Anthony Barclay, baptized at Annapolis, Feb. 27th, 1793, afterwards Sir Anothny, British Consul General at New York, succeeding his father. 5. Elizabeth Barclay married Schuyler Livingstone, n.f.r. 6. Clement Horton Barclay, baptized at Annapolia, Sept. 23rd, 1796, probably died young as he is not shown in Jones' History. He was named after Clement Horton, Deputy Commissary-General for New Brunswick., and P.E.I. 7. Maria Barlcay married Simon Fraser n.f.r. 8. Susan Barclay married Peter G. Stuyvesant, n.f.r. 9. Ann Barclay married William H. Parson, n.f.r. 10. Beverley Robinson Barclay, n.f.r. Supposed to follow Clement Hornot Barclay in seniority. All the sons mentioned except Clements Horton, who seems to have died young, attended King's College, Windsor, N.S. His sister Dorothea Barclay married Colonel Beverley Robinson, and another sister, Catherine Barclay, married Nov. 1763, Augustus Van Cortlandt, second son of Frederick, grandson of Jacobus and g.g.s. of Orloff Van Cortlandt.___________-HENRY DELANCEY BARCLAY C.B. the eldest son of Major Thomas and Susannah (DeLancey) Barclay, was educated at King's College, Windsor, N.S., and entered the British Army as ensign in the 31st regiment of foot, January 11th, 1800, transfered to the 17th Dragoons as cornet August 29th, 1801, promoted to lieutenant June 9th, 1802, captain 56th West Essex Regiment April 24th, 1805, captain and lieutenant-colonel Royal Corsican Rangers, Feb. 28th, 1812. Was at Waterloo and in 1817 was captain and lieutenant-colonel 1st Grenadier Guards with Waterloo metal. In 1844 he became lieutenant-colonel of the 48th Regt. and was afterwards made Major-General and Lieutenant-General, and A.D.C. to the King. He died in England 1849 ANTHONY BARCLAY the fourth son of major Thomas and Susan (susannah) (deLancey) Barclay was born at Annapolis Royal, N.S., in February, 1793, was educated at King;s College, Windsor, N.S., and took the degree; of Bachelor of Arts in 1809. He was made an honorary Doctor of Civil Laws in 1829, and succeeded his father as British Consul-General in New York in 1830, which office he held until his death in 1877. He was knighted for his services to his country JANE DELANCEY the fifth daughter and 10th child of Peter and Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey married Oct. 2nd, 1775, John Watt, Jr. son of the Hon. John Watt of DeLancey and Watt, and his wife Ann (DeLancey) Watt, and was the mother of, among others, Susan Watt, who married Philip Kearny, and Mary Justine Watt, the youngest daughter, who maried Frederick de Peyster. WARREN DELANCEY the 1st, the eleventh child of Peter and Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey, born about 1758, was accidentally drowned in early childhood and before the birth of his brother of the same name. WARREN DELANCEY the 2nd who was the twelfth child, was born at West Farms, N.Y., in 1761. He joined the British Army at the time of the revolution, although then very young. At the engagement of Chattertons Hill, Westchester Co. in 1776, when as the British were advancing up the hill a shot killed one of the standard bearers, deLancey instantly seized the colours and, rushed forward. He was one of the first to gain the summit, where he planted the colours in the ground. For this act of bravery he afterwards (1st Aug., 1780) received a cornetcy in the 17th Dragoons commanded by Oliver deLancey the younger, from Sir Wm. Howe. He appears to have left the army before the close of the war, although some of the family recoreds refer to him as colonel. Appleton gives the date of his death at Madison, New York, as 1855, but this must be an error, as his cousin-in-law, James Fennimore Cooper, in a letter dated March 11th, 1848, states that "he died in the State of New York near me a year or two since, leaving issue." He was living in New York until 1837. He married three times and left six grown children: 1st Mary Lawrence, who died Sept. 23rd, 1788, with her infant son; 2nd Ann Taylor, who left issue; 3rd Rebecca Lawrence,d.s.p._____________ -SUSANNAH DELANCEY 1ST, THE ELDEST DAUGHTER OF STEPHEN DELANCEY 1ST, AND HER CHILDREN. SHE WAS BORN 1707 DIED 1791. She married in 1731, to Admiral Sir Peter Warren K.B. and had five children of whom the eldest two Peter and Elizabeth died in infancy. The others were: #1. Anne Warren, who married, in 1758, Lieutenant General Charles Fitzroy, 1st, Baron Southampton, 2nd son of Lord Augustus Fitzroy, and grandson of Charles, 3rd Duke of Grafton and had issue. Charles Henry Fitzroy 4th and present Baron is one of her descendents that is of the (1920's) #2nd. Charlotte Warren who married, in 1768, Willoughby Bertie, 4th Earl of Abingdon, and had issue, the eldest being Montague Bertie, 5th Earl, who married, Aug, 1st, 1807, Emily, youngest daughter of Henry Hall Gage, 3rd Viscount, his cousin. Montague Henry Edmund Cecil Bertie 9th, and present Earl, is one of her descendants #3 Susannah Warren who married Lieutenant-General Sir William Skinner of New Jersey, her second cousin, and had one daughter, Susannah maria Skinner, who married her cousin, Henry hall 3rd, Viscount Gage, and had issue. Among her descendants is Sir Henry Rainald Hall 6th and present Viscount Gage. again this is in the 1920's when D.A. Story wrote of this. 12:00 P.M.

3:28 P.M. 12-17-2010 Grandparents of Michael, David, (Steven Egedio deceased), Doreen, Tracy Joshua, Joeseph, (James Edward deceased), Christopher, and Robert are Esther H. (Mack) (Waugh) DeLancey and Arnold Holbert DeLancey Sr. Parents of my Grandmother ~ John Waugh state of birth Ireland Jessie Mack state of birth Scotland. Grandmother's date of birth and place August. 9th, 1912 Cambridge, Massachusetts death May 26th, 1995. Death certificate retreived at Sandwich Massachusetts. Granfather's date of birth and place December 22nd 1908 birth-place/place-of-death=I will have in the near future. He was the first born to ******************{(George DeLancey and Amy Proctor)}****************** and their children: ~ Arnold Holbert DeLancey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oliver Delmont DeLancey, b. Sept. 8th, 1910 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Natalie Merle DeLancey, b. Nov. 26th, 1913 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grace Levolia DeLancey, b. 1915, died before 1925 ~~-~~~~~~~~~~ Helen Virginia DeLancey, b. Feb. 22nd, 1917 ~ _______ 3:59 P.M.
Waugh~~~spelling variations`Waugh`Wauchope`Waughe`Walge`Wach`Walcht`and others First found in Dumfriesshire, where they held a family seat in Wauchopedale from about the year 1150. Robert de Wauchope was one of twelve knights who negotiated the law of the border territories in 1249~~~Migration and a look at the Waugh coat-of-arms can be found here> www.houseofnames.ie Motto of Waugh Industria ditat meaning Industry enriches
Mack~~~spelling variations`Mack`Mak`Makke`Make`and others first found Berwickshire where they held a family seat from early times and their records appeared on the census rolls taken by the ancient Kings of Scotland to determine the rate of taxation of their subjects. The Coat-of-Arms are in Motto as on the top of the arms reads ' The ancient arms of ' and at the bottom ' Mack '
The Royal Arms of the United Kingdom 'nemo me impune Lacessit' Meaning---"I cannot be touched with impunity " According to legend the "Guardian Thistle" a flower, has played its part in the defence of the Ancient Realm of Scotland against night attacks by Norwegion Vikings, one of whom let out a yell of pain when stepping on the prickly thistle. Scotish Coat-of-Arms Motto: No One Attacks Me With Impunity "Me" as the "Thistle" search found on wikipedia. also: The French city of Nancy has a similar Motto: Non inultus prennor ("I Cannot Be Touched With Impunity") also a reference to the thistle, which is the symbol of the region of Larraine. 5:12 P.M. E.S.T. 12-17-2010
12-19-2010 4:23 P.M. ~~~ ROBERT DE WAUCHOPE 1296 ~~ WAUGH Wauchope, a surname derived from the lands of Wauchopedale, parish of Langholm, Dumfries-shire .
The ancient family Wauchope of Wauchope were originally settled in the district of Liberton, Mid Lathian, and are the oldest family in that country. They were land proprietors in Culter, Aberdeenshire, in the North of Scotland. Robert de Wauchop of Culter, with other barons of Scotland, swore fealty to Edward I in 1296. It may appear (and my research continues) that the name place Wauchope may have came after the the first part of its name, and the first part of the name being described as Walh or Walhs. The first being singular and or male and the second being plural and or female, although i've seen both genders using a name of the same degree. This ancient Germanic name meaning "foreigner" or "stranger" (welsh) or "roman". Germanic=welsch.
This name is of the sothern Scotish boarder origins and the northern English origin boarders. Note: The "ish" after a countries station, is the description of that stationary subject. Before such place was given a name, the area still of existing had yet another formating blend to its cultural naming and meaning, and in some area's a meander was the opening of an oldish waterway. These area's were habitated long ago based on the moisture and capabilities of the meadow type field. This in some cases provided shelter and protection, and was seemingly a clean strand of land in laters years it would become even more suitable through culture. Research will find these area's to be yet occupied by tribal issues. Much of these were adopted by Roman and then in Legion. The accountability of ancestry files were yet to be in action more over. With new administration canvassing the aera's law and kind ' would be thence now affected. Commonly found on both sides of the Scotish boarders and northern English origin. It is an ethnic name meaning "foreignor" derived from Old English pre 7th Century (Anglian) word "Walh' foreign, used by the Anglins of the Strathclyde Celts, the Britons who survived as a seperate group in Scotland "research for when Scotland became its name is of significance) well into the Middle Ages. The name "Wallace" is from the same source, the word name and or meaning of "Waleis' and was used to denote Scotsmen, Welshmen, and Britens". The recorded name of England is that of 'William Wahh' in the Poll tax records of Yorkshire, 1379.
In Scotland the Waughs of Heap in Roxburghshire held these lands from the 13th Century to the 17th Century. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Robert Walgh, which dated 1296. Documents relating to Scotland, Public Records Office, during the reign of John Balliol, King of Scotland, 1292-1296
Search Waugh name these findings ~ and may have a similar spelling, reasoning for this is in the old times with the Poll Tax where individuals had to pay some would be of the exact naming. Cousins, brothers and fathers having the same name. So the spelling started to change. And it now appears that during this period the last names were becoming more stable, that of if the father held the name of a sort then the children held and bore that same name, though in certain circumstance a family member may be onwards to better prestige then would still be observed as the family member although would carry a different name. Through time this is how certain legalities became separated, the names that is. This is why research through historical data is very beneficial. Some records such as " The Hearth Rolls", The Inquisito Rolls, The Ragman Rools " The Domseday Book-Great and Little" . . The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, and parish cartularies, baptismals, and tax rolls. The first record found of Waugh is of Dumfriesshire where as in Wauchopdale were seated of the year 1249.
The family name Waugh is so far as historical research has provided with the association of the Strathclyde Britons. This ~ancient~ founding race of the north were a mixture of Gaelic/Celts whose original territories ranged from Lancashire in the south, and northward to the North Bank of the "River Clyde" in Scotland.
Waugh has been found through development in Ancient Lanarkshire David Waugh of Lanarkshire, and Robert Waugh of Heap being a separate branch of the clan by abbreviation rendered homage to King Edward I of England on his brief conquest of Scotland in 1286. The Waughs of Heap or in another tongue Hope in Wilton, and of in Roxburgshire, held their lands from the 13th to the 17th centuries. Both branches from this border clan had significant rolls in border life. _____Search Marches or March (territory) we'll find there to be some gentlemen refered in this site as holding that title, Marquess, Marquise which renders a county but as to the afford as the boarder and territories in such a length. This Marquess is of French origin and is described somewhere on this page. 5:32 P.M. 12-19-2010
12-21-2010 9:04 P.M. E.S.T. Here is something of my Grandmother's mother's name "Mack" Makke means easy. Mak means Mother as a noun in Kurdish language and also a noun in North Frisian language which there it represents Kiss. Polish - noun poppy, any plant of the Papaver. In Latin "milk" is represented as Pappa because of the latex appearance of the flower papaver - alpinum and named by Carl Von Linnaeus (1707-1778 after pappa. So pappa came first then Papaver. Alone the polish noun for Mak is poppy. Declension of Mak 1st Name 2nd Singular 3rd Plural~~~1st-Nominative-2nd-Mak-3rd-Makovi++1st-Genitive-2nd-Maka-3rd-Makova++1st-Dative-2nd-Maku-3rd-Makovima++1st-Occusative-2nd-Mace-3rd-Makovi++1st-Locative-2nd-Maku-3rd-Makovima++Instrumental-2nd-Makom-3rd-Makovima****As of Serbo--Croation ****Scots=verb--to Make. ***Derived terms Proto--Slavic+=+Makovnjaca. ///// Translation of the Aribic name for MEECA is MAKAH \\\\\ another usage MUH-KAW and KAHS. 9:22 P.M.
12-17-2010 2:19 P.M. This entry is from History of the city of New York Valentine, David Thomas 1801-1869 go to www.toquod.lib.umich.edu The information here consists of parts from pages 253 through 262 Edward Hyde, commonly called Lord Cornbury, a son of the Earl of Claredon. He arrived in N.Y. city 1702. His countenance was at once given to the anti-Leislerian Party. He was not liked and owed much to the city by which some residents even set loans to him which he neglected to pay. It got the government of England's attention and he was superseded in 1708. John, Lord Lovelace, Baron of Hurley was appointed to the government in spring 1708 but did not arrive until December 18. His administration was not destined to long continuance, as in May, the next year (1709 he died of a disorder contracted in crossing the ferry, at his first arrival in New York. In June 1710, Brigadier Hunter arrived in N.Y. with a commission as governor of the Province. He was a native of Scotland. He led an expedition to where Canada now is to be in an incrouchment with the French. It did not go well and they did not contact the French in this time of war, and headed home. The result of the expedition now leaving New York in a much worse debt then previous. The next Governor was William Burnet Esq. who arrived in 1720, September. Governor Hunter remained in N.Y. until 1719 when his state of health and family affairs called him to England. The new governor was a son to Bishop Burnet who was well celebrated. He married Miss Van Horn. The trade traffic was part of the first settelment, which the community was connected to the Indian Traffic in the Country. We will find that even though the foreign European's entering and accumilating a mass population that the Indians found the wilderness of yet still an abundance of fur and game. This found them yet with materials for a worthy trade with the Europeans. The French occupying north of the American Colinization were well connected to this operation, and their settlements were more remote then those of N.Y. It was the practice ofcourse for the French to purchase their goods in N.Y. By custom all goods of Indian trade came from England through New York, and the only "advantage to be desired was that of a monopoly of the direct trade with the Indians instead of a Partially intermediate one through the French. It was evident that by refusing to sell English goods to French trading the latter would be greatly crippled in their operations, and many of the Indians would be deverted from inter course with them. p.257 and pages up to 261 describe N.Y.'s youth to go out from N.Y. to trade with the Indians, canoe's were used alot. After much trading through the wilderness staying out for a season, ripend the mind and changed the appearance, the very charecter of the countenance of these demi--savages, for such as they were seen of their returning, sedate, lofty, collected and seemed as masters of themselves and independent of others. The policy of Governor Burnet in excluding the French trade, drew upon him the apposition of several of the New York merchants, (led by Mr. DeLancey) whose trade was directly affected by the measure, and who endeavered, by various schemes, to induce the government in England to direct the appeal of the act. They were unsuccessful at the time, but being a powerful interest in the city, they led an opposition to Governor Burnet, which finally succeded in procuring a majority in the assembly; and so far harrassed his government that, at his wish, he was relieved from the charge of the province, and transferred to Massachusetts in 1728. In the year 1729 the act prohibiting the French trade was repealed; but the wisdom of Governor Burnet's policy was afterward admitted, when its results were better appreciated. P.262, which starts with Chapter XIX describes Public Affairs from the year 1728-1750. The Governor is John Montgomerie and here is where my 7th great uncle comes in. James DeLancey (1703-1760) most of the DeLancey family or that of that name seem very quiet through colonial administration, I suppose having the ultimate power will proceed to this factor, although there are some DeLancey's and their associates who have in a very different charge and notice of public affairs, especially when things are'nt going as planed. 3:26 P.M.
8:49 P.M. 12-14-2010 From the DeLancey Book by D.A.Story Halifax N.S. 1930 The very first page.....THE DELANCEYS......... The family of deLancey, which is of Norman-French origin, was, previous to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War in America, one of the wealthiest in the New World, and among the foremost in its commercial, social, intellectual, and religious life. It had been well represented, also, in its military forces, and in the judicial, legislative and executive positions in the colony of New York.
During the troublous times immediately preceding it, many of its members were active in public affairs, and were aware of the duplicity, and deliberate breaches of faith on part of the representatives of some of the colonies in their dealings with the mother country, and the bigotry and inherent disloyalty of the Puritan element, which constituted one of the greatest difficulties in the way of a peaceful settlement of the questions at issue.
They were, however, in sympathy with many of the demands of the Colonists as a whole, and not only joined, but led them, in some instances, in their protests against such Acts of the London parliament as seemed to them to be either oppressive or unjust, and on the other hand, endeavoured to secure a reasonably honest adherence, on the part of the Colonists, to the oaths of allegiance which they had taken, either individually, or through their representatives, as a _p.2_ condition of the granting of the charters to each Colony, by the Crown.
The deLanceys fully appreciated too, the resourcefulness and fighting qualities of the colonists, a large proportion of whom were as much at home with a rifle as with a plow, for they had led them successfully against both the French and Indians, and realized how much the nature of the country would favour them in the event of the struggle, which seemed imminent. Yet when the Revolution broke out, they, with but one notable exception, through not of British, but largely of French and Dutch descent, remained loyal to the oaths they had taken to that Crown, under which, nearly a century earlier, their ancestor, the first American representative of the family, had sought and found refuge from religious persecution.
During the war they took an active part on the side of the Crown, made great sacrifices in its behalf, and were valiant in the field. As a consquence they suffered much through wilful destruction of property, and were subjected to great indignities and inhuman treatment at the hands of the rebels.
After its close they, and a number of adherents of the Royal cause, especially those who were their close friends or relatives by marriage, were mercilessly persecuted by those in authority, an Act of Attainder was passed against them, and their property confiscated. This action, while allegedly taken in the interest of the new government, was, in reality, largely to satisfy the envy and rapacity of those whose birth, social standing circumstances were less fortunate than their own.
Even Sabine, in his attempt to defend their banishment, and incidentally, the confiscation of their property, (an act unparalled in the history of civilized nations, and one that has left an indelible stain on the early history of what is now a great country) pays respect to their reputations when he says:
"If they remained at Liberty, their characters and modesty rendered their council of vast service to their own, and of course vast harm to the opposite party, amid the doubts and fears which prevailed, and had a direct tendency to porlong and embitter the contest. It became necessary to secure them either by imprisonment or exile."
Of these matters much has been written in the histories of the war and its time, in those of the counties in the State of New York in which their princely homes were situated, and in those of the Province of Nova Scotia to which some members of the family came. Also in many other publications including the magazines and newspapers of the period, and of later years in both countries.
But the attachment of the family to the British Crown did not end with the cessation of hostilities, nor the signing of the Treaty of Peace. On the contray the British military files exhibit a record of subsequent service in its armies, ending only with great European War of 1914-1918, that those of few others can equal, and without which, the family history, remarkable as it otherwise is, would be robbed of much of the lustre to which it is entitled, yet I cannot find this record has been more than lightly touched upon, and then only in a desultory way, or in connection with some individual biography.
One of the purposes of this sketch is, therefore, by incorporating it with such other family history as I have been able to gather, to make some slight amends for this neglect.
It is most fitting that this should be undertaken by some Nova Scotian, and dedicated to the memory of those particular members of the family who selected this province for their new homes, and who remained in it regardless of the privations they had to suffer and hardships they had to endure; and, moreover, took for many years after their arrival, an active and prominent place in its affairs.
Some few of their descendents, it should be pointed out, are still living within its borders. D.A. Story "A Romance of a Great Family"
12-22-2010 9:24 A.M. Mack and the ancient Kings of Scotland. Berwickshire, county of Berwick is a Lieutenancy area of Scotland and is not very far from Lanarkshire. If crossing over the northern county Roxburgh, which also holds Ettrick and Lauderdale. The next county is Tweedale then Lanarkshire and can be traveled east and west. These counties of Berwickshire and Lanarkshire where Mack and Waugh are established are at the lower part of Scotland. Berwick-upon-Tweed was lost by Scotland to England in 1482. Berwick also borders England. 9:31 A.M. E.S.T.
12-22-2010 11:29 A.M. Picture insert, of Chateau de Noue. It was built by Francis I and in the 18th century regence decorated by Gilles Marie Oppenordt. The original Chateau was built around 950 A.D. and was burnt to the ground twice before being rebuilt out of stone in the early 12th century. The front entrance is the only original remaining structure. Anne de Pissleux a mistress of Francis I was housed here. Francis I bought the residence from the Noue family. Picture is from Wikimedia Commons.
4:29 P.M. This next picture is a search from wikipedia of the Chateau De Maintespan In 1677 Madame de Montespan gave birth to her youngest daughter, future Duchess of Orleans. In 1674 Madame de Maintenon (1635-1719) bought the marquisate from the previous, Charles Francois (1648-1691), Marquis de Maintenon, espouse Catherine du Payet de Poincy. In 1674 is situated the family of d'Aubigne, before that of 1526 started the family of Jacques d'Angennes (-1562) seigneur de Rambouillet, married Isabeau (-1554 daughter of Jean Cottereau the previous owner. My search started with Catherine d'Angennes and ended with only two pictures and Jacques d'Angennes. For some reason I am in steady course to find the personage of the name d'Angennes or just Angennes. My study of the name is how it may be combined such are the pssibilities; A-nge-nnes, Ange-nnes, An-g-ennes, A-ng-enne-s and this last venture A-n-g-en'ne-s. I will figure it out. 4:42 P.M.

12-22-2010 6:20 P.M. Information from wikipedia the free Encylopedia Henry of Speyer or Heinrich Von Speyer, also called Grof in Wormsgau (965/970-989/1000) was the father of the Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II. He was the oldest son of Count Otto Von Worms and married Adelaide of Alsace, the sister of the counts of Asace, these names are spelled this way one with an 'l' and the other without it. Adelaide died in 1046. The Salion dynasty was a dynasty in the High Middle Ages of four German Kings (1024-1125) also known as the Frankish dynasty after the family's origin and role as dukes of Franconia. The first definite progemtor of the Salion Dynasty is Werner (Salion)., he married Hicha of Swabia, daughter of Burchard II, Duke of Swabia and Regilinde of Swabia. Their only son was Conrad the Red.
Franconia: Until the 6th century, the region of today's Franconia was probably dominated by Alamannic and Thuringians. After the Frankish triumphs over both tribes around 507 and 529-534 CE most parts were occupied by the Franks. Franconia, like Alamannia, was not as united as Saxony or Bavaria and the position of duke was often disputed.
Legio IV Macedonica ~ A Roman legion levied by Julius Caesar in 48 BC with Italian legionaries. The legion was disbanded in 70 a.d. by Emperor Vespasion. The legion symbols were a bull (as with all Caesar's legions) and a capricorn.
Alamanni ~ This tribe was originally in alliance of Germanic tribes located around the upper Rhine river (Germany). The were in defeat by Roman Emperor Carcalla from 211-17 A.D.
Conrad, Duke of Larraine (c. 922-10 August 955) was a Duke of Larraine from Salion dynasty. He was the son of Werner V Count of the Nohegau, Speyergau, and Wormsgau. In 941, he succeeded his father in his counties and obtained an additional territory, the Niddagau. In 944 or 945, he was also invested with Larraine by King Otto I.
Otto I the Great (23 November 912 in Wallhausen - 7 May 973 in Memleben, son of Henry I the Fowler and Matilda of Ringelheim was Duke of Saxony, King of Germany, King of Italy, and "the first of the Germans to be called the Emperor of Italy" according to Arnulf of Milan. Otto was married to Eadgyth of England in 929. He succeeded his father as king of the Saxon's in 936. This was gathered from wikipedia. Otto was called Otto of Worms was duke of Carinthia from 978-985 and again from 1002- until his death.
Kingdom of Leon ~ The city of Leon was founded by the Roman Seventh Legion. It was centre for trade in gold, which was mined at Las Medulas nearby. In 540 the city was conquered by the Arian Visigoths King Liuvigild who did not harass the already well-established Roman Catholic population. In 717 A.D. Leon fell again to the Moors. It was recovered around 742 and became part of the Kingdom of Asturias.
Pelayo (Latin ~ Pelagius) founded the Kingdom of Asturias by being elected by the noble leader of Astures. he ruled from 718 to his death 737. The Astures were the Hispano-celtic Gallaecian inhabitants of the northwest area of Hispania. They were horse-riding highland cattle-raising people who lived in circular huts of stone drywall construction. another wikipedia entry. 6:54 P.M.
9:32 Guy III of Spoleto d. 12 Dec. 894 King of Italy 889 & Holy Roman Emperor 891 married to Ageltrude daughter of Adelchis of Benevento his son was named Lambert.
12-23-2010 Early A.M. 9-ish study and research and this next entry of information comes from Wikipedia. I started my search with A.D. on Yahoo.com/... it is now 9:56 a.m. Today is Thursday. The picture below is of Anno Domini inscription at Carinthis Cathedral, Ausrtria. The Anno Domini dating system was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exigus, who use it to complete the date of the then Easter Festival, and identify the several Easters in his Easter table, but did not use it to date any historical event. You realy should go ahead and search Anno Domini and read the rest of this information. If so search these particulars as well~~~ in any order ~~~Consulate, Olympiad, Year of the World, or Regnal year of Augustus.
still same search engine: Vulgate:~Is a late 4th century Latin version of the Bible, and largely the result of the labors of St. Jerome, who was commissioned by Pope Domasus I in 382 ~~~ if there isn't a B.C. after a set year then it is recommeded usually that it is of A.D. anyway. ~~~ to make a revision of the Old Latin translations. By the 13th century this version had come to be called the versio vulgate, that is, the "commonly used translation, and ultimately it became the definitive and officially proulgated Latin version of the Bible in the Roman Catholic Church.
Ancrene Wisse (also Ancrene Riwle) or Guide for Anchoresses is an Anonymous monastic rule (or manual) for Anchoresses, write in the 13th Century. The work consists of eight parts: Part 1 and 8 deal with what is called the "Outer Rule" (relating to the anchoresses exterior life). Parts 2-7 are of the "Inner Rule" (relating to the anchoresses interior life). Search of this was of Anchorite at wikipedia original search was of the Lindisfarne Gospels. search Billfrith.
Reconcilliation = to meet again
Carolingian Renaissance.........................it is now 10:25 A.M.
7:51 P.M. Bayonne ~ In the 3rd century A.D., the area was the site of a Roman castrum, and named Lopurdum.
Oppindum ~ is a main settlement in any administrative area of ancient Rome. Oppidum is derived from the earlier Latin ob-pedum "enclosed space". ~from wikipedia~ From Proto-Indo-European *Pedom-"occupied Sapce" or "footprint"
Ascendancy = From Webster's Third new International Dictionary ~ the quality of state of being in the ascendant: controlling influenc: governing powers; Domination < dominant castes seek to retain their ~ Bertand Russel> <the growing~of brains and skills over capital power--Bud Willson> < would not patiently submit to the ~ of france--T.B. Macaulay>
Ascendant also Ascendent ~~ moving or tending upwards Dominant< the chief difference between the ~ and nonascendant child was in the amount of self-confidence. Also apply "ing" to it.
From the Article at Wikipedia. Arthur Wellesly, 1st Duke of Wellington. Field Marshall, born 29 April / 1 May 1769-14 September 1852) He was also Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Birth place Dublin or County Meath Ireland to a prominent Ascendancy family.
Ance, Pyrenees-Atlantiques. Bayonne search derived from this search >Ance<
The Tribe of "Allemgne"
Prussians (Brus or Burus) were very couragous in wars against Vikings ("Rus")
The Curonians, a tribe also among these others at the baltic Sea in the territory of present Lithuonia and Latvia are referred to as the Tribe of Cori or Chori in the scandinavian sagas.
Curonia ~ also pernounced (Kurland)
Semigallians of Semigalia had a fierce attack by Danish Vikings in 870
Baltic Tribes
Ance Latvia - This place is of importance and should be searched lots of information here.
Courland a place where George Henry Loskiel is from and was educated at the Moravian College and Theological seminary in Barby Germany.
Duchy of Courland and Semigallia is a duchy in the Baltic region that existed from 1562 to 1569 as a vassal state of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and from 1569 the Polish Lithuania Commenwealth, but on March 28, 1795, it was annexed by the Russian Empire in the Third Partition of Poland.
Livonian Brothers of the Sword of German Knights. In ancient times the Curonians, a Baltic Tribe, inhabited Courland. The Brethren of the Sword, a german military order subdued the curonians and converted them to Christianity in the first quarter of the 13th century. In 1237 the area passed into rule of the Teutonic Knights owing to the amalgamation of this order with that of the Brethren of the Sword.
Count Peter Von Lacy or Pyotr Petrovich Lacy as he was kmown in Russia (1678-1751) found through De Lacy wikipedia
Leszczynski Family
Henry II 3rd Earl of Lincoln, England
Tancred of Hauteville (908-1041) married Muriella had 5 sons. Serlo, Beatrix married Armoul de Mortain and 2nd to Roger. Geoffrey lord of Hauteville Count of Loritello d. 1063. William Iron Arm Count of Apulia d. 1046. Drogo Count of Apulia d. 1051. Humphrey, Count of Pulia d. 1057. Tancred's 2nd wife Fressenda or Fredesanda had 7 sons 1 daughter Robert Guiscard de Hauteville Count of Apulia (1057), then Duke of Apulia and Sicily d. 1085. Mauger, Count of the Capitanate d. 1064. William, Count of the Principate d. 1080. Aubrey stayed in normandy also called Alberic or Alvared, Alverecus or Alfred. Humbert (Hubert) stayed in Normandy. Tancred stayed in Normandy. Roger de Hauteville, Count of Sicily from 1062 d. 1101. Fressenda, who married Richard I Count of Aversa and Prince of Capua (dead in 1078). ~9:31 p.m. also from wikipedia.
This picture here is a plaque at the Austria Klagenfurt Dome. My entry here at this site is just above in this column at 12-23-2010

12-24-2010 10:00 A.M. E.S.T. Entry here from the book This Realm of England Chapter 4 Enonomic Reurgence and Social Change, p.64 Prosperity ... Author Lacey Baldwin Smith////'.'\\\\The Duke of Buckingham fed two Hundred guest in his great hall on Christmas day; Sir Edward Montague, a mere social upstart, dispenced food to 1,200 who begged at his door; and the Duchess of Norfolk customarily sat down to a table set for twenty and served as her first course two boiled capons, a breast of mutton, a piece of beef, seven chevins, a swan, a pig, a quantity of veal, two roast capons, and a custard. The bounty of the rich man's kitchen was an economic necessity, for everybody from the household staff to the beggars in the street ate the crumbs from his table. The land was rich and the fields were "fat, friutful and full of profitable things", and though the methods of distribution were unjust by modern standards, no one in England starved.
Catherine of Aragon her nephew as the most powerful sovereign in Europe he controlled the silver mines of Peru, the markets of the Netherlands the military might of Spain and the destinies of Italy. Henry VIII wanted a divorce from Catherine to marry the Anne Boleyn, but it may appear getting permission from the Pope was of yet to be anticipated. Henry VIII recieved his answer as the pope refused Cardinal Wolsey the grant and authority to decide the divorce case in England, but he did send Cardinal Compeggio to open hearings. By late spring, however, Clement VII had decided to "live and die an Imperialist," and he dispatched secret orders to Campeggio to "decide nothing, for the Emperor is victorious and we cannot afford to provoke him." In July he commanded Henry's case to rome, and the court's ultimate decision was a foregone conclusion when in August France and Spain signed the Treaty of Cambrai, leaving Italy to Charles, and Wolsey to face his outraged master. Henry's reactions were ruthless and immediate. Cambrai was signed on August 3, 1529; the Cardinal was jettisone on October 9; and by November Henry had taken the first hesitant steps toward sundering the ancient and constitutional ties with Rome and establishing an independent Church of England.
The Hasburg dynasty~~~~Mary of Burgandy=to=Maximillian Habsburg Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 1493-1519~~~~Their son Philip, Duke of Burgandy+to+Joanna Daughter of Isabella of Castile-(1474-1504)=to=Ferninand of Aragon-(1479-1516) also had Maria who married Manuel of Portugal, and Catherine to Henry VIII ~~~~~ The son of Joanna was Charles I of Spain and V of the Holy Roman Empire 1516-1555 He a son Philip II who married Elizabeth Valois. ~~~ Henry VIII and Catherine had Mary Tudor, Queen of England as we can see even though there appears in some writings and historical informational that in certain marriages there are children noted, it is most inquiring to note that when there isn't it only means that the others were not listed. In older days and yet still today the notification of a non "marriage" compliance was the illegitimate one's from both sides of the accountability and or border.
Indolent= Causing little or no pain. Slow to develop or heal.
Cleric= is a member of the clergy of a religion, especially one who is a priest, preacher, pastor or other religious professional.
Gentleman= denoted a man of good family. In French (nobleman). Great Britain long confined to the peerage. German (adel)
Liberal Arts may be a reference to old usage signifying, Liberal Sciences. This in reference with Realm. When science is liberated it becomes an influecial administration. In such as when those would leave to conquer another, thus those that had stayed back recognize the occurance, bequethed the arrangement of the leaving as well. So while hast in separation liberaly and in sence becometh the science.
William Leland (antiquary) 13 September, 1503x1506-18 April 1552 | was an English poet and antiquary and the "father of English local history.
Thomas Wolsey a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and King Henry VIII's almoner (1471 or 1475 - 29 November 1530 sometimes spelled Woolsey.
Liberal = In economics Laissez-faire which is an environment that through transactions amongst private parties are free of state intervention, perhaps the begining of an action. Jean-Baptiste Colbert stems the phrase. \\\\'.'//// As well as in reference to a Legislation. When in order and in true relative value and meaning, a legislation is a well being performed to be stable through the acts of a legislative. A legislative is an invitation of a proposal magnifying to an existance. Unless it has no true relative community to an environment then this in gentle manner may not be a consideration of free trade. 12-24-2010 www.DavidGeorgeDeLancey.yolasite.com Back to Liberal: I'll try if I may this form as to deal with the term science which is in reference to; When of those that left one place to act in the conquering of another would understand, those who had stayed in reference of choice, and though by a choosing of Realm. ~~ Classical Liberalism_ A committed performance of a limited government and liberty of Individuals including free/dom, assembly and the continued "developement" which is to be of concern. ~` Concern= Worry, an emotion.
Clothier = Cloth Merchant, a trade guild and all three are in the Industry
Financier = financing projects, large-scale investing, or large scale money management, the term is French and derives from finance or payment.
Finland = Is a Nordic Country sittuated in Fennoscandian region of Northern Europe. It is bordered by Sweden on the west, Norway on the north, and Russia on the east, while Estonia lies to its south across the Gulf of Finland. It also introdused the single European Currency the euro.
The euro is the second largest "reserve currency" which is a currency which is "held" in significant quantities by many governments and "institutions" as part of "their" foreign exchange reserves. It also "tends" to be the ` international ` pricing currency for products traded on a global market, and commodities such as oil, gold, etc.
Tend ; To move or extend in a certain direction: To have the care of; whatch over; look after; Tend a child. To mange the "activity" and ~'transactions'~ of; run; To be an attendant or servant, To apply one's attention; attend. add ~"ing"~
Sir Frances Bacon +++ found on the Free Dictionary by Falex under a yahoo search of Tending. ++ But we may not take up third sword, which is mahomet's sword, or like unto it; that is, to propagate religion by wars, or by sanguinary persecutions to force consciences; expect it be in cases of overt scandal, blasphemy, or intermixture of practice against the state; much less to nourish seditions; to authorize conspiracies and rebellions; to put the sword into the people's hands; and the like, tending to the subversion od all government, which is the ordinace of God. +++ Mark Twain : My sister pined for her Spanish home all these years of exile; she was always talking of Spain to the child, and tending and nourishing the love of Spain in the little things heart as a precious flower; and she died happy in the knowledge that the fruitage of her patriotic labors was as rich as even she could desire.
Contending = To strive in apposition or against difficulties; struggle: To compete as in a race. To strive controversy or debate, dispute See Synonyms discuss
Dispute: found on Dictionary.com ~~~~~ To engage in argumant or debate. To argue vehemently; wrangle or quarrel. ||| Vehemently~from merrian-Webster Intensely emotional making by forceful energy-deeply felt.bitterly---~~~~---antagonistic...11:28 A.M.
like an ink mark from its departure
7:24 P.M. 1-10-11 p.85 DeLancey Book The following is the inscription on the gravestone which Lady deLancey erected: "This stone is placed to mark where the body of--~~~~Col. Sir Wm. Howe DeLancey Quarter Master General is interred In 1889 Sir William deLancey's cemetery of St. Josse Ten Noode, and along with a number of other British officers who fell in the Waterloo campaign, were rewarded to the beautiful cemetery of Evere, three miles to the north east of Brussels. His widow, Lady DeLancey, was the authoress of "A Week at Waterloo in 1815", which while not published till 1895, has since been looked upon as taking the very highest rank in its particular sphere. She married in 1819 Major Henry Harvey of the Madras Infantry of St. Andries, County of Somerset, by whom she had a son, who died young and two daughters who were living in 1861. She died in 1822 and was burried at Salcombe Regis, Co. Devon.
Susannah DeLancey 8th, daughter of Stephen and Cornelia (Barclay) deLancey, 1780, married first Colonel William Johnson of the 28th foot, eldest son of Sir John and Mary (Watt) Johnson and by him had three* daughters Mary, p.86 who died 1828, and Charlotte, who married Alexander, Count Balmain the Russian commissioner there, and died in 1824 without issue. She married second in London (16th Dec.1815).
Major-General Sir Hudson Lowe, K.C.B.,(afterwards Lieutenant-General and G.C.M.G.) and custodian of Napoleon at St. Helena, a very distinguished soldier and traveller whose career is briefly sketched in the appendix. By him she had two sons, the younger of whom was Sir Edward William Howe DeLancey Lowe of whom see below. She died in Hertford street, Mayfair, London, 22nd August, 1832 aged 52 years.
Edward William Howe DeLancey Lowe, the younger son of Sir Hudson, and Susannah (deLancey-Johnson) Lowe was born on the Island of St. Helena 8th February 1820. He was educated at the Royal Military College; Sandhurst, and joined the 32nd Regiment of foot (now the 1st Cornwall Light Infantry) as ensign, 20th May 1837, was made lieutenant-colonel, 26th Sept. 1858, Sikh War 1848-9 including two sieges of Moolton and the Battle of Googerat (metal and clasps) was with the regiment at Lucknow at the outbreak of the mutiny and on 18th May 1857 was despatched with his company of Cawnpore. General Wheeler, on hearing p.87 the state of affairs at Lucknow, generously sent the reinforcement back some days later, and he thus escaped the Cawnpore Massacre. "When Sir John Eardly Wilmont Ingles assumed command at Lucknow, on Sir Henry Lawrence's death, Lowe took command of the 32nd and held it throughout the defence of Lucknow. On 26th Sept. 1857 he commanded a sortie of 150 men who captured 7 guns, and the party sent out to bring them in, and was severely wounded. "Commanded the 32nd at the defeat of the Gwalior rebels at Cawnpore, 6th Nov. 1857 and during the campaign in Oude July, 1858, to January, 1859. (thanked in despatches, brevet ranks, C.B. medal and clasp) "After his return, he printed a short history of defence of the Residency which was noticed in the Quarterly Review, Vol. CIII, and was largely quoted in the "notes" in the history of the 32nd Light Infantry in Colburn's United Service Magazine, 1880. Lowe afterwards command in succession the 2nd Battalion 21st Royal North British Fusiliers (1859), and the 86th County Down Regiment, 1863, and the 83rd Royal Irish Rifles, February, 1867. He retired on Half-pay, 1872, Major-General 1877, and died in London, England, 21st October 1880. He married a daughter of Colonel Basil Jackson who had served as a junior officer in the Quarter Master General's department under Sir Hudson Lowe at st. Helena. //////////\\\\\\\\\\\\ 8:17 P.M.
11:23 p.m. Oliver DeLancey 2nd the second son of Brigadier- General Oliver and Phila (Frank) DeLancey, was born in New York in 1749. He was educated in Europe and entered the English Army as a cornet in the 14th Dragoons 1st Oct. 1766. Lieutenant 12th Dec. 1770. Captain 17th Dragoons 16th May, 1773. When the American Revolutionary War broke out in 1774 he was despatched to his native colony to arrange for the reception and remounting of his own regiment and of the Royal Artillery, both of which were to be despatched to the scene of trouble. He accompanied his regiment to Nova Scotia and to Staten Island in 1775, and later to Long Island where the American General Woodhall surrendered to him. He command the right column of the English Army under Sir Henry Clinton and Sir William Erskine at the battle of Brooklyn, served at the capture of New York and battle of White Plains and was promoted to Major in his regiment, 3rd May 1778. He covered the rear of Knyphausens ' column in his retreat from Philadelphia while holding that rank. Was in temporary command of the 17th Dragoons, the only cavalry regiment in America, at the battle of Monmouth Court House. He commanded the outposts in front of the New York lines from the middle of 1778 to the end of 1779. He was then placed on the staff as Deputy Quarter-Master General to the force sent to South Carolina, served at the capture of Charleston and then became A.D.C. to Lord Cornwallis, and eventually succeeded Major Andre as Adjutant-General to the Army at New York. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel 17th Dragoons, 3rd Oct. 1781, and retired to England with his father on the conclusion of peace. The King appointed him, on Lord Sydney's recommendation, to settle the civil and military claims of the loyal Americans, and head of a commision for settling all army accounts connected with the American War. On 18th Nov. he was made Deputy Adjutant-General at the Horse Guards. In 1792 he was made Barrack-Master General and on 23rd May, 1795, King George III gave him spontaneously, the Colonelcy of the 17th Dragoons, in succession to the Duke of Newcastle. He was made Major-General, Oct. 3rd 1794, elected M.P. for Maidstone, September 1796 (a seat which held till 1802). Lieutenant-General January 1st 1801, and General, 25th April 1808, and A.D.C. to the King. He died while visiting his sister, Charlotte Lady Dundas at her seat, *"Beechwood" near Edinburgh Sept, 3rd 1822,* and lies buried in the cemetery attached to the church of St. John the Evangelist at Edinburgh. The following is the inscription on his tombstone. Sacred "to the memory of General Oliver DeLancey Colonel of the 17th Regiment of Dragoons who died in the 70th year of his age while on a visit at "Beechwood" to his sister, Lady, Dundas, the 3rd day of September, 1822.
p.90 Savary in his History of Annapolis County states that he had two natural children a son and a daughter who were both accepted in society, and Leslie Stephen in his "National Biographer" claims that Oliver DeLancey the younger, "Knight of San Fernando" was this natural son. In reality the "Knight of San Fernando", was a son of John and Carloine (Carey) DeLancey of Guernsey. His reputed natural son was the John DeLancey who was his Asst. Barrack-Master General from 20th August, 1799, to his death. His record followed John DeLancey the reputed natural son of Barrack-Master General Oliver DeLancey is supposed to have been born in New York in 1776. He was however educated in England and entered the British Army as ensign in the 20th regiment 16th April 1795, transferred to the 17th Dragoons as Cornet, 10th February, 1796, lieutenant 28th December of same year, captain 17th Leicester 14th May, 1801, captain, 20th Jamaica Dragoons, 25th June, 1803, major 25th same date, and died in Egypt in 1807. He appears to have acted as Assistant Barrack-Master General to his father at various times between 1799 and 1807.
Phila DeLancey the third daughter of Brigadier-General Oliver and Phila (Franks) DeLancey. Married 29th December 1774, the Hon. Stephen P. Gallway but died without issue, and the baronetcy passed to the Payne's, through the marriage of Margaret Gallway to Ralph Payne, 3rd Baronet as Payne-Gallway. The Hon. Stephen P. Gallway was at the time of his marriage one of His Majesty's council for the Island of Antigua.
Charlotte DeLancey* the fourth daughter married after the death of her father. Sir David Dundas, K.B. Commander-in-Chief of the British Army. (18th March, 1809 to 26th May, 1800) and Privy Councellor of Great Britain. He was considered the greatest military tactician of his age, and his record, one of the most interesting and romantic of the British Army. They had no children. Jones in his "History of New York during the Revolutionary War states that when Charlotte DeLancey took flight from "Bloomingdale" on the night that residence was burned by the rebels, she carried with her her brother's child, an infant in arms, and held it safely to her lap the whole time. This could have been none other than he who afterwards became Sir William Howe DeLancey, although the date of his birth is given as 1778, that is unless the year given for the birth of his sister 1780, is wrong and she was the elder child. Authorities differ as to the age of Sir. William Howe DeLancey at the time of his death.
Maria DeLancey daughter to Oliver & Phila. Married Robert Dickson a United Empire Loyalist who after his arrival in Nova Scotia became High Sheriff of Annapolis County. He entertained the Duke of Kent on his visit to the town of that name, to which he and his staff had ravelled on horseback the opening measure with His Royal Highness at the ball given to his honour. She had four children. 1+Phila Dickson ~~ Captain British Army n.f.r. 2+Jane Dickson ~~ Silas Hoyt, b. 1766, d. May11, 1838, U.E.L. son of Captain Jesse and Mary (Raymond) Hoyt, U.E.L. and had issue n.f.r. 3+Anna Dickson - 1810 David Lee Cain U.E.L. and had issue-n.f.r. 4+Maria Dickson, b. 1794, d. 28, 1860 ~~ Israel Oakes U.E.L. Feb. 17, 1813 - son of Jesse and Deborah (Baldwin) Oakes ~ U.E.L. and had 7 children 1.Robert Dickson Oakes ~~ Eliza Turner and had issue 2. William Baldwin Oakes~n.f.r. 3. Henry Oakes~n.f.r. 4. Mary Eliza Oakes unm d.s.p. 5. John O Oakes unm d.s.p. 6. Anne Oakes unm d.s.p. 7. Stephen DeLancey Oakes unm. Robert Dickson and Eliza (Turner) Oakes had six children, of whom four reached maturity 1/ Adelaide Maria Oakes ~~ Issac North No issue. 2/ Milledge Oakes M.D. ~~ Sybil Bown and had two children ~ Milledge Aubrey Oakes d. unm. and Katherine Isabel Oakes ~ Wright U. Morgon No issue. 3/ Mary Okes ~ Gersham Grant Bulley or Beuly had 5 children. John Orrok Bulley. unm. Florence Gertrude Bulley ~ Arthur Loring Brackett. No issue. Frederick Bulley_n.f.r. Gertrude Bulley, unm. Charles Bulley.n.f.r.
Isabelle Emma Oakes ~ Duncan A. Story and had five children. ~1~Clifford Blake Story ~ Jesse May McGill, No issue. ~2~ Sybil Edna Story ~ Collingwood S. Clark and had two sons. 1. Donald Story Clark 2. Gordon Story Clark 3. Herbert Winterbourne Story ~ Minnie Ethel Nauss, No issue. p.94 4. Hilda Marion Story ~ Sidney Crawford White and had one child, Aileen Argyle DeLancey White 5. Elfrida Muriel Oakes Story ~ Major John Nelson Gibson, No issue.
p.95 Anne DeLancey youngest of Stephen and Ann Van Cortlandt DeLancey. Married 1742 Ho. John Watt who was descendant of the famous John Watt of Rose Hill Lord of Sessions and Judge of Probate in Scotland, who by his courage and energy, saved James VI from murder in 1569, and had ten children 1. Robert Watt ~ Mary Alexander eldest daughter of the titular Earl of Sterling one of the Generals of the Revolutionary forces, who disinherited her. 2. Ann Watt ~ Archibald Kennedy 11th Earl of Cassilas 1st Marguis Alisa, who was receiver-general and collector of New York from 19th January, 1764 to the end of the revolution and had issue. Archibald, 12th Earl and his successors are among her descendants. 3. Susan Watt 4. John Watt died in infancy. Another record gives them as twins and as Susannah and Stephen. 5. John, afterwards Hon. John Watt of N.Y. married his cousin Jane daughter of Peter 8th and Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey and had issue. 6. Susannah Watt ~ Philip Kearney and had issue. 7. Mary Watt b. Oct. 29, 1753 d. Aug 7, 1815 *Sir John Johnson Baronet and had issue. 8. Stephen Watt, Major of the Royal Greens, 18th Regt., b. Dec. 24, 1754 ~ Mary Nugent n.f.r. 9. Margaret ~ Major Robert Leake n.f.r. 10. James-died in infancy.
Hon. John Watt of N.Y. who married Jane DeLancey had 10 children 1. John Watt 3rd n.f.r. 2. Henry Watt 3. Robert Watt 4. George Watt 5. Stephen Watt 6. Ann Watt 7. Jane Watt 8. Elizabeth Watt 9. Susan Watt 10. Mary Justine Watt ~ Frederick de Peyster and had one son John Watt de Peyster, b. Mar, 9, 1821.
...........................THE AMERICAN FAMILY..........................
EXTRACT FROM "OUR SOCIAL LADDER" From "Our Social Ladder' BY Mrs. John King Rensslaer, 1923 "The names of the first leaders in American Society ( Dutch Regime ) come down to us. Among these were: Cornelia Lubbertse De Peyster. Marcie De Peyster Spratt. Anneke Loockermans Van Cortlandt. Margie Jans Loockermans. Margaret Hardenbroeck Philipse. Sara Jansen Keirstede. Catrina Van de Boorgh Beekman. Later came the Livingstons. Gracies. Bethunes. Morris. Beresfords. Jones and others, and Mrs. Franklyn Hoyt is mentioned as one of the old exclusive set. Of the names prominent to-day Vanderbilts, Astors, Morgans, Davidsons Belmonts, Vanderlips, Reeds, Yillards, Goulds and Millers, only the Asters were recognized socially as far back as the Civil War.
MANORS OF NEW YORK The Heraldic Magazine of 1867, describes the following manours (manors): Courtland 83,000 Acres. Orioff Van Cortlandt's son Stephen, being the first Lord of the Manor. He was Mayor of New York and a Royal Councellor 1677. Colonel Philip Van Cortland an United Empire Loyalist the last in 1783. Fordam Manour. Manour Morrisania. Scarsdale Manour. Pelham Manour, 9,166 Acres. Livingston Manour, 12,000 Acres. Philipsburgh Manour 1,500 Square miles. Gardiner Manour 3,300 Acres. Queens Manour in Long Island DeLancey Manor under English administration 11:00 P.M. 1-11-11
3-8-2011 9:00 p.m. e.s.t. Search was { DeLancey for President }. Go to Edward Floyd DeLancey. The New Netherland Ancestors of Edward Floyd DeLancey. He was an Historian and also president of the New York Genealogy Society. The original office situated for the Libray of Genealogy was a small area in one of New York's most highly News Paper. I think it was the New York Weakly Journal. This was during the beginning of the 19th century.
Hampton New Hampshire: Search WebRoots Library U.S. History States -NH. Here is Captain. Randolph P. DeLancey found at www.Yahoo.Com search was Anciently DeLancey. I had found this in 2008 under DeLancey Fisheries. He Captain. DeLancey and another who you will find at the site gave to the fresh waters an abundance of fish. This cave as stated a new delicacy to the table. Also during the 19th century you can search any order of these factors.
Did you know if you paint, or color in any format the American Flag as the blue changed to yellow, the stars changed to black, the stripes changed to green and black and put a dot about this size > O < about dead center of the flag which will be in one of the stripes just bottom right of the 90 degree box holding the stars and after it's all done stare at it for exactly one minute. Now what you should have is a white sheet, or a fold up movie screen, or even just a white peice of paper in front of you. Ok it has to be white and not so dark around the vicinity. After one minute of looking at the black dot look at the white background, you should see the Red, White and Blue American Flag. Take some time and detail it so it looks real good for your guests. This information was found in my Psychology Book ~ Mudules for Active Learning ~ Eleventh Edition ~ Coon and Mitterer _____9:21 p.m.
3-11-2011 2:45 p.m. e.s.t. The origin of the duchy of Burgundy. In 956, the duchy of Burgundy included the counties of Auxerre, Autun, Avallon, Beaune, Chalon, Dijon, Langers, Nevers, and Tonnerre. macon and Oscheret where also included. Lothaire king of the West Franks confiscated the counties of Langers and Dijon in 967 and gave them to the Bishop of Langers. Search Castellan lineage with the duchy of Burgundy. Search: Sugerians of Burgundy comital families. Burgundian Ducal Family. 12th and 13th Centuries.
Notre-Dame de Saint-Lieu Sept-Fons. Located in the Diocese of Moulins in France. It was founded (1132) by Guichard and Guillaume de Bourbon, of the family de Bourbon-Lancy, which gave kings to France, Italy, and Spain. This gave rise to the name "Royal Abbey". source found at search: Guichard de Bourbon-Lancy ~/~ source Catholic Encyclopedia: Notre-Dame de Saint Lieu Sept-Fons, at www.newadvent.org/cathen/13720c.htm
Charles III, Duke of Bourbon, (February 17, 1490-May 6, 1527.
5:02 p.m. e.s.t. 3-11-2011 DeLancey Floyd-Jones (Jan. 20, 1826 ~ Jan. 19,1902. Fifth child and fourth son of Major General Henry Onderdonk Floyd-Jones and Helen M. Watts.
Freelove Townsend married to Thomas Jones. A son David Jones married Anna Willet daughter of William Willet and Anna Field. David and Anna had a daughter who married off to Richard Floyd her name is Arabella Jones. A daughter of theirs; Elizabeth Floyd married John Peter De Lancey son of Anne Heathcote and James DeLancey he as the first surviving son of Etienne de Lancey and Anna Van Cortlandt. She the daughter of Gertruyd Schuyler a daughter of Philip Pieterse Schuyler and Margaretta Van Slichtenhorst. She the daughter of Brant Arentszen Van Slichtenhorst and Aeltje Van Wenckum. ~ William Heathcote DeLancey son of John Peter married Frances Munro daughter of Margaret White who is married to Peter Jay Munro. He a son of Harry Munro and Eva Jay daughter of Maria Van Cortlandt and Pierre and Augustus Jay who was married to Anna Maria Bayard daughter to Marritje Loockermans and Balthazar Bayard son to Samuel Bayard and Anna Stuyvesant. ~ Margaret White grandmother of Edward Floyd DeLancey is daughter to Henry White and Eva Van Cortlandt daughter to Frederick Cortlandt son of Jacobus Van Cortlandt. He a son of Olof Stephense Van Cortlandt and Anna Loockermans the grandparents of Chief Justice Lieutenant Governor James DeLancey the 1st born to Etienne DeLancey. ~ Frederick married Francine Jay daughter to (Augustus Jay 1665) and Anna Maria Bayard daughter to Balthazan Bayard and Marritje Loockermans daughter to Govert Loockermans and Ariaentje Jans. Anna Marie's other grandparents are Samuel Bayard and Anna Stuyvesant. Her mother's grandparents are Jan Loockermans -wife-unknown. The parents of Ariaentje Jans are Jan Phillips and Lysbeth Setten. source found at www.freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nnnotables
Colonial representatives of the Albany Congress ~ 1754. In Albany New York to meet and develope a treaty with Native Americans and plan the defense of the colonies against France. Left to Right William Franklin and his father Benjamin Franklin (Pennsylvania); Governor Thomas Hutchinson (Massachusetts); Governor William DeLancey (New York); Sir William Johnson (Massachusetts); Colonel Benjamin Tasker (Maryland). entered at 3-13-2011 9:00 a.m. e.s.t.

www.DavidGeorgeDeLancey.yolasite.com soon to be www.DavidGeorgeDeLancey.com this will still be with www.yola.com it just won't be free. https://sites.google.com/site/AncientlyDeLancey/home and this one also /site/DavidGDeLanceyWorldWideWisdom/home added to www.sites.google.com
The side of my Fathers Family came here from France in 1686 about the same time King James the 2nd created New England as the Dominion of New England. Etienne DeLancey arived in New York and began his lucrative mercantile business. He married into the Courtlandt Family and as a wedding gift was given some property at 54 Pearl Street New York. In 1700 Etienne (Stephen) built a home on the site with yellow bricks from Holland, it was considered a large house for its time probably according to neighbors. Etienne was also a money lender around this period. He built ships and it is probable that Captain William Kidd Vesseled some of them. Back then when two had married the dowery of the female was intended to be half the worth of the husbandry. Along the years Etienne became know in English as Stephen DeLancey. When Etienne left the France estates he reached Rotterdam, and from thence crossed over to England. There he took the oath of allegiance on March 11th 1686, and obtain an "Act of Denization" from King James II. Soon afterwards he sailed for the English colonies in America, and landed in New York on the 7th June, 1686. He took out letters of denization in New York, also, under Governor Dongan's hand and seal, on 7th July 1686, and on 7th September 1687, took the oath of alligiance under the Colonial Act of 1683. Denization is an obsolete process in English Common Law, dating from the 13th century, by which a foreigner- (notice the similarity in Seignuer), -became a denize- (notice the similarity in citizen), -gaining some privileges of a British subject, including the right to hold English Land, through Letters Patent. Denization fell into disuse when Statutory Mechanisms for Naturalisation developed. Letter Patent: They are a type of Legal Instrument in the form of an open letter issued by a Monarch or Government, granting an office, rights, monopoly, title, or status to a person or to some entity such as a corporation. He became very wealthy and was considered the wealthiest man in America through land and monies. The DeLancey Property of land consisted of 339 acres of lower Manhatan there may be some considerations concerning ventures with others accumilating land as well. This emenced to form the 1st street grid in America which had been the 339 acre farm. This Denization and Letter Patent in issue and use by DeLancey may have resulted in their obtaining land in Nova Scotia. During the close of the Revolutionary War. There may be description of the use and legal status of it as the departure or as in another term evacuation. Reviewing the standards of the Letters Patent by Denization it would be essential to head northwards to Nova Scotia. They were in deed in the pursuit of agian government standards. Now to be finally unionized in some degrees as the United States their property in New York City and perhaps other places such as Upstate New York was left to the Government as where other confiscations were sold at auction to the well whatever bidder came around.
The first of the name whom there is authentic record was Guy deLancey (1) Ecuyer Vicompte de Laval et de Nouvian (or Nouvion), whom in 1432 held of the Prince Bishop of Laon the fiefs of Laval and Nouvion, villages and territories a few miles south of the city. His wife was Anne deMarcelly (2). He had a son John (3), who succeeded in 1436; he, a son also named John (4), who succeeded in 1470, who was a deputy to the States General of Tours in 1484 and present at the battles of Fornoue and Revenna, he a son Charles I (5), who succeeded in 1525 and a daughter, Isabeau, (5a), who married the Seigneur deBarenton. I'll have to research and find other brothers and sisters and of course that will show the children. I will also seek the wives names of the two John's and those whom are not yet mentioned. This Charles I gave, on the 16th of May, 1525, to Louis Bourbon, Bishop and Duke of Laon, his acknowledgment of the feudal tenure of the fief entitled 'le four bonier de Laval' a dependency of the Duchy of Laon. He married/twice: 1st to Nicola St. Pere (6), by whom he had one child (8) a daughter, married to Antoine Pioche (9) of Laon. 2nd to Marie deVilliers (7) by whom he had two sons, Charles II (10), and Christophe (13), created Baron deRaray. I derive from this Charles the second which goes Jacques and Pierre and his son Jacques of Caen then to Etienne _ English version _> Stephen. p.6 of The DeLancey Book "A Romance Of A Great Family" 9:51 P.M. E.S.T. 9-14-2010
12-7-2010_My connection is of Etienne's son Peter then to his son Lieutenant-Colonel James DeLancey "The Outlaw of the Bronx" and Sheriff of Westchester County his father was also High Sheriff of Westchester County as well as Stephen DeLancey Peter's first son. This position was held before the Revolutionary War outbreak. My next grandfather the son of James is Peter 3rd his son is stated as Oliver 7th his son is George his son is Arnold Holbert DeLancey and after my fathers birth of the same name they became Sr. and Jr. My Middle name George derives from the husband of my mother's sister. My dad also wanted me to have the middle name George, I guess there was a compromise it may be after all as one recieves another's name in most cases as far as the middle name that person becomes the Godfather, it may be that my father's recommendation was of my great-grand-father who as we know by now would if anything be a Godfather in Heaven all is well for years to pass for then they both would be amongst the religion. My father claimed to be a Protestant my mother was a Catholic. I am just religious and being so carry a large format of cabability. We may see this through this site on some particular writings as I describe certain religions. I am a firm beleiver of God and understand the writing in which describes God is authentic and catergorized as a form of history, which is called a Bible. Before the Bible there were writings as well and perhaps came from different parts of the world. Long ago many would travel in search of their ancesters who would for many years leave their founded places in charge of to seek another place. We then see that many carried on through names of as whom others had the same. We also seem to reflect alot of what has been done (in theory and thinking that is) we will always do this and describe our talents through writings as to achieve circulation of another and the balance of mention. God my estimation of the term God may be derived from a gathered abundence of people whom at one time before passing had described many things. These things could be of culture, the making of something that would carry on. For these many years it is perhaps so that the ancesters would have the same name and set forth on the same project as the previous. When now the multitude being about will have to be the description and lesson of those that were. In all matter and perhaps tribe or family the relation would be called as is, names were provided. And then through these teachings and obediances were the making of new things again, now perhaps in the form of writing. We may see things as Law and or Order; my calculation so far may be that since the description of names and perhaps character were in abundance it was time for a balance in lesson. Thus to describe all in the matter of time and aquaintance the name God was suited to the life of existance. Then we have our Squire or network of distance relation who would culture their naming as Reason Expresses Leadership Inviting Greatness In Our Need < "Religion". That is so far my theory of God and Religion. I also think that Nothing Is The Most Important Thing In The World. As Is. While another is doing nothing when something is explained the one thing of the others importance is respect. Something will allways come from nothing. It is expected as to why I also feel in business an asset is one of the most important things and in a society if run as a business we are in fact in usher of being an asset. I just thought it would be something to be considered. 9:47 A.M.
Reviewed 4/6/2013 at-@ 3:33 P.M. E.S.T. Cape Cod Massachsuestte
___:Some of this information comes from:____ The DeLancey's " A Romance of a Great Family" by D.A. Story 1923. I will note any information by this as "DeLancey Book", because that's what it is a book of the DeLancey Family.The Arms of the deLancey's are thus blazoned in the 'Armorial General de la France'. Under the Loyalist Act of King George III in 1789, the title of + Barreret of Quebec of the United Empire was conferred upon Brigadier-General Oliver deLancey and with it the authority was given to add the Coronet of a Banneret above the Coronet of Vicompte and the Azure Actofull of the Noblesse at the Point of the Shield. The Arms then Granted them, as British subjects, by Garter King of Arms. Gules - Crest -, to this is also added the Coronet of a Banneret and the Azure Actofoil. Cinque Foil "Marks of Honour" granted in acknowledgement of loyalty to the Crown. page 12 of "A Romance of a Great Family" ~p.13 has a picture of ETIENNE (STEPHEN) DELANCEY 1ST 1663-1741 P.14 is described at the start of this colunm ~P.15 Has a picture of his wife ANNE (VAN CORTLANDT) DELANCEY WHO IS A COUSIN OR SECOND COUSIN TO REMBRANDT HARMENSZOON VAN RIJN July 15, 1606-October 4 1669 was a Dutch painter and etcher. He is generally considered one of the greatest painters and printmakers in European art history and the most important in Dutch history. His contributions to art came in a period that historians call the Dutch Golden Age. The town he was born in is Leiden in the Dutch republic which is now considered the Netherlands. He is the ninth child born to Harmen Gerritszoon Van Rijn and Neeltgen Willemsdochter Van Zuytbrouck. More information at www.wikipedia.com/Rembrandt He died in Amsterdam age 63 It does not appear he had any children, even so his blood still carries on. ....I myself enjoy Oil Painting my specialty is painting music.... David George DeLancey 12-16-10 added 16 & 1/2 lines at p.12. the rest is of 12-13-2010<date+
Etienne (Stephen) DeLancey and Ann Van Cortlandt married January 23rd, 1700. They had ten children they resided in New York at the corner of Broadway and 54 Pearl Street. It was built by Stephen my seventh grandfather in 1700, New York City. The land on which this house was built was given to his wife as a bridal present by her father, (which he himself may have had a house there as well). Etienne brought in from Holland yellow bricks for its construction. It is the oldest house still standing (1926) in the City and is used as a Museum. It was occupied by Stephen deLancey until he built a larger mansion on Broadway, just above Trinity Church. This was removed in 1792 to build the City Hotel and the site is now occupied by the Boreil Building. (and is noted as the decade of the 1920's) This information is taken from a book by D.A. Story. The DeLancey's.... "A Romance of a Great Family" from p. 15 -- and continuing., The first mentioned house came into possession, after Stephen removed from it, of his youngest son, Oliver deLancey, about 1757. It was then occupied by Colonel Joseph Robinson, who was one of the firm of DeLancey, Robinson and Co. Later it became the store, and probably, to some extent, the warehouse of the firm. In 1762, the house was sold at auction to Samuel Francis or Fraunces and was opened at "The Queen's Head" or Queen Charlotte Tavern", named after the Queen of England, and was, for a long time, one of the most popular in town. The New York Chamber of Commerce was organized in it in 1768, and John Cruger, whose son, John Harris Cruger, married one of Oliver de Lancey's daughters, was its first president. In 1844 the New York Yacht Club was organized in one of its rooms. It is now owned by one of the patriotic societies and carefully looked after. This 54 Pearl st also placed other governmental offices such as the ones held by that government of America then to be the United States. One of the most important offices was held there from time to time was transfered to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania then to, the District of Columbia, Washington D.C. I shall note here at another time what offices were originally held at 54 Pearl Street New York.
Here are Etienne (Stephen DeLancey and Ann Van Cortlandt's children, '#/1.Stephen 2nd b. August 28th, 1700 died young (Etienne) '#/2.James 3rd, b. April 5th, 1702, died young (Jacques) '#/3. James 4th b. November. 27th 1703, Lieutenant-Governor of New York married Anne Heathcote 8 children. '#/4.Peter 1st b. August 26th. 1705, M.L.A. New York married Elizabeth Colden. These are my first American born and sixth generation Grandparents my father is eighth generation DeLancey residing in America so I would be the ninth of DeLancey as of 1961 but the eighth generation born in this country. Of my brothers and sisters this generation goes one more through at least six or seven siblings. I better keep in touch. There may be other DeLancey's who were here before my DeLancey Branch and more than likely are of relation. '#/5. Susannah 1st, b. 1707 married Admiral Sir Peter Warren K.B. 3 children. "#/6.Anne 2nd, b. Nov. 11th, 1711, died young. '#/7.Etienne 3rd (Stephen) b. July 1, 1713, a bachelar, d.1741 '#/8.John 4th, b. July 11th, 1716, a bachelar, d. in 1745 '#/9. Oliver 1st, b. September, 16th, 1718, Brigadier-General married Phila Frank could be also Franks d. 1785 ~7 children. '#/10. Anne 3rd, b. April 23rd, 1723 married John Watt. Sr. a member of H.M. Council ~10 children. -.- . } Modified 12-13-2010 8:37 P.M. Added 12-16-10 6:30 P.M. <- from p. 16 as of the children whom are listed above. NOTE: The firm of DeLancey & Co. consisted of Stephen DeLancey. Senior, and his four younger children. Governor Lawrence of Nova Scotia, after his proclamation of 1758, offering free grants of land under certain conditions, appointed DeLancey and Watts his agents in New York. 6:35 p.m.
Here are some names associated to this family via New York, Nova Scotia and United States in that order this may be radified at another date for accuracy. Thomas F. Rochester married Margaret DeLancey, N.Y. Frances (Munroe) DeLancey(fill in later), N.Y. Sir William Walton to Maria DeLancey, N.Y. Hon Thomas James John Harris-married(fill in later)DeLancey, Possible N.Y.and N.S. Florence Gore(DeLancey Williams(fill in later) Possibly just N.S. Grace (Priaulx) DeLancey(fill in later) This may be N.Y.and N.S. Martha Tibbet to James DeLancey my 5th grandfather~Definetly N.Y.N.S. Elizabeth (Floyd) DeLancey to John Peter DeLancey, N.Y. John Watt Sr-Anne 3rd, b. April 23rd 1723 daughter of Stephen and Anne and the last child of the first branch of America born DeLancey's,N.Y. Ralph Izard~married a DeLancey he was Governor of Arkansas and she held property in Pennsyvania and North Carolina,~America at the time. Caroline Carey(DeLancey,N.S.~possibly from N.Y. Esther Rynderts(DeLancey,N.S.~possibly from N.Y. Margaret Allen( DeLancey,married into New York~she may be of the Allen Family of Pennsylvania. (Elizabeth Colden to Peter DeLancey, N.Y . ~My 1st grandparents of the 18th century). Margaret Munro( DeLancey,N.Y. Carolyn Robinson( DeLancey,married and went to Nova Scotia from N.Y. Elizabeth (Saunders) Starratt) deLancey,married went N.S.and is one of my grandmothers. My branch of Peter DeLancey enters the United States by Nova Scotia by the birth of my Grandfather Arnold Holbert DeLancey Sr. son of George DeLancey and Amy Proctor the proctor relation ended up in the same area of Manomet-Plymouth-Mashpee-and other serounding area's of that part of Massachusetts. During the 1800's these families were into building homes as much as I am told, my research continues. It is to interest that a DeLancey family who used the de and De in their name most of the time are from Provenctown Cape Cod and were an esentric family. It is also interesting and I will seek acknowledgement of these relations, and we have Philipe DeLano of Massachusetts who arived 1621 aboard the Fortune. It seems I have seen the name of Peter DeLancey during the sixteen hundreds in New York although maybe this person was in travel or it could of been sir name DeLanoy. At the time of finding, I made a print out, I did not have a flashdrive to hold data at the time and since then I lost the material, it was kind of fuggie looking anyway and is perhaps why I could'nt tell the last part of the name as -noy- or -cey-. I will perhaps end up upon it again it was from a list of persons doing something concerning either trade of merchantilism or with land. So there was definetly movement. .10:21 A.M. ADDITION 12-7-2010
"The family belongs to the; Isle of France" or Isle-de-France, France. The old French province of which Paris is the capital, and to that part of it adjoining Picardy, anciently, and sometimes still, termed the ''Laonnois'' from the chief city of Laon, for centuries the city of the Prince-Bishopric or Duchy of Laon, and to-day the capital of the Department of the 'Aisne'. The 'French peerage' of Etienne deLancey. Refrences to his family and inheritance have been explained in the New York Weekly Journal of the 30th November, 1741. p.6 of the DeLancey Book
Here are some other names concerning the name Guy, in association with Anciently DeLancey. Guy of France is what I put in the search box, it is now 6:15 P.M. E.S.T. AND TO CONTINUE AT SAME DATE 10-21-2010.
Continueing 6:43 p.m. e.s.t. with; names concerning Guy in association with Anciently DeLancey
Guy XIV de Laval (28 January 1406 - 2 September 1486 Chateaubriant). Allow me to mention that I caught notice that Guy represented the term of King. This may have changed after the 15th and 16th centuries. The research continues.
Guy XIV compte de Laval, baron de Vitrie and of La Roche - Bernard, Seigneur of Gavre, of Acquigny, of Tinteniac, of Monfort and Gael, of Becherel, was a French nobleman, known for his account of Joan of Arc. He and his brother Andre de Loheac were simultaneously vassals of the duke of Brittany and of the King of France. This information is from Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia. Place of death Chateaubriant...Alliance:Kingdom of France,Duke of Brittany...Battle/Wars : Hundred Years ' War..(Battle of La Brossiniere\Battle of Patay\Brittany and Normandy campaign (1448--1449)//\\Relations he was the Son of Guy XIII de Laval and Anne de Laval~~~Guy XIII de Laval born Jean de Monfort (1385 - 14 August 1414. Rhodes) was a seigneur of Laval and of Kergorlay. His father was Raoul IX de Monfort and his mother Jeanne de Kegorlay. He inherited the Laval title through his marriage on 22 January 1404 to Anne de Laval. As daughter and sole heir to Guy XII de Laval. Anne was "dame de Laval", and one of the contitions of the marriage was that any children born to it would bear the name and arms of Laval. (The same condition had already been applied to the marriage of Emma de Laval with Mathieu II de Montmorency.) Jean de Monfort renounced the name and title he had been born with to take up the name of Guy XIII de laval, better to associate himself with his wife Anne's power. From the couple were descended several bishops and the greatest seigneurs of Brittany. Guy and Anne had five children. Guy XIV de Laval<Andre de Loheac<Louis de Laval<Jeanne de Laval (Dame de Compzillon), who in 1424 married Louis I de Bourbon - Vendome, Guy XIII died of plague on his return from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. also from Wikipedia...Wikipedia has at the Reference Box Categories: 1385 births|1414 deaths.
I shall go to Providence Rhode Island and seek Genealogy from the L.D.S. Church a Division of the biggest Genealogy Building in the World, at Salt Lake City Utah. And its free, I count on it; that is until I myself can reach Europe and physically do research we'll see what happens. Till next time 7:24 P.M. E.S.T. 10-21-2010
12-7-2010 9:01 A.M. E.S.T. I researched the name Guy from House of Names. Guy is a name that came to England in the 11th century, lived in Gloucestershire. There the name, however refers to the district of Guise in France. (Allow me to say one of the names here came first either the place name or the personage name) my search continues as well, as yours we may find it here on this site Anciently DeLancey. The name may include variations as Gyse, Guise, Guys, Guy, Gysse, Gyss, Gise, Guyse, and many more. There are probably female settings as well. Guy first found in Gloucestershire as Lord of The Manor of Elmore, and descended from Sir William Gyse. It is believed that Sir William first held the Manor of Highman from Gloucester Abbey but by the marriage of Anselm Gyse to Magotta de Burgh (Burke) daughter of the Earl of Kent he acquired the Lordship of both Hingman and Elmore in Gloucestershire.
12-10-10 6:02 P.M. E.S.T. Claude, Duke of Guise was the first Duke of Guise 1528 he was born as Claude de Larraine, duc de Guise (20 October 1496, Chateau de Conde-sur-Moselle died 12 April 1550, Chateau de Joinville was a French aristocrat and General.
Louis the Pious and the Debonaire was King of Aquitaine from 781, he was the 3rd son of Charlemagne and Hildgard. Ruler of the Franks.` search Louis the Pious at wikipedia. When I do ancestry research and other history I usually get 'information' from that site and its free. His sons are Lathair I, Pepin of Aquitaine, Louis the German and Charles the Bald. He had two wifes Emengarde of Hesbaye and Judith of Bavaria. His 2nd son Pepin I was his successor as King of Aquitaine. Charlemagne also called Charles I was King of the Franks as Predecessor to his son who was King of Aquitaine and that being in some case as Guyanne. We can learn that the connections of these place names and personage are of close relation. Meaning Guyanne came first, Aquitaine, then the ruling of the Franks. Charlemagne means Charles the Great, aproximate birth around 742-or-724 January 814 he was also Emperor of the Romans from 800 to his death 814 he conquered Italy and was crowned 25 December 800. He is the son of Pepin the Short and Bertrada of Laon a frankish Queen. ~ Pepin the Short or the Younger, rarely the Great was the first King of the Franks 752-68 of the Carolingion dynasty. His father is Charles Martel. His brother is Carolman. Bertrada of Laon is daughter to Charibert who is son to Pepin II brother of Martin of Laon. Pepin II is Pepin of Herstal is the grandson and namesake of Pepin I the Elder by marriage of Pepin I's daughter Begga and Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz. Pepin of Herstal also called Pepin II and Pepin the Middle. ~ Begga was the daughter of Pepin of Landen, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia.
I found Pepin may resemble the terming king, I will try and find where that was and confirm it. (attached 12-12-2010 4:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Henri II d' Orleans, Duke of Longueville 6 April 1595 - 11 May 1663 served as governor of Picardy then of Normandy. He married Geneviere de Bourbon in 1642 Anne's brother is Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de Conde he was a leader in Fronde of the aristocratic party. Aristocracy is the rule of the best derived from the Greek aristokratia in Ancient Greece. ~`~
French Revolution was 1789-1799
Ancien Regine in France
Loire Valley is known as the Garden of France and the craddle of the French Language: This info- is taken from Wikipedia. It is also noteworthy for its architectural heritage, in its historic towns such as, Amboise, Angers, Blois, Chimon, Nantes, Orleans, Saumur, and Tours, but in particular for its castles, such as the Chateaux d'Amboise, Chateau de Chambord, Chateau d'Usse, Chateau de Villandry and Chenonceau and more, particular its many cultural monuments, which illustrate to an exception degree the ideals of the Renaissance and the age of the Enlightenment on western European thought and design. This came from the 1st paregraph of article Loire Valley on the free encyclopedia wikipedia._~6:39 P.M.
The Templars as Bankers: As bankers they could vary from making loans and looking after valuables to running the royal treasury, as in France. The Templars held a treasury though were not actually considered as a bank. They moved money and or valuables "more" than anything. Money held by them was not invested nor was it pooled, but remained in its owners strong box within the orders treasury, and could not be accessed without the owner's permission.
All religious orders were used by lay people as a safe deposit for valuables, and were asked to lend money when lay people needed cash. The word Lay derives from Anglo-French Lai (from Late, Latin, Laicus, from the Greek Aaikoc, laikos of the people from Aaoc, laos, the people at large this comes from laity and comprises all persons not in the clergy. A person who is a member of a religious order who is not ordained legitimate clergy is considered as a member of the laity. Layman is a person who is a non-expert in any given field of knowledge this over the years shifted definition from Laity. Also both terms in which have the same origin refering to "Common People" I found in wikipedia the free incylopedia on the internet "common" meaning "unholy" " unclean" and similar). The related verb laikoo meant "to make commom", "to desecrate". So Lay People are all the above and would at first of origin be common people. By law one would not try to change law or desecrate it because that was up to the way a law was changed. From there we have status and knowledge. It is affordable to say through Art Economics History that a Common Layman Person would be involved in making part of law by adding a new to the well being of the people, perhaps an idea or invention.
Kings were using the order as almoners, treasurers, and money carriers. The order would travel quite a bit so they developed ways of storage, transfer and collection services in order to meet the ownerships recommendations. This was also a form of security as where one might get robbed. Castles were prown to being sacked, through money transfers this made the realm appear to have ordinance and pleasantness throughout itself. But only time would tell. Early in history a traveler would carry their belongings with them, these people could be of any range of prosperity and would usually land in particulr places for conduction. This order has been true to the sence of travel by order. A king or king's priority would travel with a certain abundance and be acompanied by one to several of personage, may have likely been in order of a situation excepting council under reasoning its tendency yeilded, or just security. completed research a file taking at 1:53 p.m. 12-4-2010 it is now 6:50 P.M. E.S.T. 12-12-2010
12-16-2010 6:38 P.M. E.S.T. The siblings of my direct line: Peter and Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey. This next entry is of Peter's older brother JAMES DELANCEY 4TH, THE ELDEST SON OF STEPHEN DELANCEY, AND HIS DESCENDANTS. Born in New York City Nov. 27th, 1703. He was educated in England, and in Law at the Inner Temple, London. "he was a member of the New York Council 1729-31, Judge of the Supreme Court 1731-44. and Chief Justice* 1744-60 " In 1730 he drew up the 'Montgomery Charter' for the City of New York, and for his work received the Freedom of the City, and it appears to have been a metal to that distiction and was the first person to be so honored of it. "He was appointed Lieutenant-Governor, Oct. 27th, 1747, but Governor Clinton, some of whose acts he had criticized, withheld the King's commission until 1753. "James DeLancey presided at the first Colonial Congress that year, granted the charter to King's (now Columbia) College, but held it out of deference to the opposition of a section of the community, until May, 1755. "In that year (1755) Governor Sir Charles Hardy arrived, and DeLancey resumed his place on the bench. On Hardy's departure for Louisbourg DeLancey resumed the Lieutenant-Governorship, which he held until his death on July 30th, 1760. *Appleton state 1733-1760. I am only for now going to put his wife and children. I will add the childrens family members on the next page titled -dynasties-of-art-economics-history- Below this the next entry will be of Oliver DeLancey ~ Peter's younger brother. There is alot of information of Oliver to the left you will find his sum up of properties to the English Government. Now with James. "He married Anne Heathcote eldest daughter of Caleb Heathcote, Lord of the Manor of Scarsdale Mayor of New York, and member of the Council, and had four sons and four daughters, all of whom were prominent in the social and business life of the city." He was buried in the centre aisle of Trinity Church, New York. /#1. James 5th, 1732-1800 who married and had issue. /#2. Stephen 4th, 1734-6 May, it says here 1975, hym i'm thinking 1775? married to Hannah Saskett d.s.p /#3. Heathcote, died young and before his father. /#4. Susannah 2nd. b. 18 Nov. 1737, d. 1815 unm. /#5. Maria 2nd. b. 1767 married Sir William Walton 3rd, and had 5 children (see note) d. 18th Aug., 1796. /#6 Anne 4th, 1745-Dec. 1st, 1817 married Hon. Thos Jones d.s.p. /#7. Martha 1st, 1751-1769, d.s.p. /#8. John Peter 1st, July 15th, 1753-Jan 30th, 1828 married Elizabeth Floyd and had issue. Right here amongst the Floyds and Jones and one marriage of the Jones to the Floyds the elder of the Floyd and father to the daughter to be married to a Jones insisted that since the Jone's were marrying all of his daughters that this time and any time later also it was a garantee that the names 'sir name' and to go on to it, would be thus as Floyd-Jones combined. The DeLancey's married into the Watts, Floyds and Jones in the 17th,18th, century in America just based on the information I have as of now for all I know their probably still hooking up. A DeLancey Floyd-Jones was born of that marriage in the 19th century the connect will be found through this site. The Kennedy's are also related, this is through the Family of Watt. This marriage is of Peter's branch. John Watt Jr. married Jane DeLancey Oct. 2nd 1775 deLancey now becoming a Watt their daughter married the son of Archabald Kennedy bearing the same name. The Kennedy's being Earls and having Royal blood brought even more status to the new world. For at least 3-4 centuries England, Scotland and Ireland new of the Kennedy name. History has been a subject of research for me since 2005 only because of accessability and or availability of the computer system. I've allways been interested though its for sure happening now. Since right from the get go that is mid summer 2005 I knew of the Kennedy and DeLancey relationship. My connection to this family in record of France, New York, Nova Scotia, Massachusetts was found mid summer of 2005. The year is unclear but it appears in the 14th century a John Kennedy of Dunure and Cassillis married the heiress of the Carrick Earls. This Kennedy clan originated by branch of Celtic Lords of Galloway and if we go down on this column we'll find Waugh my Grandmothers relationship deriving around the same area, low Scotland Northern England they were Border people, perhaps another term of Marcher Lords. Besides that posible connect we'll find out anyway that we DeLancey's and Kennedy's were already related. I dug deep and within this site I'll take 'note of the names & connection, it will be on some of the next pages. I got this information from Kennedy Earl of Carrick go to Clan Kennedy --- The Earl of Cassillis is also good. I had this information in 2005 and 2006 which in that year kept up on the facts, though not knowing then of my connect to the 17th & 18th century French Connect to New York to Nova Scotia to Massachusetts and of course some of the family went to England as noted. There could of been some wandering somewhere around the world finding family or other connections, homesteading was surely a part of the previous years. We had a Chief-Justice of the Bahamas and there's a DeLancey Town there, resident are bearing the name as of now. The wife of the DeLancey Governor of the Island stayed living in Nova Scotia and from time to time she traveled as he did to see each other and confirm on business as well. *8:41 P.M. 12-16-2010
12-16-10 9:04 P.M. OLIVER DELANCEY 1ST, THE THIRD AND YOUNGEST SURVIVING SON OF STEPHEN DELANCEY 1ST AND HIS DESCENDANTS. A Banneret of Quebec of the United Empire, he was born in New York City, Sept. 16th, 1718. He was brought up in his father's counting-room and became a noted New York merchant. He had remarkable decision of character and enjoyed great popularity. He served in the Assembly* 1756-60; was active in the prosecution of the war against the French and Indians, and raised a regiment in Connecticut for service in New York State, for which he received the thanks of the New York Assembly. In 1758 he was appointed to the command of the New York contingment of 5,000 men, as colonel-in-chief, and joined the expedition against Crown Point under Abercrombie; supported Lord Howe in his attack on Fort Ticonderoga, July 8th, 1758; and received, for the second time, the thanks of the New York Assembly, on this occasion "for his great services and singular care of the troops of the Colony while under his command". *On 31st March, 1756, he with Beverley Robinson and John Cruger were commissioned Paymasters and Commissioners to the forces in the pay of the Province of New York. (Bulletin N. Y. Historical Society, July, 1926) He was a member of the Colonial Council 1766-1783, Receiver-General 1773-1776, and colonel-in-chief of the Southern Military District of the Province. He joined Earl Howe, on his landing with the British troops on Staten Island, and in September of that year (1776), raised and equipped, at his own expence, three regiments of Loyalists, each 500 strong. This force became known as DeLancey's Battalions. These were originally intended for the defence of Long Island and their colonels and lieutenant-colonels were: 1st Battalion, Colonel Oliver DeLancey 2nd. Lieutenant-Colonel John Harris Cruger 2nd Battalion, Colonel George Brewerton. Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen DeLancey 3rd Battalion, Colonel Gabriel G. Ludlow. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Hewlett. (Col. Brewerton died during the war, Colonel Ludlow and Lieutenant-Colonel Hewlett were ordered to be apprehended and secured for voting against sending delegates to the Provincial Convention.* Colonel Ludlow was afterward the first Mayor of Saint John, New Brunswick; he had been one of the first Vestrymen of Trinity Church, New York). During the first winter (1776-1777) they were at Oyster Bay, Huntingdon and Brookhaven, all points on Long Island, but in 1779 the first and second battalions defended Savannah Georgia and won laurels in the defence of Fort 96, near Camden, New Jersey, against General Green. In 1783 the three battalions were re-formed into two, the second under Colonel Ludlow, and the ship "Martha" with a detachment of it and a corps of Maryland Loyalists, 174 all told, aboard, was wrecked near Yarmouth, N.S., and 99 lives were lost. The losses of the brigade during 1779-1781 are said to have been about fifty percent, and there were only a few over 100 of all ranks to embark for Nova Scotia. He was made senior Briadier-General in the Loyalist service, and during the war, was in command of the defences on Long Island. He was attained and all his property confiscated. He went to England in 1782, and after a brief sojourn with his family in London went to Beverley, Yorkshire, about 9 miles from Hull, where he resided until his death, which occured in his own house in that town on the 27th October (Jones says Nov.) 1785. He was buried in one of the Choir aisles of the magnificent Cathedral of Beverley, a slab in the pavement marking his grave. Edward Floyd DeLancey, in the New York Genealogical Record of October 1784, states that he visited at Beverley, some years before that, three granddaughters of Brigadier-General DeLancey, the then surviving children of his eldest son, Stephen, Chief-Justice of the Bahamas and who died Governor of Tobag and its dependencies, and sisters of Sir William H. DeLancey, who was killed at Waterloo. 9:55 P.M. 12-16-2010
12-17-2010 9:18 A.M. The following is the inscription on the mural tablet to Brigadier-General DeLancey in one of the transepts of the Cathedral at Beverley, Yorkshire: "To the memory of "Brigadier-General DeLancey" "A native of the Colony of New York, who possessed one of the most extensive and truly valuable estates in North America, which, from his loyalty and attachment to his King and Country, he readily sacrificed at the commencement of the late rebellion. He had formerly served against the French and was wounded at Ticonderoga. As soon as the hostilities commenced in America he raised a Brigade consisting of three regiments and continued in the command thereof till the conclusion of the war when, with his family, he was compelled to seek an asylum in Great Britain and resided to this Town". He was severely critized by Sabine for alleged ill-treatment of General Nathaniel Woodhall, or Woodhull, whom with a part of his forces, he had captured. Sabine made a grudging and unsatisfactory partial withdrawal of the charge when his statements were refuted, but Appleton not only absolutely discredits the statement, but shows clearly, to an unprejudiced mind, that on the contrary, he saved him from ill-treatment being meted out to him by the soldiers who had caught him trying to escape. The historian Jones, says of him, "In 1776 he (General Oliver DeLancey joined General Howe on Staten Island and had that officer profited by his honest advice the American War, I am bold enough to say, would have ended in a very different manner to what it did." His widow died at Chelsea, England, in 1811, aged 90 years. His residence, *Bloomingdale, was burned by the rebels in November, 1777, and his wife and family spent the night in the woods, now Central Park, in their night-clothes. The evidence taken before the Commission appointed, by the British Government in July, 1783, to inquire into the losses sustained, and the services rendered by persons who had suffered in their rights, properties and professions during the American revolution, in consequence of their loyalty to His Majesty and attachment to the British Government, reported that "Brigadier-General DeLancey's property, which was confiscated, was estimated as worth 100,000 pounds." He married in 1742 Phila, daughter of *Jacob Frank of Philadelphia, and had seven children, two sons and five daughters, viz.:
*The property, known as "Bloomingdale" was later in the possession of Charles Ward Apthorp, who died there in 1797. +He is called Hon. Mr. Frank in a letter from James DeLancey to his sister Mrs. Harris dated Crooked Island, Bahamas, 14th March 1803. NOTE: At the "Mischianza" held in Philadelphia in 1778 on the occasion of the departure of Lord Howe after being superseded, a tournament was held, and six Knights of the Blended Rose--The Hon. Capt. Cathart, chief, threw down the gauntlet proclaiming Miss White, and others, to excel in wit, beauty, and every accomplishment, those of the whole world, while those of the Burning Mountain, with Capt. Watson as Chief, claimed those attributes for Miss Frank and the ladies of the Burning Mountain, their motto being. "Love and Glory". This "Mischianza" is referred to as the "Meschianza" in the "Wagoner of the Alleghanies" by T. Buchanan Read p. 57. The Knights of the Blended Rose were dressed in Scarlet and White and those of the Burning Mountain orange and black.
1. Anne (6th) married in 1762 Lieutenant-Colonel John Harris Cruger n.f.r.
2. Susannah (4th) married Oct. 13th, 1770, Sir William Draper, K.B., Lieutenant-General and Governor of Minorca, and had issue.
3. Stephen (6th), b. 1748, d. Dec 6th, 1798 Chief Justice, Bahamas and Governor of Tobag married to Cornelia Barclay, and had issue
4. Oliver (2nd), b.1749, d. Sept.3rd,1822 Barrack Master, General British Army, who, though unmarried, left two children (Savary) a son and a daughter, who ere received into society.
5. Phila married on 29th Dec. 1774. to the Hon. Stephen P. Gallway, Governor of Antigua and d.s.p. the baronetcy thereby passing to the Paynes, as Payne-Gallway, by marriage of his sister to Ralph Payne 3rd Baronet.
6. Charlotte, b. 1761, d 1840 married on July 21st, 1807, to Sir David Dundas K.B. Commander-in-Chief British Army and Privy Councillor and d.s.p.
7. Maria (3rd) married to Robert Dickson afterwards High Sheriff of Annapolis Co., M.S., and had issue
Extract from Second Report of the Bureau of Archives of Province of Ontario:--- +This order of seniority is that given in a memo left by Jahn Watts Sr. and differs from that given by Jones, who also married into the family. The latter gave the children in the following order: Stephen, Anne, Oliver, Susannah, Charlotte, Phila. See also "Dickens" in Appendix. which will be the next page containing the children of James and Oliver DeLancey and their respective wifes. ...+... The title will be called The DeLancey's "A Romance of a Great Family" by D.A. Story The nieces and nephews of Peter and Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey. 10:26 A.M. This entry of 12-17-2010 of The DeLancey Book Pages 72, 73 and 74
From p. 78 & 79 DeLancey Book Oliver's children Anne DeLancey 6th the eldest child of General Oliver 1st, and Phila (Franks) DeLancey, then the wife of lieutenant-colonel John Harris Cruger 1738-1807, was in her father's residence "Bloomingdale" when it was set on fire by the rebels, and burnt in November 1777, and with her mother and others of the family and Miss Elizabeth Floyd afterwards the wife of John Peter DeLancey, had to spend the night in the woods, now Central Park, in their night clothes although the weather was very cold.
Lieutenant-Colonel Cruger was a member of one of the oldest families in New York. He was born there in 1738 and succeeded his father as a member of the Council of the Colony, and at the beginning of the revolution held besides, the office of Chamberlain of the city. He had a brilliant military record in the war. She Anne (deLancey) Cruger shared with Lieutenant-Colonel Cruger the perils of war at Fort 96. Later she was rescued from a sinking British ship by a French man-of-war under Compte d'Estaign and was well treated. She was on board when the Fleet bombarded Savannah, S.C. where her husband was in command.
D'Estaign landed her on the Coast after the Fleet and the Rebel Army were defeated.
She married Lieutenant-Colonel Cruger in 1777 and died at Chelsea in 1822 aged 78, having been born in 1744.
Susan DeLancey 4th the second daughter of Brigadier-General Oliver and Phila (Franks) deLancey married in New York, October 23rd, 1770, Lieutenant-General Sir William Draper K.B. and Governor of Minorca, a distinguished soldier and writer, and by him had one daughter who married John Gore, 17th March 1790 and died, a widow at Hot Wells in July 1793, having no issue.
Drapers military record is an exceptionally fine and interesting one, and it can hardly be considered out of place.
Stephen DeLancey 6th the elder son of Phila and Oliver. Born in New York City in 1748, was educated in Europe and practiced law in New York. He joined his father's battalions as Lieutenant-Colonel of the second, and served with distinction throughout the war. At its close, the full fury of the revolution was directed against him. His property was confiscated, and he was forced to leave New York. He was one of the number of Loyalists the came to Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, in 1783.
He married Cornelia Barclay ( that is stephen) daughter of Re. Henry Barclay, rector of Trinity Church. New York, and sister of Mayor Thomas Barclay who married Susanna deLancey seven children are said to have been born to this marriage but I have only (D.A. Story 1923-30) been able to find trace of six 1. William Howe deLancey (afterwards Sir William), b. 1781, d. 1815 - Magdalen Hall No Issue.
Susannah DeLancey (or Susan)~1st Lieut-Col. William Johnson and had issue. 2nd, Sir Hudson Lowe and had issue. 3. Emma deLancey ~~ Christianed at Annaplois, N.S. 28th July, 1788, with her sister Susan n.f.r. 4. Phila deLancey died unmarried 5. Charlotte deLancey~~Colonel Child, n.f.r. 6. Anne deLancey ~~ Wm. Lawson of Berbice, W.I. n.f.r.
He was elected a member of the House of Assembly in 1784. He took his seat and was sworn in, 16th November of that year, and his name is recorded one of the divisions that took place, as Colonel de Lancey. In November 1785 he was in York, England, in connection with the estate of his father who had died intestate. He is shown on the lists as a member of the House of Assembly, until March 6th, 1789 when it was recorded as vacated "as he had obtained an office in the Bahamas." I cannot find (D.A. Story ) his name mentioned in any Journals of the House, either as taking part in the debates or the divisions during the years 1786, 1787, or later. Apparently, he was absent from the Province preliminary to his final departure for the Bahamas, of which he was appointed Chief Justice although another authority dates that appointment as early as 1782. In 1796 he was appointed Governor of Tabago and its dependencies. Two years later, 1798, he sailed from that Island to visit his relatives in England, but was taken ill on the voyage, and was transfered to a vessel, "The Nancies", (captain Tippet, probably a relative of the wife of his cousin, Colonel James DeLancey was in charge) bound for the United States. He died a few hours after the arival of the vessel at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 6th December, 1798. The following is an extract from the Parish Register of Saint John's Church in the City: Saint John's Church, Portsmouth New Hampshire. " Record of Deaths " Dec. 6th, 1798, -~- His Excellency, Stephen deLancey, Governor of Tobego, who died the night after his arrival in the harbour of this Town, of a decline which had been upon him for six months. Aged 50 years; His body was laid to rest in the Governor Wentworth lot in the cemetery here.
Cornelia (Barclay) DeLancey died in 1817 and her death is thus recorded in the Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. LXXXVIII, fo. 185, "Essex".
"Died at Colchester, England. Mrs. Cornelia DeLancey relict of S. deLancey. Esq, Governor of Tobago and mother of Sir W. H. DeLancey, K.C.B. who fell at the battle of Waterloo. She was a sister of Thomas Barclay and of Dorothea, wife of Colonel Beverly Robinson.
William Howe DeLancey, only son of Stephen and Cornelia (Barclay) DeLancey was born in 1778 and obtained a cornetcy in the 16th Light Dragoons, 17th July, 1792, became lieutenant 26th February, 1793, was adjutant at Sheffield, captain 80th foot 25th March, 1794. In October, 1796, he was transferred to a troop of the 17th Dragoons of which his uncle, General Oliver DeLancey, was Colonel, but appears to have remained for some time in the East Indies. In 1799 he was in command of a detached troop in Kent, and on October 17th was appointed major in the 45th foot, the Headquarters of which were then in the West Indies, and he was made lieutenant-colonel 1st January, 1805.
He appears, however, to have been detained in Europe until the return of that regiment in 1802, soon after which (1st Jan., 1805), he was transferred to the permanent staff of the Quarter-Master-General's Department as Deputy Assistant Q.M.G. Colonel 4th June, 1813. He was stationed in York and then in Ireland and afterward proceeded to Spain. and as Asst. Q.M.G. and later as Deputy Q.M.G. with various divisions of the Peninsular Army rendered valuable service throughout the campaign from 1809 to 1814. He was mentioned in depatches for his conduct at the passage of the Duoro and capture of Oporto in 1809,* at the siege and capture of Cuidad Rodrigo in 1811, and at Vittoria in 1813 when he was Deputy Q.M.G. to Sir Thomas Graham. After the peace he was created K.C.B.+
On April 4th, 1813, he married Magdalene, second daughter of Sir James Hall of Douglass, 4th Baronet of Nova Scotia, President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and author of several works on architecture and the science, by his wife, Lady Helen Douglass 2nd daughter of Dunbar 4th Earl of Selkirk, and sister of Captain Basil Hall. R.N. an officer with a brilliant record, and a well known author of his day, his best known work being "Fragments of Voyages and Travel".
1-9-11 9:49 P.M. DeLancey Book p.83 Following are some extracts concerning him:~~~"He was an excellent officer and would have risen to great distinction had he lived."~~~Wellington. +This incomparable officer was deservedly esteemed by the Duke of Wellington, who honoured him with his particular confidence and regard."~~~Capt. Arthur Gore. (afterwards Lieut-Genl Gore). +deLancey is said to be dead, this is our greatest loss, none can be greater public or private." ~~ Col. Sir Augustus S. Fraser. K.C.B.
Gurwood III 289-476. He had six decorations +Stevens is wrong in fixing it 4th February 1813. *Notes of conversations with the Duke of Wellington by Earl Standhope p.183. +Explanitory notes on the Battle of Waterloo. p.83 +Letters of Col Sir Augustus S. Fraser. K.C.B. commanding Royal Horse Artillary at Waterloo___Gurwood Vol. XII p.150.
p.84 DeLancey book On the return of Napoleon from Elba. deLancey was appointed Q.M.G. (chief in staff) to the army under Lord Wellington in Belgium and on the 18th June, 1815, received his mortal wound of Waterloo. A simple inscription in the church at Waterloo records his death.
Note: When Napoleon landed from Elba, Wellington, informing his staff, insisted on having deLancey appointed as his Quarter Master General and an opposition by the military authorities who wished to appoint a senior officer, he made the promotions of deLancey a "sine qua non of his acceptance of the superior command.
"That gallant fellow DeLancey." ~~~ Sir Henry Smith. +He is credited with the orders of the 15th and 16th June including, the "Disposition of the British Army at 7 o'clock A.M. 16th June, 1815 "And in regard to the plan showing this and the other military positions in the vicinity of Brussels, Sir Walter Scott has written: "The plan itself, a relique so precious, was rendered more so, by being found in the breast of Sir Williams DeLancey's coat when he fell. These extracts serve to illustrate the esteem in which he was held by his brother officers of the higher rank. It is only after persual of such works as the "Official Despatches of the Duke of Wellington", by Lieutenant-Colonel Gurwood or "Reminiscences of a Staff Officer", by Lieutenant-Colonel Basil Jackson, however that the estimation in which his services during, the Peninsular War were held by the "Iron Duke" and his insistance on having him as Chief-of-Staff during the Waterloo campaign, can be appreciated. He was wounded at the Battle of Belle Alliance (Waterloo) on the 18th June, 1815, and died on the 26th of that month.
This Painting was done by Cruger family members in the 19th century. Lt. Colonel John Harris Cruger. DeLancey's Brigade. Born: 1738, New York City, Died: June 2, 1807 London, England. Buried London, Eng. Here is is at age 43 at Fort Ninety Six.
Early August 1780; Became Loyalist commander at Ninety Six ~ Fall 1780; Fortified Town & Stockade ~ December 1780; Early 1781; Had Star Fort built. May 22-June 19, 1781; Commander of about 500 Loyalists from New York, New Jersey and South Carolina. June 3; Refused to surrender to Green. June 13; Learned that British Reinforcements were coming. June 21- Early July 1781; Burned town of Ninety Six, destroying supplies, and left Ninety Six to the backcountry patriots.
More Revolutionary War battles and skirmishes took place in South Carolina than any other Colony. Ninety Six National Historic Society is home to two Revolutionary War Battles, one in 1775 and the other in 1781.

3-13-2011 9:29 a.m. This Picture below is of William Heathcote DeLancey (October 8, 1797-April 5, 1865) was a bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America and sixth Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. He was known as a High Churchman, and served as the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York. he was born Mameroneck New York descended from Caleb Heathcote. He is the son of John Peter DeLancey, a Revolutionary War Soldier, and his wife, Elizabeth Floyd. His sister married James Fenimore Cooper. He graduated from Yale College in 1817 and later studied divinity with Bishop John Henry Hobart of New York. He served several positions in New York before being ordained in 1822. After being ordained he took position in Philadelphia as general assistant to Bishop William White. Held various clerical offices in Philadelphia and, in 1826, was elected as a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania. He was elected provost of the University in 1828, continuing until 1834. The next three years showed a distinct improvement in the number of students and in other areas. In 1839 he was elected Bishop of the newly created Episcopal Diocese of Western New York. He was the 34th bishop of the Episcopal Church (United States of America) and was consecrated by bishops Alexander Viets Griswold, Henry Vustick Onderdonk, and Benjamin Treadwell Onderdock. He remained in that position for more than 25 years, residing in the town of Geneva. In 1852, he attended the fifteenth anniversary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts as one of the two representatives of the American House of Bishops, being the first American Bishop to be recognized officially as one of their own body by the Anglican Bishops. He married Frances Munro daughter of Peter Munro, in 1820. They had five sons and three daughters. Their eldest son, Edward Floyd DeLancey, was president of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. William was active in matters of church organizations and legislation, and was instrumental in placing Hobart College and several at the educational institutions on a firm basis. He received the following honorary degrees: Doctor of Divinity from Yale in 1827, Doctor of Laws from Union College in 1849 and Doctor of Civil Laws from Oxford University, in 1852. He died in Geneva, New York on April 5, 1865. He knew of Elizabeth Blackwell, she attended Geneva Medical College in New York. On January 11, 1849 she became the first woman to achieve a medical degree in the United States, and graduated, on 23 January 1849. Geneva Medical College was founded on September 15, 1834 in Geneva, New York as a separate department (college) of Geneva College, currently known as Hobart and William Smith Colleges. In 1871, the medical school was transferred to Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York and in 1950, the university sold the college to the State University of New York (SUNY) for $1.00 where it remains today. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Medical_College

3-13-2011 11:45 a.m. DeLancey Floyd-Jones (born 20 Jan 1826, South Oyster Bay, New York. Died 19 Jan 1902, New York City. Graduated from the United States Military Academy, West Point, July 1 1846, ranked 45th in class received a brevet to 2nd 7th U.S. Infantry on graduation.

James DeLancey (1703-1760) Detail of him 1754-1755 1756-57 First surviving son of Etienne And Ann Van (Cortlandt) DeLancey

3-13-2011 James DeLancey (1747-1801) Born in Westchester County New York son of Peter the 2nd son of Etienne. Consider by the patriots as the "Outlaw of the Bronx" I am a direct descendent of this branch. His uncle James may have had a son born in 1750 named James Peter DeLancey the information given is James Peter married to Elizabeth Floyd, but John Peter married her. Elizabeth Floyd is daughter to Richard Floyd Jr.(1731-1791) and Arabella (Jones) Floyd (1734-____) Richard's parents are Richard Floyd Sr. (1709-1771) and Elizabeth Hutchinson Floyd (1709-1778) her parents are Matthias Hutchinson (____-1723) and Mary Fanieul Hutchinson (1673-1721)

Privates and Officers of De Lancey's Brigade and Johnson's Royal Regiment of New York 1776-1783. The DeLancey colors were a s; the band wore green which was apparently the opposite of the other soldiers. The inner portion of the main uniform had green so to distinguish the band from the regular unit they arranged their colors. The band would foot ahead a bit of a distance and fifes and drums were played. This would warn the opposite forces that they were coming. Of course they had a small detail for some protection. The original colors of the DeLancey Brigade were green when they were New York's Police Force. Green was also used in the 1760's when Oliver DeLancey commanded forces in what is now Canada, from the French and Indian War.

Trinity Church New York. Some of the DeLancey's are buried in the older church.

Alice (DeLancey) Izard

3-13-2011 8:02 p.m. Dynasty ~ A succession of rulers from the same family or line. ~ A family or group that maintains power for several generations; a political dynasty controlling a state. Bourbon ~ French royal family descended from Louis I, Duke of Bourbon (1270?-1342), whose members have ruled in France (1589-1793 and 1814-1830), Spain (1700-1868, 1874-1931, and since 1975), and Naples and Sicily (1734-1860). also ~ Duc Charles de 1490-1527 French General who served Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, led a failed invasion of france (1524), and was killed while leading a German Spanish assault on Rome.
Henry of Navarre ~ King of France from 1589 to 1610, although he was leader of the Huguenot armies, when he succeeded the Catholic Henry III and found the Bourbon dynasty in 1589 he established religious freedom in France. He is also considered as Henry the Great and Henry IV.
Henry IV 1050 -1106 Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany 1056-1106 who continually struggled for power with Pope Gregory VII. Twice excommunicated, Henry appointed an antipope (1084), had himself again crowned emperor, invaded Italy, and was ultimately dethroned by his rebellious sons. He was king at age six.
Henry IV known as "Henry Bolingbroke" 1366?-1413. King of England (1399-1413). Son of John Gaunt and grandson of Edward III, he was banished from England by Richard II, who confiscated his estate. Henry returned, raised an army, and compelled Richard to abdicate. Parliament confirmed Henry's claim to the throne, thus establishing the Lancastrian line.
Sir David Dundas ~ British General, third son of Robert Dundas merchant of Edinburgh was born in the city of Dundas in 1735. His mother was Margaret, daughter of Robert Watson of Muirhouse. He entered the army in 1752 instead of pertaining a medical profession. He entered the military under his uncle General David Watson, being appointed to the quarter-master-general department. he received a commission January 1756 as lieutenant in the engineers, and in 1759 was appointed to a troop in the first light dragoons, raised by Colonel Elliot, afterwards Lord Heathfield, with whom he served in Germany. In 1762 he accompanied Colonel Elliot as his aid-de-camp, in the expedition sent out against the Spanish settlements in the West Indies, under the command of the earl of Albermarie, and was present at the reduction of the island of Cuba. He became major of the 15th dragoons, May 28, 1770 and lieutenant-colonel of the 15th dragoon guards. In February 1781 he was promoted to the rank of Colonel, at which time he held the appointment of adjutant-general. Shortly after the peace of 1783, Frederick the Great ordered a grand review of the Prussian army on the plains of Potsdam Sir Dundas obtained permission to be present on the occasion. He published his system of the foundation of military tactics in 1788 titled "Principles of Military Movements", an infantry capability. George III accepted this by dedication of Sir David Dundas and it was in full use for the army in June 1792. In 1790 he was appointed to the rank of major-general, and was present at Tournay May 10th, 1794. !797 he became quarter-master-general and served in Holland under the duke of York. In 1804 he was appointed governor of Chelsea Hospital, and on June 1st of that year accepted a knighthood in the order of the Bath. He was Commander-in-Chief for two years with the absence of the Duke of York. During this time he became a member of the Privy Council and took up with the 95th regiment, holding as colonel. He was governor of Fort George and Fort Augustus. he married Charlotte, daughter of Lieut. General DeLancey. He died February 18, 1820. source found at www.electricscotland/nation/dundas.htm
7-3-2011 8:43 p.m. The next 18 entries are taken from wikipedia.com ____ Peerage of France ~ Pairie de France was a distinction within the French nobility which appeared in the Middle Ages. It was abolished in 1789 during the French Revolution, but it reappeared in 1814 at the time of the Bourbon Restoration which followed the fall of the First French Empire. On 10 October 1831, by a 324 against 26 vote of the Chamber of Deputies, hereditary peerage was abolished, but peerage for the life of the holder continued to exist until it was definitively abolished in 1848. The title of "Peer of France" was an extraordinary honour granted only to few dukes, counts, and princes of the Roman Catholic Church. more at wikipedia.
Ancient Diocese of Laon was a Catholic diocese in Reims, France in the present-day department of Ardennes, for around 1300 years, up to the French Revolution. From early in the 13th century, the bishops of Laon was a Pair de France, among the elite.
Louis de Bourbon de Vendome (2 January 1493 Picardy, France -13 March 1557), son of Francis, Count of Vendome and Marie of Luxembourg.
Ecuyer ~ Grand Squire of France ~ The Grand Ecuyer de France or Grand Equerry of France ~ was one of the Great Officers of the Crown of France and a member of the Maison du Roi ("King's Hoesehold") during the Ancien Regime. The name "ecuyer" the French word for squire is the origin for the French word "ecurie" (stable) and the English word equerry. The position was roughly equivalent to the United Kingdom positions of Master of the Horse and the Crown Equerry.
Maison du Roi, The King's House-hold) was the name of the military, domestic and religious entourage around the royal family in France during the Ancien Regime and Bourbon Restoration; the exact composition and duties of its various divisions changed constantly over the Early Modern Period. Officers of Maison du Roi were directly responsible to the Grand maitre de France (Chief Steward), although, starting in the 16th century and from the 17th century on, the Maison du Roi was overseen by a ministry, the Department de la Maison du Roi, directed by a secretary of state, the Secretaire d'Etat a la Maison du Roi. The structure of the Maison du Roi was officially reorganized under Henry III in 1578 and 1585; and in the 17th century by Jean-Baptiste Colbert. (29 August 1619-6 September 1683)
10:33 a.m. 7-4-2011 ____ Early Modern Period ~ In history, it follows the late Middle Ages. Historians refer to the period around 1500-1800, a time-period after the Middle Ages. The events include the beginning of European colonialism, the rise of strong centralized governments, and beginnings of recognizable nation-states that are the direct antecedents of today's states. This era in Western Europe is referred to as the early modern European period.
Dukes of Lorraine family tree ~
Grand Squire of France ~
Laval ~ The lords of Laval belong to a dynasty which made its mark in the history of France. The town came together around the foundation of the castle in 1020 in its position in the march, the border lands between France and Brittany. It was built by Guy I of Denere who became a vassal of the Count of Maine. At the end of the 12th century, local troubles combined with the town's position on the road into Brittany led the Lord of Laval to build a great round keep. The early Gothic what in England would be called Early English but in Laval is Angevin Gothic, is to be seen in la Trinite. Close to Anjou, the home of the Angevin kings of England beginning with Henry II.
Guy ler of Laval ~ Family ~ Herbert ler of Maine, count of Maine, entrust about 1020 the territory of Laval to Guy de Denere qualified of "conditor" in a charte of the priory of Martin Saint of Laval in 1050, to establish a castle there. The oldest vestiges found in the enclosure of the castle of Laval goes back besides to this first half of the XI century. Located at the proximity of the borders of three important provinces this castle will be able to only develop quickly and the stronghold of the lords Laval to thrive during more than five centuries.
Guy married twice : To Berthe 1010/1015, is possibly a girl of Roger I of Tosny. They had five children : Jean of Laval, monk with Marmoutier : + Hildeburgis of Laval. Second marriage of Rotrude of Castle-of-Dormouse, about 1030, a girl of Hamelin of Castle-of-Dormouse and Hideburge de Belleme. This marriage made Guy of Laval the brother-in-law of Haimon de Mayenne. With Rotrude this gave two children : Gude Laval (death vrs 1067), : + Gervais of Laval.
Herbert ler of Maine : b. abt 985 d. February 15 abt 1032 to 1035, was Count of Maine from 1014 to death. He was wire of Hugues III, Count of Maine, the family of Hugonides.
Hugues III of Maine born 960 died 1014 was Count of Maine. Combined with the count Eudes II of Blois, fought kings Hugues Capet and Robert II, like Foulque III Nerra, Count d' Anjou. It is constrained to accept into 996 the suzerainty of the county of Anjou.
Hugues II of Maine 920-5 - 992 Son of Hugues I and of a girl of Gauzlin II, Count of Maine.
Eudes de France born after 852 and died on January 3, 898 with Fere (Aisne), Count de Paris and Marquis de Neustrie (886-888), is a king of the Francs (888-895). Oldest son of Robert the Fort, duke of Francs and marquis de Neustrie, belongs to the branch of Robertiens. He inherits in 866 the title Marquis de Neustrie, but King Charles the Bald person dislocated it into 868 and gives it to Hugues the Abbot. In 882/883, it is made Count de Paris and in September 886, it is invested Marquis de Neustrie following the death of the Count Henri to the Head office of Paris. He is also laic Abbot of Saint Martin's day de Tours. He married Theoderade granddaughter of Aleran, Count de Troyes, and had three children : + Raul, King of Aquitaine (882-898) : + Arnoul 885-898 or after : + (Gui) 888.
Robert the Fort ~ ( 815/20 Neustrie, killed on July 2, 866 with the Battle of Brissarthe, Maine-et-Loire was an important member of the aristocracy franque, resulting from the family from Robertiens, ancestor of the Dynasty Capetienne, and Marquis de Neustrie from 862. He was Count of Tours and of Anjou. King Charles II the Bald person names it in 853 missus dominicus for these area. After a revolt against Charles II in 855, he becomes Duke of Neustrie, the area between the Seine and the Loire, and illustrated himself in his fight against the Breton ones and the Norman ones.
Guy VII of Laval 1219-1265. Lord of Laval 1264-1265, Baron de Vitre, lord of Acquigny, Herouville, Aubigne, and Olivet. Son of Mathieu II of Montmorency, Lord of Montmorency and Emma of Laval 1200-1264 he succeeded his father in 1230, in an unspecified part of his ground, and made in 1247, with the Lord de Montmorency, his half-brother, a division with means of which it had that of Acquigny, Attichy, herouville close to Pontoise, of the Island-Saint-Denis, Epinay, of Andelys. He inherited by his first wife the baronnie Glazed of the Viscount of Remmes, attached to this house, and of the ground of Marcille.
Emma of Laval (1200-1264) of Guy V of Laval and Avoise de Craon. Guy V 1210 lord of Laval (Mayenne) & Avoise de Craon, daughter of Maurice II of Craon and Isabelle de Mevlan.

17th Century Musketeers /4th Regiment of Horse 1687 / picture taken from wikipedia 7-7-2011 10:09 p.m.
7-8-2011 8:42 p.m. The 3rd Dragoon Guards (Prince of Wales's was a cavalry regiment in the British army, first raised in 1685. It saw service for three centuries, before being amalgamated into the 3rd/6th Dragoon Guards in 1922. The regiment was first raised as the Earl of Plymouth's Regiment of Horse in 1685, by the regimenting of various independent troops, and ranked as the 4th Regiment of Horse. In 1746 it was ranked as the 3rd Dragoon Guards, and formally titled in 1751 as the 3rd Regiment of Dragoon Guards. Shortly thereafter, in 1765, it took the title 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, for the future George IV. After service in the First World War, it retitled as 3rd Dragoon Guards (Prince of Wales's) in 1921, and was amalgamated with the 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers) to form the 3rd/6th Dragoon Guards the following year.
Musketeers ~ An early modern type of infantry soldier equipped with a musket. Could fight on horseback like a dragoon or a calvary man. The Musketeers was a precursor to the rifleman, Musketeers in France : The Musketeers of the Guard were a junior unit of roughly company strength of the military branch of the Royal Household or Maison du Roi. They were created in 1622 when Louis XIII furnished a company of light calvary (the "carabiniers", created by Louis' father Henry IV) with muskets.
Musketeers in Britain ~ Red Coat : American Revolution. In the United States, "Redcoat's associated with British soldiers who fought against the colonists during the American Revolution. It does not appear to have been a contemporary expression-accounts of the time usually refer to "Regulars" or "The Kings Men" abusive nicknames included "bloody backs" (in a reference to both the colour of their coats and the use of flogging as a means of punishment for military offenses) and "lobsters" (most notably in Boston around the time of the Boston Massacre). It is not until the 1880's that the term "redcoat" as a common vernacular expression for the British soldier appears in literary sources, such as Kipling's poem "Tommy", indicating some degree of popular usage in Britain itself. From the modern perspective, the retention of a highly conspicuous colour such as red for active service appears inexplicable, regardless of how striking it may have looked on the parade ground. It should be noted, however, that in the days of the musket (a weapon of limited range and accuracy) and black powder, battle field visibility was quickly obscured by clouds of smoke. Bright colours enhanced morale and provided a means of distinguishing friend from foe without significantly adding risk. The vegetable dyes used as far as the 19th century would fade over time to a pink or ruddy-brown, so on a long campaign in hot climate the colour was less conspicuous that the modern scarlet shade. The Redcoat by no means was exclusive to the British Army. The entire Danish Army wore red coats up to 1848 and particular units in the German, French, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Bulgarian and Romanian armies retained red uniforms until 1914 or later. 9:18 p.m.
7-9-2011 1:11 p.m. Bertrada of Laon ~ (695 ? 704) ~ Laon, Aisne, France. children; Claribert I (Herbert) Count of Laon ~ daughter of King Dagobert III of Austrasia
Richard I of England (8 September 1157 - 6 April 1199) was King of England from 6 July 1189 until his death. He also ruled as Duke of Gascony, Lord of Cyprus, Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Count of Nantes, and Overlord of Brittany at various times during the same period. He was known as Coeur de Lion, or Richard the Lion-heart, even before his accession, because of his reputation as a great military leader and warrior. The Saracens called him Meleklic or Malek al-Inkitar-King of England.
Bourbon-Lancy within the Burgundy region is a commune in the Sane-et-Loire Department in the region of Bourgogne in Eastern France situated in Western Burgundy in the heart of Ancient Gaul. The city's history spans well over 2000 years.
Pope Callivtus II (or Calistus II) (died December 13, 1124) born Guy de Vienne, the fourth son of William I Count of Burgundy (1057-87), was elected Pope on February 1, 1119, after the death of Pope Gelasius II (1118-19) a very historical figure get more at wikipedia.com
William I Count of Burgundy - son of Reginald I, Count of Burgundy - son of Otto-William, Count of Burgundy, son of Adalbert, King of Italy and Gerberga of Macon. His first wife was Ementrude, daughter of Count Renaud of Rheims, had 2 sons & 3 daughters + Agnes is the last child, married firstly to William V of Aquitaine : Bore three children : Peter William, later duke as William VII :2. Guy Geoffrey, later duke as William VIII :3. Agnes (or Ala) married Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor (1043). Her second husband was Geoffrey II of Anjou, had 2 sons and 1 daughter.
Langeais ~ is a commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France.
Gaston Jean-Baptiste de France 25 April 1608 - 2 February 1660. Also known as Gaston d'Orleans, was the third son of Henry IV of France and his wife Marie de Medici
Rudolph of France (also Radulf or Raul (890-14/15 January 936) was Duke of Burgundy between 921 and 923 and King of Western Francia from thereafter to his death. He inherited the duchy of Burgundy from his father, Richard the Justiciar. He married Emma of France, daughter of Robert I of France and Beatrice of Vermandois.
Hugh the Black (died 952) younger brother of Rudolph, and gained Duke of Burgundy by him which accrued 923. This happened when Rudolph became King of France, as Raoul. Hugh was then succeeded in Burgundy by Gilbert of Chalon, husband of his sister Emengarde.
Gilbert now Duke of Burgundy between 952 and 956, died April 8, 956. He ruled by course of his wife's own right and as the title in that course had been Jure Uxoris. As husband of his reigning wife as monarch, he then became monarch. Jure vUxoris was a very common situation in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, that existed during the crusades, so many monarchs acceded to the throne after marrying the queen heir : Fulk, King of Montferrat, Henry II, Count of Champagne and Amalric II of Jerusalem.
Languedoc France.
Beatrice de Bourgagne ~ 1143 - November 5, 1184 Beatrice was the only daughter of Renaud III, Count of Burgundy and Agatha of Lorraine. She was the second wife of Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor. Her maternal grandparents were Simon I, Duke of Lorraine and his wife Adelaide of Leuven. Beatrice was active at the Hohenstaufen court, encouraging literary works and chivalric ideals. She accompanied her husband on his travels and campaigns across his kingdom, and Frederick Barbarossa was known to be under Beatrice's influence. She was crowned Holy Roman Empress by Pope Pascal III in Rome on, August 1167. and later as Queen of Burgundy at Vienne in Aug 1178.
House of Luxembourg was a medieval Luxembourgian noble family. In 1308 Henry, Count of Luxembourg, became German King, his son John of Luxembourg, shortly afterwards received the Bohemian crown. The dynasty's rule in the Holy Roman Empire was interrupted by the Wittelsbach twice. With the death of Emperor Sigismund, the dynasty died out and was succeeded by the Habsburgs. Cognatically the house was a branch of the Ardennes-Verdun dynasty ~ And this dynasty is used as a label on the dynasty centered on Verdun who dominated Lotharingia in the 11th century. The founder of the dynasty was Godfrey, known as the Captive. He was a son of Count Gozlin, brother of bishop Adalbero of Metz, and Uda, a daughter of Gerard, Count of Metz, and Uda of Saxony. Godfrey was the brother of Adalbero, Archbishop of Reims. Count Gozlin's parents were Wigeric, Count Palatine of Lotharingia, and Cunigunde, the Ardennes-Verdun dynasty was closely tied to the houses of Ardennes-Bar, Salm and Ardennes-Luxembourg.
Luxembourg (Belgium)
Duchies of Upper and Lower Lorraine ~ List of rulers of Lorraine ~ These rulers held different posts under different governments over different regions. The first rulers of the region were kings of the Franks whose kingdom was called Lotharingia. The Latin construction"Lotharingia" evolved overtime into "Lorraine" in French, "Lotharingen" in Dutch and "Lotharingen" in German. After the Carolingian kingdom was absorbed into its neighbouring realms in the late ninth century, dukes were appointed over the territory. In the mid tenth century, the duchy was divided into Lower Lorraine and Upper Lorraine, the first evolving into the historical Low Countries, the second became known as the Duchy of Lorraine and existed well into the modern era.
Baldwin I, Count of Flanders b. 830's died 879. Married Judith of Charles the Bald and Ementrude, daughter of Odo I, Count of Orleans, in 842. She died in 888. Charles married Richilde of Provence, who was descended from a noble family of Lorraine.
7-16-2011 1:06 P.M. Hugh I'Asne ~ "Hugo Lasne holds Brocowardinge in Diidestan Hiudred of the king. There are five hides. Turchil held it of King Edward. In demesne there are two carucates, and eight villeins, and six bordarlic, and a priest, and two free men, and a steward (p' positus). Between them all they have fifteen carucates. There are four servi, and a mill of two shillings (solidi); a wood a mile (leurra) i long and half wide. It was worth six pounds, now a hundred shillings (solidi)". Of Turchil, the Saxon Lord, had five manors, in Herefordshire, and Lasne succeeded him in all. There may have been some blood relationship between them. Lasne at the same approximate date claimed the lordship of Radnor then held by the king, declaring to the Commissioners that when William fitz Osbern, Earl of Hereford, gave him the lands of Turchil, Ids-ancestor (antecessor), he also gave him Raddrenove. The name of the Norman lord of Brockworth should be written Hugh I'Asne, or Hu<di the ass. "Whether it was a nick name to himself, or had been inherited from an ancestor, there is nothing to shew-show. Its derrivation is certain that he appears in the survey as Hugo Asinus, as well as in other documents. He had obtained four manors in this county; perhaps Gloucestershire, and twenty in Herefordshire as well as others elsewhere. I'Asne may have been a feudatory of William fitz Osbern in Normandy. source taken from - read the ebook Transactions-British and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (volume 7) is obligatory.
William fitz Osbern ~ 1020-22 February 1071, Lord of Breteuil in Normandy, was a relative and close counsellor of William the Conqueror and one of the great magnates of early Norman England. He was created Earl of Hereford before 22 Februray 1067, one of the first peerage titles in the English peerage. Fitz Osbern married first Adeliza de Tosny daughter of Roger I of Tosny. {find more at wikipedia the free encyclopedia}. Two sons & one daughter apparently. Second marriage possibly to Richilde, Countess of Hainaut passes to the Counts of Flanders through marriage, the father-in-law was Regnier V of Mons, due her first husband Herman of Mons, Count of Hainaut, son of Reginor V, Count of Mons and Mathilde of Verdun 1043. They served as co-rulers of Mons and Hainaut from 1039 to 1051. After the death of her husband she married Baldwin eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders. She then prepared for the unification of Hainaut and Flanders under the rule of the children of her second marriage.
Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut 1056-1098? He married Ida of Leuven (a daughter of Henry II, Count of Leaven and sister of Godfrey I of-Leuven, Duke of Lower-Lotharingia in 1084. 9 children total, a daughter #8 Richilde 1095- after 1118 married 1115 Amaury IV de Montfort. She became a nun after the death of her husband. He married 2nd to Agnes de-Garlande, daughter of Anseau-de-Garlande, seigneur de Rochefort-en-Yvelines, and Beatrice or Agnes de Rochefort. Rochefort-en-Yvelines is in the Yvelines department in the Isle-de-France.
The de Monfort or Montfort line descends from the Counts of Flanders. Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester, 1160-25 June 1218 the elder, married Alix de Montmorency. His brother Guy left on the third Crusade in the retinue of King Philip II of France.
Yolande of Dreux, Queen of Scotland, though bore no children of the king. She did marry Arthur II, Duke of Brittany and had six children who married into Laval, Flanders, Vedome, one entered a convent, one died young and their first John, became Count of Montfort.
Son Guy V de Laval to Guy IV de Laval who married Emma de Normandy daughter to Henry I Beauclerc de Normandy son to William the Conqueror de Normandy and Matilda De Flanders daughter to Baldwin V De Flanders. Williams parents are Harlette of Falaise and Robert "the Devil" (II) de Normandy, son to Richard II the Good de Normandy and Judith of Brittany.
Guy II de Laval son of Jeanne de Maille her fathers' line; de maille de I'Estang, Bouchard D'Aubeterre, her mothers'line: de Maille. de Montbazon, le Vayer. His father's line: Guy II, de Laval, de Pommereux, de Brienne, de Beaumont-Gatinais, de Baucay, d ' Olivet, de Baue 'ay, d ' Archiac, de I' Isle Bauchard.
Hardouin VII de Maille on the female side 1383. Male line: de Maille, de Thouars, de Baucay, de Champigny, de saint-Neomaye, de Blou, de Champigny-Vendome, de Dreux, de Montfort-L ' Amaury.
Search next page for more related Dynasties of Art Economics History and those ancient peoples related to DeLancey.
2:18 P.M. E.S.T. 7-16-2011
www.DavidGeorgeDeLanceyWorldWideWisdom.com 7-27-2011
I also have these three sites with Google sites. I will be arranging them periodically. https://sites.google.com/site/DavidGeorgeDeLancey/home
8:10 p.m. 12-5-2010 My figure is that if one Guy holds the title de Laval then there is a high chance that these people are related. I will try and confirm the relation of the end of the 1300's to the mid of the 1400's to see if the relations are unique.
Continuing with Guy: Guy of Lusignan. Guy IV, Count of Saint Pol b.about 1254 also known as Guy III of Chatillon, April 6,1317 French Nobleman son of Guy II of Chatillon and Matilda of Brabant. He was married to Marie of Brittany daughter of John II Duke of Brittany and Beatrice of England they had eight children. Guy de Monfort, Count of Nola son of Simon de Monfort, 6th Earl of Leicester and Eleanor of England daughter of King John of England. John was an enemy of Robin Hood. Guy I, Count of Blois and Lord of Avesnes he married Marguerite of Valois daughter of Charles of Valois and sister of Philip VI of France. Guy, Margrave of Tuscany. Guy XV de Laval. Guy XIV de Laval as mentioned already was married to Isabelle of Brittany search " Le roman de Ponthus et la Belle Sidoine. Guy X of Laval in 1315 married Beatrice (b.1295-d.1384. Guy II of Laval the Bald this name Bald is incorporated in other names perhaps as 1000 years before the 14th century. You will find those names on this site. Guyonne of Laval (1524-1557 countess of Laval and Monfort the Mad some women are actually considered Mad, Guyonne is covering Monfort. My search will define exactly what Mad represents. Of course there is one Guy whom is considered the iron cross so maybe this family ruled heavily with steardyness. Here he is now Guy VIII Lord of Laval and Count of Caserta (d. 1323 The Iron Cross. Guy of Thouars (d,13 April 1213) was second husband to Constance, Duchess of Brittany he was an Accitan Noble. 8:47 p.m.
The Duchy of Guyenne appears for the first time in the Treaty of Paris of 1229 which brought an end to the Albigensian Crusade and may have actually been created by that treaty
France - Habsburg rivalry. The House of Hasburg is of the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain, and the kingdom of France, from 1516 until 1756. By marriage the Austrian Hasburgs sought peaceful coalitions since the late Middle Ages -~- their Motto had been Wars may be led by others, you happy Austria, marry!
In 1477 The Holly Roman Emperor Maximillian I married Mary, the last Valois Duches of Burgundy, 19 years later their son Philip the Handsome married Joanna of Castile, daughter of King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile. Joanne (also known as Juanna the Mad) was sister to Katherine (of Aragon), the first wife of Henry VIII of England. Following the death of her brother and two sisters, Joanna became heiress to the Spanish Throne. Joanna and Philip's son (Maximillian's grandson) Charles united these possessions, when he became King of Spain (as Charles I) in 1516 and Holy Roman Emperor in 1519 (as Charles V). He ruled over a vast Empire. Now France had the Hasburgs on three sides as its neighbors, Spain to the south, the County of Flanders to the north, and Franche-Comte to the east.
I started a search with William d' Aubigny from Arundel Castle and from this same page from Wikipedia went through some highlighted names except for William Warlence it was not highlighted I will persue some interest of this person. I then went to Roger Bigot, 1st Earl of Norfolk, then to List of Counts of Mortain in search of William Warlence since it was not highlighted I went to Louis, Dauphin of France, Duke of Guyenne-(and known or in the location of Aquitaine and which may even be the name in which Aquitaine derives from) then I went to Margaret of Burgundy, Dauphin of France then to her father John the Fearless to his daughter Anne of Burgundy to Louis I, Count of Flanders then to Matilda II, Countess of Nevers known as Maud of Dampierre or Mathilda II of Bourbon 1241-1262 was a daughter of Archambaud IX of Bourbon and Yolande de Chatillon --notice the Y as the first letter and lan within it 'de- may have some resemblance of -'ce, my research of Roman spelling and spelling from Egypt will have some concerns of this. Yolande de Chatillon was Countess of Never as heiress of the counties of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre, she was married off to Odo, son and heir of Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy. back to Louis I Count of Flanders on this page I went to Guy I his great grandfather Guy Count of Flanders. Dutch 1226-March 7, 1305 Compiegne (Etienne II, Count of Sancerre) during the battle of the Golden Spurs in 1302 was second son of William II of Dampierre and Margaret II of Flanders.
Jacques of Chatillon d.1365 Lord of Ancre (added 12-12-2010 '4:51p.m.
Guy DeLaval:~ Laval, or Laval Guion, is a town of some importance in the south of the Province of Maine. At the time of the Conquest the Seigneur de la Val was Guy II, who, in 1066, when considerally stricken in years, confined certain grants made to the Abbey of Marmoutier by a son named Jean who at the age of three and twenty perhaps 23 had assumed the manastic habit in that establishment. Haman his son, was at that date the father of Guy, afterwards the third of that name called the young perhaps Guy the young and the Bald perhaps yet again another Guy the bald, and both of them joined along with Hamon the forces raised by William Duke of Normandy for the invasion of England.
Haman received for his services lands, which were inherited by his descendents down to the reign of John, and his son Guy was rewarded by the Conquer in 1078, with the hand of his niece Denise, daughter of Robert, Earl of Mortain and Cornwall.
Hamon succeeded his father Guy II, in the lordship of Laval, the year after the Conquest, and died in 1080, when his son Guy became Sire de la Val, and susequently losing his wife Denise, remarried with a lady named Cecile supposed to have been a kinswomen of the Counts of Mayenne. He died in 1095, and was buried at Marmoutier beside his wife.
The fact that neither the name Drago de Brevere or De la Val, father or son, is to be found on the Roll of Battle Abbey is tolerable evidence of the dependence to be placed upon it. 9:14 P.M. 12-6-2010 Roll of Battle Abbey is what it was called, search 'Roll of Battle Abbey' added 12-12-2010 4:58 p.m. e.s.t.
Information found on net 11-24-2010 it is now 12-9-10 at 12:25 P.M. GUY (Count of Flanders) son of Margaret Countess of Flanders and Hainaut.
Lugdunum, modern Lyon, France. Lugdunum founded 43 B.C. by Lucius Munatius Plancus.
Aquitain, Merovingion Franks
Wallia aquired Aquitaine in 417 a region where Visigoths would be based as official allies or foederati. He established his court in Taulouse and became the Visigoths Capital for the rest of the 5th Century
Alans fell under the rule of Gunderic, King of the Asding Vandals, this was by invasion of the Siling Vandals by Wallia whom honored an alliance by invading Hisponia.
Interesting:\'-'/:Gunderic of Burgundy=Gondioc was King of Burgundy following the destruction of Worms by the Huns in 436 succeeding Gundahar, his sister married Ricimer a Gothic general at the time ruling the Western Roman Empire. Gundobad succeeded Ricimer, in 472 he was son to Gondior and was succeeded by his brother Chileric I 473 after the death of Chilperic, Burgundy was devided among the sons of Gondioc, Gundobad, Chilperic II of Burgundy, Godomer, and Godegisel.
Marshall of France. Four Marshals under Louis XII 1498-1515. Jacques de Trivulce,(1448-1518).Marquis of Nigevano, Marshall of France 1499 Charles IV d' Amboise de Chaumont, (1473-1511), Lord of Chaumont, of Meillan and of Charenton, Marshal of France in 1506 odet de Foix, Vicomte de Lautrec (1485-1528), Viscount Of Lautrec, Marshal of France in 1511 Robert Stuuart d' Aubigny, (1470-154..
The Family of Mars
Tanneguy du Chatel
John I Duke of Brittany son to Peter I and Alix of Thours, daughter of Constance, Duchess of Brittany and Guy of Thouras.
Jacques and Jeanne Landry
Jacques Cartier
1:01 P.M. E.S.T. 12-9-2010
12-12-10 4:35 Mountains of Glyandelachan (Glendalough)
Two rivers form a conluence
Triston de Cunha
If you want to know what I look like search Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford. Same man Van Dyck Thomas Wentworth and Sir Philip Mainwaring, this one realy looks like me. Go to. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Wentworth,_1st_Earl_Of...
12-12-10 6:51 p.m. Note for this site: Doing research on the connection of La Rochelle and de Marcelly.
Acre held ships of the Templars
1312 the Hospital of St. John
The Templars and Hospitallers accompanied King James I of Aragon (1213-76) on crusades in 1269
William of Arrebly a former almoner to King Philip IV of France
Rosslyn chapel here is a gravestone of William St. Clair who died fighting the Moors in Spain whilst taking Robert the Bruce's heart to be buried in the Holy Land. Hugh de Payens, the founder of the order, was married to Katherine St Clair.
2:13 P.M. E.S.T. 12-14-2010 DeLancey Book p.46 STEPHEN DELANCEY 5th (113), the eldest son of Peter (85) and Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey 2nd son of Etienne and Anne, was born at West Farms, N.Y., December 10th, 1738. He married Esther Rynderst (114) of Albany, N.Y., and died at Annapolis, Nova Scotia, May 20th, 1809. He was a lawyer by profession, was commissioned Clerk of the City and County of Albany, which then comprised all the Province west of the Hudson River and north of Ulster County, and later was Recorder of that City. He was a member of the New York Committee of Safety in 1775.* Appleton states that on the 4th June 1776, the King's birthday, he was dining with the Mayor and a number of Loyalists, when he and others were seized and thrown into prison. A few days later they were taken to Hartford, Connecticut where they remained in confinement on a charge of disaffection, until liberated on December 26th by order of Governor Trumbull. It is claimed by Savary that he did not take up arms, but remained in New York until 1783, when he moved to Annapolis, Nova Scotia. On the other hand, Adj. General Stryke in his "New Jersey Volunteers (Loyalists)" says of Stephen DeLancey (Peter's son), "he was of the illustrious family of that name in New York. It does not appear why he accepted a commission in a New Jersey regiment as lieutenant-colonel of the First Battalion, but he was commissioned as such September 5th, 1776, while he was a prisoner. On the evening of June 4th, 1776, he was celebrating the birthday of George III, and being loud in his expression of loyalty he and his party were arrested by the patriotic citizens of Albany, and given into the safe keeping of Governor Trumbull of Connecticut, who seems to have taken charge during the war of such Tories. After his release he was again commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the First Battalion New Jersey Volunteers (Dec. 21st, 1781) and so continued until the close of the war. After peace was declared he removed to Nova Scotia." His wife, (Esther Rynerts) was born in Albany, N.Y., in January (8th?) 1741. and died at Annapolis, N.S., May 6th 1806. There were at least three children born of this marriage as shown by the will of their grandmother, Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey, viz., Peter, Elizabeth and Cadwallader. D.A. Story has no definite trace of either of the sons,* but Elizabeth (203) only daughter of Stephen DeLancey (113). She died Nov. 15th, 1858. Nothing really definite can be said of his life after his arrival at Annapolis, due partly to the fact that his cousin, Colonel Stephen DeLancey, also a lawyer by profession, reached there at the same time and remained for some years, and it is, perhaps, impossible to tell whether the Stephen DeLancey shown as one of the grantees of crownlands for settlement, or for public purposes, or as one of the church warden of St. Luke's Church, is he or his cousin, though it was frequently said the latter is given his military title when mentioned. There has been much confusion in regard to them for which Sabine appears to have been, at least, partly responsible.
JOHN DELANCEY 5th (115) the second son of Peter 1st (84) and Elizabeth (Colden) DeLancey (85), was born at West Farms, Westchester Co., N.Y., in 1741. he was High Sheriff of Westchester Co. and succeeded his father as a member of the House of Assembly in 1769, was one of the committee of fifty, 1st to 19th May 1774, to correspond with the other colonies respecting the imposing of duties on entry articles this by him in creation was called the Declaration of Dependence consisting of fifty-one signatures. On May 1st 1775, one of the Committee of One Hundred (100) after the Battle of Lexington, and same day one of the deputies to the Provincial Congress in 1776, and was an addressor of Lord Howe. The British Army List shows a John DeLancey as cornet in the 17th Dragoons 10th March, 1776, Lieutenant 28th December 1776, and Captain 4th May, 1801, and as he was the only one of the name, old enough at the time to bear arms and whose record is obscure, it appears to have been he. He died in 1820. He married Dorothy daughter of Parker Wickham and had one daughter. Elizabeth Ann deLancey who was married to Governor Joseph C, Yates and had two daughters.
ANNE DELANCEY, 1743-1818 married John Cox 1728-1750
PETER DELANCEY 2nd (117), the third son of Peter(84) and Elizabeth(85), was born at West Frams, N.Y., and served, on the British side, throughout the Revolutionary War, and after the disbandment of the troops in 1794, appears to have gone to Cataraqui, Ontario, where, however, there is only to be found a record of his arrival with a number of others. He was a lawyer by profession and unquestionably held a commission in one of the Loyalist regiments, but beyond this no further information is available. Subsequently, however, he went to Charleston, South Carolina, and practiced Law there. he is said to have been killed in a dual.
ALICE DELANCEY, (121) the second daughter and fifth child of Peter(84) and Elizabeth(85) married Ralph Izard (122) who was born near Charleston, South Carolina, in 1742, and died near there 30th May 1804. He was educated in England and, after graduating at Cambridge, settled in London in 1771 after his marriage to Miss DeLancey, but took the side of the Colonies during the War. In 1777 he was Commissioner to Tuscany, and later became a Senator for his native state. Some children were born of this marriage. There was a son Henry and a daughter Sarah, who married, in 1773, Lord William Ampbell, son of the 4th duke of Argyle, who was then a captain in the Royal Navy, but later became Governor of Nova Scotia, 1766-1773, and of South Carolina 1776-, to the close of the war, and had issue.///4:02 P.M. 12-14-2010
ELIZABETH DELANCEY 1st, 1750-1775 died unmarried
JAMES DELANCEY 6th, fourth son of Peter and Elizabeth. This is my 6th Grandfather and Grandmother Martha Tippett who died in 1827, aged 73 years and had ten children. My 6th grandfather died May 2nd, 1804. They had six sons two, at least, of whom served in the British Army, and four daughters. He was the colonel of the celebrated mounted corps of 50 men, selected from the elite of the country in Colonel Hewlett's militia regiment, which was gradually expanded into a small battalion and was nicknamed by the rebels the "Colonel of the Cowboys" the "Outlaw of the Bronx" and the :Colonel of the Refugees" .He was born at West Farms, New York, Sept. 6th, 1747, and held the office of High Sheriff of Westchester County, N.Y., at the outbreak of the war, having succeeded his elder brother John in that position in 1769. This position had also been held by his father before him. He was elected a member of the House of Assembly in that year, also in succession to his father and brother. He came to Nova Scotia in 1783, was elected to the House of Assembly for Annapolis County and took his seat January 26th, 1790, was made a member of H.M. Council in 1794 and resigned June 20th, 1801, owing to ill health. At one time, when the rebel troops had their quarters in the vicinity, he took refuge in a old pine tree and for two weeks, each evening after nightfall, his sweetheart, Martha Tippett whom he afterward married, took provisions to him and eventually helped him to escape. After the war they were married and came to Nova Scotia and settled near Roundhill. His ill health may have been the resulting of poison administered to him by a female slave, whom he had foolishly told that he had provided in his will that she would be freed at his death, and who took this means of hurrying the longed-for event. Mrs. Chas. Starratt of Upper Clements has in her possession a very interesting souvenir of the Colonel. It is in the shape of a silver mathematical instrument case, of a design that must now be very rare. It bears the following inscriptions, exquisitly engraved: Obverse: "Elizabeth De Lancey" Ob. Sept. 23, 1784 Aged 64" Reverse: "This memorial was bequested by the best of mothers to her son, James DeLancey: And on the bottom: "When you receive this the parent who gave it to you will no longer be on earth. May you live on earth so that we may meet in Heaven" The old pine tree referred to above is still standing in the Bronx Park", writes concerning this tree: "Where gentle Bronx clear winding flows The shadowy banks between, Where blossomed bell and wilding rose Adorns the brightest green, Memorial of the fallen great The rich and honored line, Stands high in solitary state De Lancey's ancient pine" ........ This next poem is by me David George Delancey and if I may add that when I got this DeLancey Book "A Romance of A Great Family it was after I wrote my Poem, it was created between December 27th 2007 and January 27th 2008 I got this DeLancey Book from a Micro film at the Salt Lake City Utah Genealogy Building summer of 2010.
~>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A Visit From Long Ago<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~ ~~<<<<<<<<<<<<<This is by David George DeLancey>>>>>>>>>>>>>~~ In memory of a person whom represented New York in many way's, the time period was 1703-1760 his name is James DeLancey the Chief Justice and Governor and Lieutenant Governor also Presiding Judge and a poem in his matter. Here I set afloat about the waves Though the caves are of mean the bank is clean and bring the straight in us in what we seen Though the straight is of courage like the flow of our homage A pole we may be for a flag is of thee For the attachment about it may there be a prancement to clout it As of the stars like above in a gentle way may we stay to play in meant of day As of like the course of heaven may we quethin For if it's above may it be like a glove Though the formation of a nation to inherit is about us the ocean in its motion Of course we share and bearous the crevice in which we serround The bounderies in our founderies are like the endless of our stay The bank to the right is of the square to bear May it be above as to love when declare If I leave to see what is about in the right without spite may I return of spite to be of right The stars so close a toll may it be as the pole The straight of the want may it be of staunt For a flag we have in right of flight is of the night with nothing so bright
Now for James DeLancey's conclusion by D.A. Story found in The DeLancey's "A Romance of a Great Family" p.52 When he and his wife came to Annapolis in 1783 they had only one child, born in New York in April of the Year. The rest of the ten children were born in Nova Scotia, on the old homestead property near Roundhill. The Annapolis river, a beautiful stream which flows through the Valley between the two ranges of mountains, skirts the estate. The Rev. T. Watson Smith in his "The Slave in Canada" states that in 1784 he (the colonel) had six slaves, and this is confirmed, as according to the returns from Clements and Moose River, Annapolis County, N.S., Lieutenant-Colonel James DeLancey, of the disbanded 1st Battalion New Jersey Volunteers,? brought with him to Nova Scotia six slaves, and records of St. Luke's Church, Annapolis, show--three Blacks---Peggy, Frances and Mary, to have been baptised there in July, 1793, and they are recorded as belonging to Colonel DeLancey. At the September term (1801) of the Supreme Court at Halifax was heard an action against John Umlah of Saint Margaret's Bay, in connection with the loss of a slave, one "Jack", who had run away after a brief service with Umlah at St. Margaret's Bay, had gone to Halifax, where he found employment with William Woodin. Colonel deLancey evidently did not regain posession, for according to the inventory of his personal effects after his death there remained (June, 1804) "a negro woman , at present disordered in mind, valued at 40,30,25 and 20 respectively, and a boy at 18. The ten children of Hon. Colonel James and Martha (Tippet) DeLancey are 1. WILLIAM DELANCEY 1st b. N.Y. April 9th 1783 d. Oct 8th 1808 married Elizabeth DeLancey his first cousin, who was born in Albany, N.Y., Nov. 20th 1776, a daughter of Stephen DeLancey and his first cousin. He, (William) was second Lieutenant of the 9th Battalion of Militia at Annapolis in 1817. He died 2nd July, 1869, aged * 86 years, and his wife on Nov. 15th, 1858, * aged 82. They had five children ~1. A child b. Sept. 20th, 1809, lived two hours. ~2. Maria Esther DeLancey, b. Aug. 6th 1810 baptized 1811, d. Nov. 18th, 1832, or 1834. ~3. Stephen James DeLancey b. Aug. 20th, 1812--d.s.p. Oct. 7th, 1836 ~4.William Peter DeLancey b. March 3rd, 1814, d. Oct. 2nd 1834. ~5.Cadwallader DeLancey, b. 1816, lost at sea, the next child of James my 6th Grandfather is #2. MARIA DELANCEY 5th, b. Jan. 23rd, 1786_d. Feb. 1st, 1808 married Henry Goldsmith (1785-1845, Assitant Commissary General and Storekeeper General at Annapolis. One of three sons of commissary General Campbell Goldsmith of the British Army, who was stationed in Cape Breton, and afterwards at Saint John, N.B., where he died June 6th, 1811, and who had been born in Athlone, Ireland, and the son of Oliver Goldsmith's favourite brother Henry. His sword is now in Ft. Anne #3. ELIZABETH DELANCEY 3rd, b. Aug. 27th, 1787-1809 married William Gibert Bailey, captain 9th Batn. Annapolis Militia, a brilliant lawyer and Collector of Customs at Annaplois. Third son of Rev. Jacob Bailey, Assistant Garrison Chaplin at Annapolis, 1808, and a brother of T. H. Bailey, Assistant Barrack Master and Adjutant 99th Battn. at Annapolis, d.s.p., 1836... #4 JAMES DELANCEY 9th, b. April 1789, d. in Canada 1813, captain 104th Regt.,Lt. Corsican Rifles... #5. JOHN DELANCEY 7th, b. June 1791 major St.John Fencibles and major 75th Regiment... #6. OLIVER DELANCEY 4th, b. Apr. 30th, 1793. The family record is---"Killed in action", but this does not appear to be correct. He was a lieutenant 17th and 10th Dragoons, wounded and retired on half pay, died about 1845... #7. SUSAN DELANCEY 7th, b. Apr. 3rd, 1798, baptized St. Luke's Church, Annapolis, July 15th, 1798, d. 1813. #8. STEPHEN DELANCEY 7th, b. March 27th,1800 but d.s.p. #9. PETER DELANCEY 3rd, b. Apr. 24th, 1802 married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary (Saunders) Starratt These are my 4th Great Grand Parents and had issue--two sons and three daughters and died Feb.23rd,1889... #10. ANNE DELANCEY 8th, b. 1804 married Stephen Bromley a founder of the Acadian School, Halifax, and an author of some educational books, son of Capt. Walter Bromley, H. M. 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers and had issue (2)sons. The records of St. Luke's Church, Annapolis Royal, show the following entry: "Baptized 26th June, 1794, Edward Howe, Prince Edward, Sponsor with (149) Colonel deLancey and Mrs. Barclay (nee (128) Susannah DeLancey) proxies for Sir John Wentworth and lady"... 12-15-2010 7:24 P.M.
_________DOMESDAY BOOK_______ Great Domesday contents: place names Kent-1,Sussex-2,Surrey-3,Hampshire-4,Berkshire-5,Wiltshire-6,Dorset-7,Somerset-8,Devonshire-9,Cornwall-10,Middlesex-11,Hertforshire-12,Buckinghamshire-13,Oxfordshire-14,Gloucestershire-15,Worcestershire-16,Herefordshire-17,Cambridgeshire-18,Huntingdonshire-19,Bedfordshire-20,NorthHamptonshire-21,Leicestershire-22,Warickshire-23,Staffordshire-24,Shropshire-25,Cheshire-26,Derbyshire-27,Nottinghamshire-28,(including Rutland)-29,Yorkshire-30,Lincolnshire-31 ~ Little Domesday ~ Essex-32,Norfolk-33,Soffolk-34
Lands held in Kent: I King William II Archbishop of Canterbury III And his monks and men IIII Bishop of Rochester V Bishop of Bayeux VI Battle Abbey VII Abbey of St Augustine VIII Abbey of Ghent IX Hugh de Monfort X Count Eustace XI Richard of Tonbridge XII Hamo the sheriff XIII Albert the chaplin
Lands held in Sussex: I King William II Archbishop of Canterbury III Bishop of Chichester IIII Abbot [...] of Wetsminister V Abbot [...] of Fecamp VI Osbern, Bishop of Exeter VII Abby of Winchester VIII Abby of Battle IX Count of Mortain XI Earl Roger XII William de Warenne XIII William de Braose XIIII Oda of Winchester XV Ealdraed
Lands held in Surrey: I King William II Archbishop of Canterbury III Bishop of Winchester IIII Bishop of Osbern V Bishop of Bayeux VI Abbot of Westminister VII Abbot of Winchester VIII Abbot of Chertsey IX Abbot of Saint-Wandrille X Abbot of La-Croix-Saint-Leufroy XI Abbot of Battle XII Abbess of Barking XIII Canons of St Paul's of London XIIII Church of Lamberth XV Count Eustace XVI Countess of Boulogne XVII Count of Mortain XVIII Earl Roger XIX Richard of Tonbridge XX William de Braose XXI William fitzAnsculf XXII William fitzOther XXIII Walter de Douai XXIIII Gilbert fitzRicher XXV Geoffrey de Mandeville XXVI Geoffrey Orlateile XXVII Edward of Salisbury XXVIII Robert Malet XXIX Miles Crispin XXX Hamo the sheriff XXXI Humphrey the chamberlain XXXII Ralph de Feugeres XXXIII Albert the clerk XXXV Odard the crossbowman XXXVI Osweald, Theodric, and other servants of the King
Lands held in Hampshire: I King William II Bishop of Winchester III and his monks IIII Archbishop Thomas V Bishop Osbern VI Abbot of Winchester VII Abbot of Gloucester VIII Abbot of Westminister IX Abbot of Chertsey X Abbot of Jumieges XI Abbot of Glastonbury XII Abbot of Milton XIII The Abbot of Grestain XIIII Abbess of Winchester XV Abbess of Romsey XVI Abbess of Wherwell XVII Canons of Twynham XVIII Count Alan XIX Count of Mortain XX Earl Roger XXI Earl Hugh XXII Hugh de Port of the King XXIII The same Hugh of the Bishop of Bayeux XXIIII Hubert de Port XXV William de Percy XXVI Ernulf de Hesdin XXVII Edward of Salisbury XXVIII Robert fitzGerald XXIX Ralph de Mortimer XXX Eudo fitzHubert XXXI William Bertram XXXII William de Eu XXXIII William de Braose XXXIIII William de Warenne XXXV William Mauduit XXXVI Alvred of Marlborough XXXVII Durand of Gloucester XXXVIII Turstin fitzRolf XXXIX Bernard Pauncevolt XL Turstin the chamberlain XLI Richard Sturmy XLII Richard Puignant XLIII Gilbert de Breteuil XLIIII Hugh fitzBaldric XLV Waleran the huntsman XLVI Walter fitzOther XLVII Walter fitzRoger de Pitres XLVIII William fitzManni XLIX William Alis L William fitzBaderon LI William fitzStur LII William Bellet LIII William the archer LIIII Herbert the chamberlain LVI Henry the treasurer LVII Humphrey the chamberlain LVIII Herbrand de Pont Audemer LIX Reginald fitzCroch LX Croch the huntsman LXI Joscelin de Cormeilles LXII Geoffrey Marshal LXIII Nigel the physician LXIIII Alvred the priest LXV Durand the barber LXVI Ranulph Flambard LXII Geoffrey the chamberlain of the King's daughter LXVIII Hugh a la Barbe and many more sergeants of the king LXIX Oda of Winchester and many other thegns of the king__________________12-17-2010 6:41 P.M.
12-18-2010 3:38 P.M. GREAT DOMESDAY BOOK A survey of England made in 1086-7 |->'Domesday'<-| The book of the day of judgment. The earliest names of it ' the King's book' and 'the great book of Winchester' kept in the royal treasurey. In the twelfth century it was by English and displade for their Norman Lords requested by deferential account. The survey was commissioned at Christmas 1085, when William the Conquerer held court at Gloucester. It appears that someone else other than King William had advised the book to be taken in account. My search for this continues.
Lands held in Berkshire: I King William II Bishop of Winchester III Bishop of Salisbury IIII Bishop of Durham V The Bishop of Exeter VI Bishop of Coutances VII Abbey of Abingdon VIII Abbey of Glastonbury IX Abbey of Westminister X Abbey of Winchester XI Abbey of Chertsey XII The Abbey of Albans XIII Abbey of Saint-PIERRE-sur-Dives XIIII Abbey of Battle XV Abbess of Winchester XVI Abbess of Amesbury XVII Count of Evreux XVIII Earl Hugh XIX Count of Mortain XX Walter Giffard XXI Henry de Ferrers XXII William fitzAnsculf XXIII William de Eu XXIIII William Peverel XXV Willaim de Braose XXVI William Lovet XXVII William fitzCorbucion XXVIII William fitzRichard XXIX William de Cailly XXX Walter fitzPons XXXI Walter fitzOther XXXII Eudo fitzHubert XXXIII Miles Crispin XXXIIII Giles brother of Ansculf XXXV Hascoit Musard XXXVI Gilbert de Breteuil XXXVII Gilbert de Ghent XXXVIII Geoffrey de Mandeville XXXIX Osbern Giffard XL Robert fitzGerald XLI Robert d'Oilly XLII Robert of Stafford XLIII Richard Puignant XLIIII Roger d'Ivry XLV Roger de Lacy XLVI Ralph de Mortimer XLVII Ralph de Tosny XLVIII Ralph fitzCount XLIX Ralph fitzSeifrid L Ernulf de Hesdin LI Hugh fitzBaldric LII Hugh de Port LIII Humphrey the chamberlain LIIII Humphrey Visdeloup LV Turstin fitzRolf LVI Albert LVII Aiulf the sheriff LVIII Hugolin the steersman LIX Matthew de Mortagne LX Bernard the falconer LXI Regenbald the priest LXII Grimbald LXIII Theodric the goldsmith, Odo, and several other thegns
Lands held in Wiltshire: I King William II Bishop of Winchester III Bishop of Salisbury IIII Bishop of Bayeux V Bishop of Coutances VI Bishop of Lisieux VII Abbey of Glastonbury VIII Abbey of Malmesbury IX Abbey of Westminister X Abbey of Winchester XI Abbey of Cranborne XII Abbess of Shaftesbury XIII Abbess of Wilton XIIII Abbess of Winchester XV Abbess Romsey XVI Abbess of Amesbury XVII Church of Bec XVIII Gerald the priest of Wilton XIX Canons of Lisieux XX Count of Mortain XXI Earl Roger XXII Earl Hugh XXIII Earl Aubrey XXIIII Edward of Salisbury XXV Ernulf de Hesdin XXVI Alvred of Marlborough XXVII Humphrey de I'Isle XXVIII Miles Crispin XXIX Gilbert de Breteuil XXX Durand of Gloucester XXXI Walter Giffard XXXII William de Eu XXXIII William de Braose XXXIIII William de Moyon XXXV William de Falaise XXXVI Walter de Douai XXXVII Waleren the huntsman XXXVIII William fitzGuy XXXIX Henry de Ferrers XL Richard son of Count Gilbert XLI Ralph de Mortimer XLII Robert fitzGerald XLIII Robert fitzRolf XLIIII Roger de Courseulles XLV Roger of Berkeley XLVI Bernard Pauncevolt XLVII Berengar Giffard XLVIII Osbern Giffard XLIX Drogo fitzPons L Hugh I' Asne LI Hugh fitzBaldric LII Humphrey the chamberlain LIII Gunfrid Mauduit LIIII Alvred d'Epaignes LV Aiulf the sheriff LVI Nigel the physician LVII Osbern the priest LVIII Richard Puignant LIX Robert Marshal LX Robert the Fair LXI Richard Sturmy LXII Reginald Canute LXIII Matthew de Mortagne LXIIII Joscelin [...] Riviere LXV Godescal LXVI Herman and other king's sergeant LXVII Oda and other king's thegns LXVIII Hervey and other king's servants
Lands held in Dorset: I King William II Bishop of Salisbury III And the monks of Sherborne IIII Bishop of Bayeux V Bishop of Coutances VI Bishop of Lisieux VII Bishop of London VIII Abbey of Glastonbury IX Abbey of Winchester X Abbey of Cranborne XI Abbey of Cerne XII Abbey of Milton XIII Abbey of Abbotsbury XIIII Abbey of Horton XV Abbey of Athelney XVI Abbey of Tavistock XVII Abbey of Caen XVIII Abbey of Saint-Wandrille XIX Abbess of Shaftesbury XX Abbess of Wilton XXI Abbess of Caen XXII Abbess of Montvilliers XXIII Canons of Coutances XXIIII Regenbald the priest and other clerks XXV Count Alan XXVI Count of Mortain XXVII Earl Hugh XXVIII Roger de Beaumont XXIX Roger de Courseulles XXX Robert fitzGerald XXI Edward of Salisbury XXXII Ernulf de Hesdin XXXIII Turstin fitzRolf XXXIIII William de Eu XXXV William de Falaise XXXVI William de Moyon XXXVII William de Braose XXXVIII William d'Ecouis XXXIX Walter de Douai XL Waleren the huntsman XLI Walter de Claville XLII Baldwin of Exeter XLIII Berenger Giffard XLIIII Osbern Giffard XLV Matthew de Mortagne XLVI Roger Arundel XLVII Serlo de Burcy XLVIII Aiulf the sheriff XLIX Humphrey the chamberlain L Hugh de Port LI Hugh de St Quentin LII Hugh de Boscherbert LIII Hugh d'Ivry and other Frenchman LIIII The wife of Hugh fitzGrip LV Isolde LVI Guthmund and other thegns LVII William Bellet and other king's sergeants LVIII The Countess of Boulogne
Lands held in Somerset: I King William II Bishop of Winchester III Bishop of Salisbury IIII Bishop of Bayuex V Bishop of Coutances VI Bishop of Wells VII Church of Bath VIII Church of Glastonbury IX Church of Muchelney X Church of Athelney XI Church of St PETER at Rome XII Church of Caen XIII Abbey of Montebourg XIIII Church of Shaftesbury XV Bishop Maurice XVI Clerks holding of the king XVII Count Eustace XVIII Earl Hugh XIX Count of Mortain XX Baldwin of Exeter XXI Roger de Courseulle XXII Roger Arundel XXIII Walter Giffard XXIIII Walter or Walscin de Douai XXV William de Moyon XXVI William de Eu XXVII William de Falaise XXVIII William fitzGuy XXIX Ralph de Mortimer XXX Ralph de la Pommeraye XXXI Ralph Paynel XXXII Ralph de Limesy XXXIII Robert fitzGerald XXXIIII Alvred of Marlborough XXXV Alvred d'Epaignes XXXVI Turstin fitzRolf XXXVII Osbern Giffard XL Edward of Salisbury XLI Ernulf de Hesdin XLII Gilbert fitzTurold XLIII Godebold XLIIII Matthew de Mortagne XLV Humphrey the chamberlain XLVI Robert d'Auberville and other sergeants of the king XLVII The king's thegns
Lands held in Devonshire: I King William II Bishop of Exeter III Bishop of Coutances IIII Church of Glastonbury V Church of Tavistock VI Church of Buckfast VII Church of Horton VIII Church of Cranborne IX Church of Battle X Church of SAINT-MARIE of Rouen XI Church of Mont-Saint-Etienne of Caen XIII Church of LA TRINITE OF Caen XIII Earl Hugh XV The Count of Mortain XVI Baldwin the sheriff XVII Ludichael of Totnes XVIII William de Moyon XIX William Chevre XX William de Falaise XXI William de Poilley XXII William de Eu XXIII Walter de Douai XXIIII Walter de Claville XXV Walter XXVI Goscelm XXVII Richard son of Count Gilbert XXVIII Roger de Bully XXIX Robert d'Aumale XXX Robert the Bastard XXXI Richard fitz Turolf/sic/ XXXII Ralph de Limesy XXXIII Ralph Paynel XXXIIII Ralph de Feugeres XXXV Ralph de la Pommeraye XXXVI Roald Dubbed XXXVII Theobald fitzBerner XXXVIII Turstin fitzRolf XXXIX Alvred d'Epaignes XL Alvred the Breton XLI Ansgar XLII Aiulf XLIII Odo fitzGamelin XLIIII Osbern de Sacey XLV The wife of Hervey de Hellean XLVI Gerald the chaplain XLVII Gerard XLVIII Godebold XLIX Nicholas L Fulcher LI Haimeric LII William and other of the king's sergeants LIII Colwin and other of the king's thegns________5:36 P.M.
12-19-2010 9:17 A.M. "GREAT DOMESDAY BOOK" The entries here are people associated with the King's Realm and England. Above are the name places also filed in the Great Domesday Book. There is also a Little Domesday Book which continues in the order written of the first book. Here are some definitions concerning the time of this great and ancient period. VILL -The unit of local administration as it lowest level; Geld for instance was levied on the SHIRE, HUNDRED and vill, in that descending order. Not necessarily a village in the modern sense; a vill represents an area of land rather than the site of a specific settlement, and may contain more than one settlement. Occasionally used of urban sites noted in the Domesday Book which were not fully-fledged BOROUGHS. 'PENNY-, PENCE' The only actual coin in circulation in the eleventh century, 240 pence were struck from one pound of silver. DENARIUS-se penny. DOMESDAY MONACHORUM- A survey collected within an existing manuscript (now in Canterbury Cathedral library) compiled from Domesday Book or from the 'original returns' for the use of the Archbishop and monks of Christ Church, Canterbury. BLANCH, BLANCH FARM -see Farm. FARM -Never an agricultural unit, as in modern usage. A render, originally in kind, but by the eleventh century frequently commuted to money, NIGHT'S FARM: the amount of produce which would support the king and his retinue for one 24-hour period, paid by certain groups of royal estates. BLANCH FARM:(Latin blanca, white) royal dues paid in money ASSAYED for its purity ('white silver','white pennies') and usually reckoned as 21 shillings to the pound of silver instead of 20. Land or office held AT FARM: in effect, leased at a specific rent in return for which the tenant, known as the 'farmer', received the profits of the estate or office. FEALTY ( from Latin fides, oath, fidelitas, loyalty). The oath sworn by a VASSAL to his LORD in the ceremony of VASSALAGE: usually sworn on holy relics or on the Gospels. The duty owed by a Vassal to his Lord including tributary service, aid and counsel. LORD (Latin Old English hlaford.lord: literally 'loaf-maker'). The lord is the holder of the HOMAGE of his VASSALS, to whom he gives protection and land in return for support. The lady (Old English hlafdige.'loaf-maker') is the lord's wife. LORDSHIP: In Domesday Book, dominium (Latin). Territory or personnel under the direct authority of a LORD DEMESNE: (Latin dominum: Old French adj. demeigne, owned). Land 'in LORDSHIP' whose produce is devoted to the LORD rather than his tenants: MANORS held in the LORD'S personal possession as opposed to those granted to his men; that part of an individual estate exploited directly for the LORD'S 'home-farm'. Also expressed as INLAND (Old English). as opposed to WARLAND. ~~BOOKLAND (Old English bocland). Land to which the title is a royal charter; the essential factor in bookland tenure is freedom to dispose of the land as the holder wishes. WARLAND:(see wara). land which owes service (as opposed to the exempt DEMENSNE or INLAND): thus land held by peasants and tenants as opposed to their LORD. WASTE~~In Domesday Book ,wasta (Latin; poss. Old English waest, uninhabited, deolate; Old French wast). Land which does not RENDER dues either because it has been physically devastated, or because the dues have been attached to some other MANOR, or because they have been withheld. Some manors described as 'waste' are nevertheless credited with values and with population or other appurtenances in Domesday Book. Land on which GELD was not paid is also sometimes described as 'waste' MINSTER (Latin monasterium, monastery, church). The mother-church of an area, often in origin a small monastery. The territories assigned to minsters were usually larger than modern parishes. ~RAPE~~(derviation uncertain). One of five (later six) subdivisions of Sussex, each with its LORD and CASTLE. Similar to the Kentish LATHE. REVELAND:~ (from Old English gerefa, REEVE). Meaning uncertain: perhaps land set aside for the use of a REEVE. REEVE+~_ In Domesday Book. praepositus (Latin; Old English gerefa). An administrative officer: used for the king's officials in charge of royal estates, manorial officials of other LORDS in charge of estates: village representatives who oversaw the performance of manorial duties. COUNT- (Latin comes, companion). A continental title, denoting a man in authority over a specific area (county) with ad-ministr-a'tive and jud-i'cial po'w'-er,s used to translated the English EARL. COURT~ (Latin curia). Apart from its judicial use, the word also denotes the residence of the LORD (see HALL and MANOR) to which dues were paid.
Lands held in Cornwall: I King William II Bishop of Exeter III Church of Tavistock IIII Churches of various saints V Count of Mortain VI Iudichael of Totnes VII Goscelm
Lands held in Middlesex I King William II Archbishop of Canterbury III Bishop of London and his canons IIII Abbey of Westminister V Abbey of La TRINITE, Rouen VI Abbey of Barking VII Earl Roger VIII Count of Mortain IX Geoffrey de Mandeville X Ernulf de Hespdin XI Walter fitzOther XII Walter de Saint-Valery XIII Richard son of Count Gibert XIIII Robert Gernon XV Robert Fafiton XVI Robert fitzRoscelin XVII Robert Blund XVIII Roger de Raismes XIX William fitzAnsculf XX Edward of Salisbury XXI Aubrey de Vere XXII Ranulph brother of Ilger XXIII Deormann XXIIII Countess Judith And the king's Almsmen
Lands held in Hertfordshire; I King Wiliam II Archbishop of Canterbury III Bishop of Winchester IIII Bishop of London V Bishop of Bayeux VI Bishop of Lisieux VII Bishop of Chester VIII Abbot of Ely IX Abbot of Westminister X Abbot of St Albans XI The Abbess of Chatteris XII Canons of London XIII Canons of Waltham XIIII Count of Mortain XV Count of Alan XVI Count Eustace XVII Earl Roger XVIII Robert dOilly XIX Robert Gernon XX Robert de Tosny XXI Ralph de Tosny XXII Ralph de Limesy XXIII Ralph Baynard XXIIII Ranulph brother of Ilger XXV Hugh de Grandmesnil XXVI Hugh de Beauchamp XXVII William d Eu XXVIII William de'Auberville XXIX Walter the Fleming XXX Eudo the steward XXXI Edward of Salisbury XXXII Geoffrey de Mandeville XXXIII Geoffrey de Bec XXXIIII Gosbert de Beauvais XXXV Peter de Valognes XXXVI Hardwin de Scales XXXVII Edgar XXXVIII Mainou the Breton XXXIX Gibert fitzSalomon XL Sigar de Chocques XLI Deormann and other Englishmen of the king XLII Rohais wife of Richard XLIII Adeliza wife of Hugh XLIIII The daughter of Ralph Taillebois
Noting by David George DeLancey of the letters at the end of these names~~~~` ois--ais---ville----ard-----gnes------ert-------bury
Lands held in Buckinghamshire---may we also take not of the name Buck which is situated through this site and may be within the Domesday Book archives. We shall see soon enough now to continue with those of Buck-ing-ham-shire/ I King William II Archbishop of Canterbury III Bishop of Winchester IIII Bishop of Winchester IIII Bishop of Lincoln V Bishop of Bayeux VI Bishop of Coutances VII Bishop of Lisieux VIII Abbot of Westminister IX Abbot of St Alban X The Abbess of Barking XI Canons of Oxford XII Regenbald the priest XIII Count of Mortain XIIII Earl Hugh of Chester XV Walter Giffard XVI William de Warrenne XVII William Peverel XVIII William fitzAnsculf XIX Robert Gernon XXII Geoffrey de Mandeville XXIII Gilbert de Ghent XXIIII Miles Crispin XXV Edward of Salisbury XXVI Hugh de Beauchamp XXVII Hugh de Bolbec XXVIII Henry de Verono XXX Walter fitzOther XXXI Walter the Fleming XXXII William de Feugeres XXXIII William the chamberlain XXXIIII William fitzConstantine XXXV William fitzManni XXXVI Turstin fitzRolf XXXVII Turstin Mantel XXXVIII Ralph de Feugeres XL Bertram de Verdum XLI Nigel de Berville XLIII Roger d'Ivry XLIIII Richard Engaine XLV Mainou the Breton XLVI Joscelin the Breton XLVII Urse de Bercheres XLVIII Winemar [the Fleming] XLIX Martin L Hervey the legate LI Hascoit Musard LII Gunfrid de Chocques LIII Giles brother of Ansculf LIII Queen Matilda LV Countess Judith LVI Azelina wife of[Ralph] Taillebois
Noting again by D.G.DeL. of now middle portioned letters: ~eau~~bald-sometimes at the beginning and end-:~~an[and sometimes as 'ant'~~~enne-sometimes in the miidle and at the end er/and like err/and ere }++++++11:46 A.M. 12-19-10
12-21-2010 Lands held in Oxfordshire: I King William II Archbishop of Canterbury III Bishop of Winchester IIII Bishop of Salisbury V Bishop of Wxeter VI Bishop of Lincoln VII Bishop of Bayeux VIII Bishop Lisieux IX Abbey of Abingdon X Abbey of Battle XI Abbey of Wnchcombe XII Abbey of Preaux XIII Church of Saint-Denis of Paris XIIII Canons of Oxford and other clerks XV Earl Hugh XVI Count of Mortain XVII The Count of Evreux XVIII Earl Aubrey XIX Count Eustace XX Walter Giffard XXI William fitz Ansculf XXII William de Warenne XXIII William Peverel XXIIII Henry de Ferrers XXV Hugh de Bolbec XXVI Hugh d'Ivry XXVII Robert of Stafford XXVIII Robert d'Oilly XXIX Roger d'Ivry XXX Ralph de Mortimer XXXI Randulph Peverel XXXII Richard de Courcy XXXVIII Richard Puignant XXXIIII Berenger de Tosny XXXV Miles Crispin XXXVI Guy de Raimbeaucourt XXXVII Giles brother of Ansculf XXXVIII Gibert de Ghent XXXIX Geoffrey de Mandeville XL Ernulf de Hesdin XLI Edward of Salisbury XLII Swein the sheriff XLIII Alfred nephew of Vigot XLIIII Huy d'Oilly XLV Walter Pons XLVI William Leofric XLVII William fitzManni XLVIII Ilbod brother of Ernulf de Hesdin XLIX Reinbald L Robert fitzMurdoch LI Osbern Giffard LII Benzelin LIII Countess Judith LIIII Christina LV The wife of Roger d'Ivry LVI Hascoit Musard LVII Thorkil LVIII Richard Engaine and other sevants of the king LIX The land of Earl William
Lands held in Gloucestershire: I King William II The Archbishop of York III Bishop of Worcester IIII Bishop of Hereford V Bishop of Exeter VI Bishop of Saint-Lo VII The Church of Bath VIIIAbbey Glastonbury IX Abbey of Malmesbury X Abbey of Gloucester XI Abbey of Winchcombe XII Abbey of Eversham XIII Abbey of Abingdon XIIII Abbey of Pershore XV Abbey of Coventry XVI Abbey of Cormeilles XVII Abbey of Lyre XVIII Abbey of Eynsham XIX Abbey of Westminster XX Church of Saint-Denis of Paris XXI Church of Lambeth XXIII Church of LA TRINITE, Caen XXIIII Church of Troarn XXV Church of Cirencester XVI Regenbald the priest XXVII Earl Roger XXVII Earl Hugh XXIX Count of Mortain XXX Gibert Maminot, Bishop of Lisieux XXXI William de EU XXXII William fitzBaderon XXXIII William the chamberlain XXXIIII William Goizenboded XXXV William fitzGuy XXXVI William Froisseloup XXXVII William fitzNorman XXXVIII William Leofric XXXIX Roger de Lacy XL Roger de Beaumont XLI Roger d'Ivry XLII Roger of Berkeley XLIII Ralph, his brother XLIIII Ralph Paynel XLV Ralph de Tosny XLVI Robert de Tosny XLVII Robert Despenser XLVIII Robert d'Oilly XLIX Richard the legate L Osbern Giffard LI Geoffrey Orlateile LII Gibert fitzTurold LIII Durand the sheriff LIIII Drogo fitzPons LV Walter fitzPons LVI Walter fitzRoger LVII Walter the deacon LVIII Walter the crossbowman LIX Henry de Ferrers LX Ernulf de Hesdin LXI Harold son of Ralph LXII Walter de Grandmesnil LXIII Hugh I' Asne LXIIII Miles Crispin LXV Urse d' Abetot LXVI Hascoit Musard LXVII Turstin fitzRolf LXVIII Ansfrid de Cormeilles LXIX Humphrey the chamberlain LXX Humphrey of Maidenhill LXXI Humphrey the cook LXXII Sigar de Chocques LXXIII Matthew de Mortagne LXXIIII Joscelin the Breton LXXV Roger fitzRalph LXXVI The wife of Gerwy LXXVII Baldwin LXXVIII /-Elfsige and other thegns of the king
Lands held in Worcestershire: I King William II Church of Worcester III Bishop of Hereford IIII Church of Saint-Denis V Church of Coventry VI Church of Cormeilles VII Church of Gloucester VIII Church of Westminster IX Church of Pershore X Church of Eversham XI Bishop of Bayeux XII Church of St Guthlac XIII Clerks of Wolverhamton XIIII Earl Roger XV Ralph de Tosny XVI Ralph de Mortimer XVII Robert of Stafford XVIII Roger de Lacy XIX Osbern fitzRichard XX Gibert fitzTurold XXI Drogo fitzPons XXII Harold son of Ralph XXIII William fitzAnsculf XXIIII William fitzCorbucion XXV William Goizenboded XXVI Urse d'Abetot XXVII Hugh I'Asne XXVIII Ealdgifu
Lands held in Herefordshire: I King William II Bishop of Hereford III Church of Cormeilles IIII Church of Lyre V Church of Gloucester VI Church of St Guthlac VII Nigel the physician VIII Ralph de Tosny IX Ralph de Mortimer X Roger de Lacy XI Roger de Mussegros XII Robert Gernon XIII Henry Ferrers XIIII William d'Ecouis XV William fitzBaderon XVI William fitzNorman XVII Turstin fitzRolf XVIII Albert of Lorraine XIX Alvred of Marborough XX Alvred d'Epainges XXI Ansfrid de Cormeilles XXII Durand of Gloucester XXIII Drogo fitzPons XXIIII Osbern fitzRichard XXV Gibert fitzTurold XXVI Ilbert fitzTurold XXVII Herman de Dreux XXVIII Humphrey de Bouville XXIX Hugh I'Asne XXX Urse d'Abetot XXXI Gruffydd XXXII Rainier XXXIII Carbonell XXXIIII The wife of Ralph the chaplain XXXV Stephen XXXVI Madoc, Eadric, Almaer
Lands held in Cambridgeshire: I King William II Bishop of Winchester III Bishop of Lincoln IIII Bishop of Rohchester V Abbot of Ely VI Abbot of St Edmundsbury VII Abbot of Ramsey VIII Abbot of Thorney VIIII Abott of Crowland X Abbot of Saint-Wandrille XI Abbess of Chatteris XII Count of Mortain XIII Earl Roger XIIII Count Alan XV Count Eustace XVI Canons of Bayeux XVII Walter Giffard XVIII William de Warenne XIX Richard son of Count Gibert XX Robert de Tosny XXI Robert Gernon XXII Geoffrey de Mandeville XXIII Gibert de Ghent XXIIII Gibert fitzTurold XXV Eudo the steward XXVI Hardwin de Scales XXVII Hugh de Bernieres XXVIII Hugh de Port XXVIIII Aubrey de Vere XXX Eustace of Huntingdon XXXI Guy de Raimbeaucourt XXXII Peter de Valognes, b XXXIII Picot of Cambridge, a XXXIIII Ranulph brother of Ilger, c XXXV John fitzWaleren XXXVI William fitzAnsculf XXXVII William de Keynes XXXVIII Robert Fafiton XXXVIIII David d'Argentan XL Two of the king's carpenters XLI Countess Judith XLII Azelina Wife of Ralph Taillebois XLIII The wife of Boselin de Dives XLIIII Erchenger the baker
Lands held in Huntingdonshire: I King William II Bishop of Lincoln III Bishop of Coutances IIII Abbey of Ely V Abbey of Crowland VI Abbey of Ramsey VII Abbey of Thorney VIII The Abbey of Peterborough IX Count Eustace X The Count of EU XI Earl Hugh XII Walter Giffard XIII William de Warenne XIIII Hugh de Bolbec XV Eudo fitzHubert
7:52 P.M. Making note of end letters ~ ster ~ er ~ ( ric - previously in the middle ), Old, ~ and there are several y's, and again with the 'a' added to agne. "in" is used somewhat effortly, and ham, I noticed William d'Ecouis has the last four letters as Louis, ugh is also used in Waugh and the "u" and "g" maybe fitting letters as of "L" being silent somewhat. To look at older "L's" at the begining of words, and with along the usage of it considered in names, for instence de - in French represents ~of~ or ~the~ as in same cases so would L, but perhaps stronger as where ~to and or from~ as of ~to go there~ or ~from there~. Try and say DeLancey by putting the tip of the tongue at the upper outer portion of the mouth and pernounce the "a" as ~~yarn~~, and it may be some folk pernounced the ~~cey~~ as as a couple of ways such as with a long ~c~ like she or sh e y could be an 'i' involved there, or even try a sneeze with the tongue going back up. Another forming letter I found at the end of some of these names above in the Domesday Book is "win'.
Lands held in Bedfordshire: I King William II Bishop of Bayeux III Bishop of Coutances IIII Bishop of Lincoln V Bishop of Durham VI Abbot of St Edmundsbury VII Abbot of Peterborough VIII Abbot Of Ramsey IX Abbot of Westminster X Abbot of Thorney XI Abbess of Barking XII Canons of London XIII Canons of Bedford XIIII Earnwine the priest XV Count Eustace XVI Walter Giffard XVII William de Warenne XVIII William de EU XIX Miles Crispin XX Ernulf de Hesdin XXI Eudo the steward XXII William Peverel XXIII Hugh de Beauchamp XXIIII Nigel d'Aubigny XXV William Speke XXVI Robert de Tosny XXVII Gibert de Ghent XXVIII Robert d'Oilly XXIX Ranulph brother of Ilger XXX Robert Fafiton XXXI Alvred of Lincoln XXXII Walter the Fleming XXXIII Walter brother of Seiher XXXIIII Hugh the butler XXXVI Sigar de Chocques XXXVII Gunfrid de Chocques XXXVIII Richard son of Count Gibert XXXIX Richard Puignant XL William the chamberlain XLI William Lovet XLII William XLIII Henry fitzAzur XLIIII Osbern fitzRichard XLV Osbern fitzWalter XLVI Osbern the fisherman XLVII Turstin the chamberlain XLVIII Gibert fitzSalomon XLIX Albert of Lorraine L David d'Argentan LI Ralph de I'Isle LII Joscelin the Breton LIII Countess Judith LIII Adeliza wife of Hugh de Grandmesnil LV Azelina wife of Ralph Taillebois LVI The burgesses of Bedford LVI The king's reeves and beadles and almsmen
Lands held in Northamtonshire: I King William II Bishop Of Bayeux II Bishop of Durham IIII Bishop of Coutances V Bishop of Lincoln VI Abbey of Peterborough VII Abbey of Westminster VIII Abbey of Edmundsbury IX Abbey of Ramsey X Abbey of Thorney XI Abbey of Crowland XII Abbey of Coventry XIII Abbey of Evesham XIIII Abbey of Grestain XV Church of St Remy of Rheims XVI Ansgar the chaplain XVII Leofwine the priest and other clerks XVIII The Count of Mortain XIX The Count of Meulan XX Count Alan XXI Earl Aubrey XXII Earl Hugh XXIII Hugh de Grandmesnil XXIIII Hugh d'Ivry XXV Henry de Ferrers XXVI Robert de Tosny XXVII Robert of Stafford XXVIII Robert d'Oilly XXIX Robert de Vessey XXX Robert de Bucy XXXI Ralph Paynel XXXII Ralph de Limesy XXXIII Robert Blund XXXIIII William de Keynes XXXV William Peverel XXXVI William fitzAnsculf XXXVII William Lovett XXXVIII Walter d'Aincourt XXXIX Walter the Fleming XL Winemar XLI Guy de Raimbeaucourt XLII Eudo fitzHubert XLIII Giles, brother of Ansculf XLIIII Geoffrey Alselin XLV Geoffrey de Mandeville XLVI Gilbert de Ghent XLVII Geoffrey de la Guerche XLVIII Gunfrid de Chocques XLIX Sigar de Chocques L Swein LI Sibold LII Ogier the Breton LIII Drogo de la Beuvriere LIII Mainou the Breton LV Eustace of Huntingdon LVI Countess Judith LVII Gilbert the cook LVIII David LIX Richard LX William and other thegns 9:42 P.M.
Lands held in Leicestershire: I King William II Archbishop of York III Bishop of Lincoln IIII Bishop of Coutances V Abbey of Peterborough VI Abbey of Coventry VII Abbey of Crowland VIII Godwine the priest and other almsmen IX Count of Meulan X Earl Aubrey XI Countess Godgifu XII Countess /-Elgifu XIII Earl Hugh XIIII Hugh de Grandmesnil XV Henry de Ferrers XVI Robert de Tosny XVII Robert de Vessey XVIII Roger de Bully XIX Robert Despenser XX Robert the usher XXI Ralph de Mortimer XXII Ralph fitzHubert XXIII Guy de Raimbeaucourt XXIIII Guy de Craon XXV William Peverel XXVI William Bonvalet XXVII William Lovet XXVIII Geoffrey Alselin XXIX Geoffrey de la Guerche XXX Geoffrey de Cambrai XXXI Gunfrid de Chocques XXXII Humphrey the chamberlain XXXIII Gilbert de Ghent XXXIIII Gerbert XXXV Durand Malet XXXVI Drogo de la Beuvriere XXXVII Mainou the Breton XXXVIII Ogier the Breton XXXIX Nigel d'Aubigny XL Countess Judith XLI Adeliza wife of Hugh XLII Herbert and other sergeants of the king XLIIII The men of the Count of Meulan
Lands held in Warwickshire: I King William II Bishopp of Chester III Bishop of Worcester IIII Bishop of Bayeux V Bishopp of Countances VI Abbey of Coventry VII Abbey of Abingdon VIII Abbey of Burton IX Abbey of Malmesbury X Abbey of Winchcombe XI Abbey of Evesham XII Earl Roger XIII Earl Hugh XIIII Earl Aubrey XV Countess Godgifu XVI The Count of Meulan XVII Thorkil of Warwick XVIII Hugh de Grandmesnil XIX Henry de Ferrers XX Roger d'Ivry XXI Robert d'Oilly XXII Robert of Stafford XXIII Robert Despenser XXIIII Robert de Vessey XXV Ralph de Mortimer XXVI Ralph de Limesy XXVII William fitzAnsculf XXVIII William fitzCorbucion XXIX William Bonvalet XXX Geoffrey de Mandeville XXXI Geoffrey de la Guerche XXXII Gilbert de Ghent XXXIII Gilbert fitzTurold XXXIIII Gerwy XXXV Urse d'Abetot XXXVI Stephen XXXVII Osbern fitzRichard +XXXVIII+ Harold son of Earl Ralph XXXVIIII Hascoit Musard +XL+ Nicholas the crossbowman XLI Christina XLIII Leofgifu and Edith
Lands held in Staffordshire: I King William II Bishop of Chester III Abbey of Westminster IIII Abbey of Burton upon Trent V Church of Saint-Remi of Rheims VI Canons of Stafford and of Wolverhampton VII Samson the clerk VIII Earl Roger IX Hugh de Montgomery X Henry de Ferrers XI Robert of Stafford XII William fitz Ansculf XIII Richard the forester XIIII Reginald de Bailleul XV Ralph fitz Hubert XVI Nigel XVII Cynewine and other thegns
Lands held in Shropshire: I King William II Bishop of Chester III Bishop Hereford IIII Earl roger V Osbern fitzRichard VI Ralph de Mortimer VII Roger de Lacy VIII Hugh I'Asne IX Nigel the Physician
Lands held in Cheshire: I King William II Bishop of Chester III Earl Hugh IIII Robert fitzHugh V Richard de Vernon VI Walter de Vernon VII William Malbank VIII William fitzNigel IX Hugh Delamere X Hugh fitzOsbern XI Hamo XII Bigot XIII Baldric XIIII Gilbert de Venables XV Joscelin XVI Ranulph XVII Reginald XVIII Ilbert XIX Osbern XX Odard XXI Mundret XXII Wulfgreat XXIII Dunning XXIIII Leofric XXV Wulfric XXVI Robert of Rhuddlan - and there are others.
Lands held in Derbyshire: I King William II Bishop of Chester III Abbey of Burton IIII Earl Hugh V Roger de Poitou VI Henry de Ferrers VII William Peverel VIII Walter D'Aincourt IX Geoffrey Alselin X Ralph fitzHubert XI Ralph de Buron XII Hascoit Musard XIII Gilbert de Ghent XIIII Nigel of Stafford XV Robert fitzWilliam XVI Roger de Bully XVII land of the King's Thegns
Lands held in Nottinghamshire: I King William II Count Alan III Earl Hugh IIII The Count of Mortain VI Bishop Lincoln VII Bishop of Bayeux VIII Abbey of Peterborough IX Roger de Bully X William Peverel XI Walter d'Aincourt XII Geoffrey Alselin XIII Ralph fitzHubert XIIII Ralph de Limesy XV Ralph de Buron XVI Roger de Poitou XVII Gilbert de Ghent XVIII Gilbert Tison XIX Geoffrey de la Guerche XX Ilbert de Lacy XXI Berenger de Tosny XXII HUgh fitzBaldric XXIII Hugh de Grandmesnil XXIIII Henry de Ferrers XXV Robert Malet XXVI Durand Malet XXVII Osbern fitzRichard XXVIII Robert fitzWilliam XXIX William the usher XXX The king's thegns IN RUTLAND I THE KING II Countess Judith III Robert malet IIII Ogier V Gilbert de Ghent VI Earl Hugh VII Albert the clerk
Lands held in Yorkshire: I King William II Archbishop of York, and the canons, and his men III Bishop of Durand and his men IIII The Abbot of York V Earl Hugh VI Robert, Count of Mortain VII Count Alan VIII Robert de Tosny IX Berengar de Tosny X Ilbert de Lacy XI Roger de Bully XII Robert Malet XIII William de Warenne XIIII William de Percy XV Drogo of Holderness XVI Ralph de Mortimer XVII Ralph Raynel XVIII Walter d'Aincourt XIX Gilbert de Ghent XX Gilbert Tison XXI Hugh fitzBaldric XXII Erneis de Bron XXIII Osbern d'Arques XXIIII Odo the crossbowman XXV Richard fitzErfast XXVI Geoffrey Alaelin XXVII Aubrey de Coucy XXVIII Gospatric XXIX The land of the king's thegns
12-22-2010~6:55 P.M. Lands held in Lincolnshire: I King William II Archbishop of York III Bishop of Durham IIII Bishop of Bayeux V Bishop Osmund of Salisbury VI Bishop of Coutances VII Bishop of Lincoln VIII Abbot of Peterborough IX Abbot of Westminster X Abbot of Ramsey XI Abbot of Crowland XII Count Alan XIII Earl Hugh XIIII Ivo Taillebois XV William de Warenne XVI Roger de Poitou XVII Roger de Bully XVIII Robert de Tosny XIX Berenger de Tosny XX Ilbert de Lacy XXI Henry de Ferrers XXII William de Percy XXIII Gibert Tison XXIIII Gibert de Ghent XXV Hugh fitzBaldric XXVI Kolsveinn XXVII Alvred of Lincolc XXVIII Joscelin fitzLambert XXIX Eudo fitzSpirewic XXX Drogo de la Beuvriere XXXI Walter d'Aincourt XXXII Norman d'Arcy XXXIII Norman Crassus XXXIIII Erneis de Buron XXXV Ralph Paynel XXXVI Ralph de Mortimer XXXVII Robert de Vessey XXXVIII Robert Despenser XXXIX Guy de Raimbeaucourt XL Rayner de Brimeux XLI Osbern d' Arques XLII Ogier the Breton XLIII Ranulph de Saint-Valery XLIIII Durand Malet XLV Martin XLVI Waldin the Breton XLVII Waldin Engaine XLVIII Odo[...]the crossbowman XLVIX William Blund L Restold LI Godfrey de Cambrai LII Gunfrid de Chocques LIII Osbern the priest and LIIII Ralph the steward LV Ansgot LVI Countess Judith LVII Guy de Craon LVIII Robert Malet LIX Robert of Stafford LX Peter de Valognes LXI Heppo[...]the crossbowman LXII Ralph fitzHubert LXIII Geoffrey de la Guerche LXIIII Geoffrey Alselin LXV Baldwin the Fleming LXVI William Taillebois LXVII Kolgrimr LXVIII Svartbrandr LXIX Ketilbiorn and others LXX The king's thegns
LITTLE DOMESDAY BOOK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lands held in Essex: I King William II Holy Trinity, Canterbury III Bishop of London IV Fief of the same bishop V Canons of St Paul's VI Abbey of Westminster VII Bishop of Durham VIII Canons of Waltham IX Abbey of Barking X Abbey of Ely XI Abbey of Edmund XII Abbey of St Martin of London XIII Abbey of Battle XIIII Abbey of Saint Valery XV Abbey of La Trinite, Caen XVI Abbey of Saint-Etienne of the Caen XVII Abbey of Saint-Quen XVIII Bishop of Bayeux XIX Bishop of Hereford XX Count Eustace XXI Count Alan XXII William de Warenne XXIII Richard, son of Count Gilbert XXIV Swein of essex XXV Eudo the steward XXVI Roger d'Auberville XXVII Hugh de Monfort XXVIII Hamo the steward XXVIIII Henry de Ferrers XXX Geofrey de Mandeville XXXI Count of EU XXXII Robert Gernon XXXIII Ralph Baynard XXXIIII Ranulf Reverel XXXV Aubrey de Vere XXXVI Peter de Valognes XXXVII Ranulf, brother of Ilger XXXVIII Tihel the Breton XXXVIIII Roger de Rames XL John fitzCorbucion XLII Walte the deacon XLIII Roger Bogod XLIIII Robert Malet XLV W[illiam]d'Ecouis XLVI Roger de Poitou XLVII Hugh de Gournai XLVIII William Peverel XLIX Ralph de Limesy L Robert de Tosny LI Ralph de Tosny LII Walter de Douai LIII Mathew de Mortagne LIIII Countess of Aumale LV Countess Judith LVI Frodo, brother of the abbot LVII Sasselin LVIII Gibert fitzTurold LIX William Leofric LX Hugh de Saint-Quentin LXI Edmund, son of Algot LXII Roger the Marshal LXIII Adam fitzDurand LXIIII Goscelin the lorimer LXV John, nephew of Waleram LXVI William the deacon LXVII Walter the cook XLVIII Modwin LXIX Ilbod LXX Hagebern LXXI Theodoric Point[el] LXXII R[oger] God-save-the-ladies LXXIII G[ilbert] fitz Salomon LXXIIII William fitzConstantine LXXV Ansgar the cook LXXVI Robert fitzRoscelin LXXVII Ralph Pinel LXXVIII Robert fitzGosbert LXXIX Reginald the crossbowman LXXX Gundwin LXXXI Otto the goldsmith LXXXII Gilbert the priest LXXXIII Grim LXXXIIII Wulfgifu LXXXV Edward LXXXVI Thorkil LXXXII Stanheard LXXXVIII Godwin LXXXVIV The king's free men XC Annexations
Lands held in Norfolk: I King William II The Bishop of Bayeux III The Count of Mortain IV Count Alan V Count Eustace VI Earl Hugh VII Robert Malet VIII William de Warenne IX Roger Bigod X Bishop William XI Bishop Osbern XII Godric the steward XIII Hermer of Ferrers XIV The Abbot of St Edmund XV The Abbey of Ely XVI The Abbot of St Benedict of Ramsey XVII The Abbey of Hulme XVIII Saint-Etienne of Caen XIX William d'Ecouis XX Ralph de Beaufour XXI Reginald fitzlvo XXII Ralph de Tosny XIII Hugh de Montfort XXIV Eudo the steward XXV Walter Giffard ZZVI Roger of Poitou XXVII Ivo Taillebois XXVIII Ralph de Limesey XXIX Eudo fitzSpirewic XXX Drugo de la BeuvriOre XXXI Ralph Baynard XXXII Ranulf Peverel XXXIII Robert Gernon XXXIV Peter de Valognes XXXV Robert fitzCorbucion XXXVI Ranulf, brother of Ilger XXXVII Tihel the Breton XXXVIII Robert de Verly XXXIX Humphrey fitzAubrey XL Humphrey de Bohum XLI Ralph de FougOres XLII Gibert fitzRicher XLIII Roger de Rames XLIV Judicael the priest XLV Colebern the priest XLVI Edmund, son of Pain XLVII Asaac XLVIII Tovi LIX ohn, nephew of Waleran L Roger fitzReinhard LI Berner the crossbowman LII Gilbert the crossbowman LIII Ralph the crossbowman LIV Robert the crossbowman LV Rabel the artificer LVI Hagni LVII Ralph son of Hagni LVIII Ulfkil LIX Alfred LX Ealdgyth LXI Godwine Halfdan LXII Starkulf LXIII Eadric the falconer LXIV King's free men belonging to no estate LXV The King's men in demesne LXVI Annexations
Lands held in Suffolk: I The King II Robert, Count of Mortain III Count Alan IIII Earl Hugh V Count Eustace VI Robert Malet VII Roger Bogod, Hundred of Bradmere VIII Roger of Poitou IX William d'Ecouis X Hermer de Ferrers XI Ralph de Beaufour XII Frodo, the Abbot's Brother XIII Godric the Steward. hundred of bishop XIIII St Edmund XV Archbishop Lanfrac XVI Bishop of Bayeux XXVII St Benedict of Ramsey XVIII William of Thetford XVIIII The Fief of the Bishop of Thetford XX Bishop of Rochester XXI St/Ethelthryth XXII Gilbert, Bishop of Evreux XXIII Abbot of Bernay XXIIII Abbey of Chatteris XXV Richard, son of Count Gilbert XXVI William de Warenne XXVII Swein of Essex XXVIII Eudo the Steward XXIX Roger d'Auberville XXX William, brother of Roger d'Auberville XXXI Hugh de Montfort XXXII Geoffrey de Mandeville XXXIII Ralph Baynard XXXIIII Ranulf Peverel XXXV Aubrey de Vere XXXVI Robert Gernon XXXVII Peter de Valognes XXXVIII Roger de Rames XXXVIIII Ranulf, brother of Ilger XL Robert fitzCorbucion XLI Walter the Deacon XLII Tihel de Hellean XLIII Ralph de Limesy XLIIII Robert de Tosny XLV Walter Giffard XLVI Countess of Aumale XLVII William d'Arques XLVIII Drogo de la Beuvriare XLVIIII Hugh de Grandmesnil L Ralph de Fougeres LI Walter de Saint-Valery LII Humphrey the Chamberlain LIII Eudo fitzSpirewic LIIII William de Vatteville LV John fitzWaleran LVI Humphrey fitzAubrey LVII Hubert de Mont-Canisy LVIII Gundwin the chamberlain LIX Sasselin LX Robert de Verly LXI Ralph Pinel LXII Isaac LXIII Northmann the Sheriff LXIIII Judicael the priest LXV Gerald the marshal LXVI Robert Blund LXVII Hervey de Bourges LXVIII Gilbert the crossbowman LXVIIII Ralph the crossbowman LXX Reginal the Bretonwhich he claims the alms of the king LXXI Robert the Stafford LXXII Stanheard, son of /Ethelwig LXXIII Wulfmaer LXXIIII Vavassors LXXV Free men in the hand of the king LXXVI Encroachments On the King
from The DeLancey Book p.15 Stephen DeLancey died in that city, November 18th, 1741, and was buried, as were also his wife and all his children and grandchildren who died previous to 1776, including Lieutenant-Governor James DeLancey and his wife, in the family vault in the centre aisle of old Trinity Church, at the end nearest the chancel. New York City. The church was destroyed by fire in that year and since then it has not been used.
1-15-2011 5:46 P.M. E.S.T. Philippe I King of France and Bertha Countess of Holland
Reims, Champagne, France
Charles the Bald (13 June 823 - 6 October 877) First Bible of Charles the Bald a 9th Century manuscript Bible commissioned by Count Vivien, the lay abbot of St. Martin at Tours and presented to Charles at the church in 846. This is the third illiminated bible made at Tours following the Bamburgh and Grandval Moritier Bibles
Crown of Charlemagne
"Le roman de Ponthus et la Belle Sidoine comte of Laval
Saone-et-Loire + Bourbon-Lancy
I'ancienne Maison
John V, Duke of Brittany 1339 -1 Nov, 1399 and count of Monfort, from 1345 until his death. His father is John IV Duke of Brittany and of Monfort son of the countess of Monfort Yolande de Dreux and Arthur II. Arthur was married twice. In 1275 he married Mary, Viscountess of Limoges daughter of Gui VI, Viscount of Limoges and Margaret, Lady of Molinot. 3 children John III, Duke of Brittany (8 March 1286 - 30 April 1341) Guy of Brittany, Count of Penthieve 1287-1331 father of Joanna of Penthieve. Peter of Brittany 1289-1312. Mary died in 1292. Arthurs 2nd wife Yolande of Dreux, Countess of Monfort, daughter of Robert IV, Count of Dreux and Beatrice de Monfort. Had seven children Joan of Brittany 1294-1363, married Robert, Lord of Cassell, John IV Duke of Brittany 1295-16 Sept. 1345, Beatrice of Brittany 1295- 1384 married Guy X, Lord of Laval, Joan of Brittany 1296-1364 married Robert, Count of Marle, Alice of Brittany 1297-1377 married Bouchard VI, Count of Vendome, Blanche of Brittany born c. 1300 considered to have died young Marie of Brittany 1302- 1371 A Nun.
Guy XIV de Laval and the making of a historical fact of a 14th century fictional romance in the style of the Arthurian legends called "Le roman de Ponthus et la Belle Sidoine. He was the lieutenant-general of the duchy of Brittany in 1472.
In 1482 Louis XI gave in full powers to the comte of Laval, separating it from the Maine. The comte of Laval was directly responsible to the crown of France.
Rhodes: Is a Greek Island southwest of Turkey in the eastern Aegeon Sea.
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Charles of Lindos (280 B.C.)
Lanches 475 B.C - 418 B.C. was an Athenian Aristocrat (son of Melanopos) and general during the Peloponnesian War. Deme in ancient Greece was a subdivision of Attica, the region of Greece surrounding the Athens.
Catherine daughter of Jean II , Duke of Alecon 1452-1505 married 1461 in Tours Francois Guy XIV de Montmorency, Count of Laval d. 1500
Charlotte de Laval, Dame de Chatillon 1530 - 3 March 1568 was a French noblewoman from one of the most powerful families in Brittany. She was the first wife of Gaspard de Coligny, Seigneur de Chatillon, Admiral of France and a prominent Huguenot leader during the French Wars of Religion. She was the mother of Louis de Coligny, Prince of Orange. The present British Royal Family directly descends from her. She is the daughter of Guy XVI de Laval, Count of Laval, head of one of Brittany's most powerful noble families, and Antoinette d'Aillon.
Henry I, Duke of Guise Dec. 31, 1550- Dec. 23, 1588.
Charlotte of Naples 1479-1506 daughter of Anna of Saxony married aprx 1498 to Nicolas Guy de Monfort, Count of Laval (Guy XV) their female descendants claimed the Kingdom of Jerusalem, although de jure their claims to the Kingdom of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia as well the rights to the main line of the House of Valois belong to the line of the heir general, not to the line of Philip of Saxony. 6:28 p.m.
2-5-2011 9:54 P.M. E.S.T. Hogo of Francien may try this century 12th or 11th. Francien although is a language, the term arose in the 19th century linguistics. Term applied to the particular "langue d'oil" that was spoken in the Isle-de-France and (with Paris as its center) before the establishment of the French language as a standard language. According to one theory of the development of French, Francien was chosen out of all the competing Oil languages as an official language (Normon and Picard being the main competitors in the medieval period) found at www.wikipedia.com
Lancedoc __________Coast of Bretagne_______
William X duke of Aquitaine______1137 --- 49 ---52 ---66 Henry, duke of Normandy___________Arthur I of Brittany John, and Richard are brothers and to the thrown of England sons of Henry and Eleanor of Poitiers ~ time of courtly manors and courtly love. Her mother-in-law, is Empress Mathilde, in Normandy. Mathilda grandaughter to King Stephen.
Guy de Forez and Mahaut I de Courtenay of Nevers (1188-1257) her grandchildren Gaucher and Yolande de Chatillon A great grand daughter is Mahaut II de Dampierre daughter of Yolande de Chatillon and Archambaud de Dompierre.
Blance d'Eureay 1199
Napoli could be Naples
Henry de Champagne and Isabella I of Jerusalem
Sire Ergrd III de Brienne. Son-in-law to Henri de Champagne of his daughter Pretender Philippine de Champagne-Jerusalem of Champagne. search Pretender to the county.
Hugues X de Lusignan Count de La Marche Interesting marriage arrangement of Isabelle Taillefer of Angouleme and King John. She was engaged to Hugues before John's marriage. Henry III is her son.
Elizabeth de Luxembourg of Saint-Pol daughter of Hugues IV Camp di Avesnes in 1205 and married Gaucher III Seigneur de Chatillon, de Troissy, de Montjay, de Crecy and de Pierrefons d.1219 Succeeded by son, Gui I, who married Comtesse Agnes and Auxerre
Countess Mahaut I de Coutenay of Nevers, d'Auxerre and Tonnerre daughter of Pierre de Courtenay Count of Namur 1212 Emperor of Constantinople 1217. She married Herve IV, Count de Forez.
Dame de Guise, Leuze, Landiechies et Tielon
Countess Marie d'Avenes of Blois and Chartres
Pierre I d' Alencon or Count of Blois
Guy de Ligny and Charles de France, Count de Valois, ect.
2-6-11 9:38 P.M. Seigneurs de Bourbon-Lancy Seigneurs may represent (landlord). Ansedeus *Ansedei de Burbon *subscribed the charter of "Hugo comes" under which he donated property to Paray-le-Monial, dated before 1039. He married in 1030, wife unknown, and had two children. Ansedeus 1056/1087 and married Wilelma. She was a nun at Marcigny also had two children. Dalmas married Agnes and had four children: Foulques, Guichard, Humbert, Barthelemy. 2nd child of Ansedeus is Ansedeus de Charolles who m. Claire.
Humbert I de Bourbon-Lancy married Ermengard de Chalon daughter of Thibaut Comte de Chalon and his wife Ermengardis made a donation to Cluny dated Nov. 1083.
Guichard de Bourbon-Lancy donated property to the abbey of Marcigny-sur-Loire, married Mathilde de Semur daughter of Dalmas I Seigneur de Semur and his wife Aremburge. The origin of Guichard's wife is proved by a charter dated 1098/1109 under which *Dalmacius Borbonenis "(this couple's son)" donated property to the abbey of Marcigny-sur-Loire.
Dalmas de Bourbon-Lancy married Willelma and had three children Dalmas, Guichard, and another daughter who married Guillaume
Guichard b. 1055 his 2nd child is Cecile. Information found at Burgundy Duchy, Nobility from search Messire Pierre de Dalmas Lord of Marcilly
John of Gaunt aquired the root of liquorice. Liquorice is found as a native plant of Spain. John brought the herb to England in the 1360's it was cultivated at Pontefract by monks at St. John's Priory. Liquorice was used to sweeten the breath.
The importance of Charlemagne or Charles the Great to the European nobility and Emperor of the Western Holy Roman Empire and as King of the Franks, Charlemagne, amongst other achievements, stemmed the flow of Muslim expansion into Europe. He did this by campaigning in Spain and establishing a military zone or frontier between Muslim Spain and Frankish Gaul. In time a reconquest was undertaken spreading south from Leon and Castile into Al-Andalus. The retaking of the Iberian peninsula was not achieved until 1492, this event and the marriage of Philip and Isabella completely over shadowed another event. Christopher Columbus's discovery of America, which because it did not show immediate lucrative rewards was dismissed as a rather interesting distraction. (found at Midgleywebpages.com as The de Laci Family Estates The Honour of Pontefract. go to Alice De Laci to John of Gaunt.____10:11 P.M.
2-8-2011 1:50 P.M. Search Bourbon-Lancy go to Borvo Wikipedia the free encylopedia. from Borvo go to Centres of worship~go to~Lingones and were a celtic tribe that originally lived in Gaul ~ research continued ~ in the area of the headwaters of the Seine and Marne rivers. Some of the Lingones migrated across the Alps and settled near the mouth of the Po River in Cisalpine Gaul of northern Italy around 400 B.C. These Lingones were part of a wave of Celtic tribes that included the Boli and Semones ~ research of Polybius (200-118 B.C.E.) Greek historian of the Hellenistic Period noted for his book called The Histories covered in detail the period of 220-146 BCE. They lived in the region of Langres and Dijon and minted coins, Their capital was called Andematunnum, then Lingones, now Langres in the Haute-Marne, France
In 1179, Hugh III, Duke of Burgundy gave the city of Langres to his uncle, Gautier of Burgundy, then bishop, making him a prince-bishop. It was later made a duchy. The diocese of Langres is Vassy, where in 1562, riots took place between Catholics and Protestants that gave rise to the wars of religion (see Huguenots)
Andrew Guigues VI (1184-14 March 1237), known as Andre de Bourgogne, Dauphin of Viennois was the Count of Albon, Briancon, Grenoble, and Oisons from 1228 until his death. He was the son of Hugh III of Burgundy and Beatrice of Albon. He took his regnal name after and inherited the title and lands of his maternal grandfather, Guigues V. The name Guigues also refers as the same name's Gui and Guy. During his reign he was a generous patron of monasteries and he expanded his territory by diplomacy rather than war. In 1202 he married Beatrice (1182-before 1248), Countess of Gap and Embrum, daughter of Rainon I of Sabron. Their daughter Beatrice (born 1205) married Amaury de Monfort. In 1215 they separated and on 15 November 1219 Guigues married Beatrice, daughter of William VI of Montferrat. She was the domma (lady) of the troubadour Gauseran de Saint Leidier. She bore Guigues two sons. Guigues VII or Guy VII (1225-1269) and John (1227-1239).
2-11-2011 5:29 P.M. ANCENIS, FRANCE. It played a great historical role as a key location on the road to Nantes (23 miles south east), the historical capital of Brittany. It was named the Key of Brittany and the Door of Brittany. '\_source-wikipedia_/' Anjou is just east in fact Ancenis may be a part of it just at its border in the region of Pays de la Loire Ancenis is of Loire-Atlantique. Ancenis is between both the departments. It was incorporated in Pays de la Loire in the 20th century. But is as old as the hills well maybe not but preaty darn close as much of the region is. Remember Gaul, that's also the western parts of France. I used an -s- after part because perhaps thats what Gaul represents; more of.
2-13-2011 3:46 P.M. E.S.T. Launcegaye ~ A kind of spear anciently used. Its use was prohibited by a statue of Richard II. Chaucer.___Lancegay a type of lance.
Coutances ~ A place or a commune in Manche, Normandy in the northwest of France. It lies on the coast. Capital of the Unelli, a Gaulish tribe, the town took the name of Constantia in 298 during the reign of Roman emperor Constantius Chlorus. The surrounding region called Latin the pagus Constantinus became the Cotemtin Peninsula. The town was invaded by the invading Normans in 866, who later established settlements and incorporated the whole peninsula into the Duchy of Normandy. The Bishop of Coutances exercised ecclesiactical juristiction over the Channel Islands until the reformation, which is the Protestant Revolt. It was led by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other protestants. Despite the secular division of Normandy in 1204. The final rupture occurred definitively in 1569. information from www.Wikipedia.com
Bon ~ means 'good' I am studying this term which is incorporated of some names in Europe. I am also studying this venture as well "Bien" which meaning is almost as close.

Ralph Izard and Alice (DeLancey) Izard-~~~~-Search was from DeLancey War-~~_Result DeLancey War Images_~Picture found at www.OilPaintingsHere.Com ______8:37 P.M. E.S.T. 3-2-2011
3:54 P.M. E.S.T. Searches from 3-2-2011 Isle of Man
Society of Cincinnati: Originated in accordance with Major General Henry Knox. Its first meeting was held in may 1783 at a dinner at Mount Gulian (Verplanck House) in Fishkill, New York before the British evacuated from New York. It was chaired by Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton, and its participants agreed to stay in contact with each other after the war. Members involved high officers of the Continental Army and Navy and officers of certain ranks affiliated with the French Army and Navy. Members were passed down to the eldest son upon an original members death. Three years of inlistment and of high rank officers was stipulated, to this day as well.
The society is named after Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. He was a dictorial of Rome to meet on war emergencies. When the Revolutionary War ended in 1783 he returned power to the senate and went back to plowing his fields.
James DeLancey Verplanck son of Gulian Crommelin Verplanck
Charlotte deLancey Verplanck born 25 September 1792 d. 1857
Governor James DeLancey ~ Grandfather of Mrs. Daniel Crommelin Verplanck
Dunlap's History of New York
DeLancey Patent ~~~~~DeLancey Patent and Montgomery County
Aurieskill Patent
Middletown New York : Town erected by the start of John Green who about around 1743-1745 purchased land from the DeLancey Patent.
Hugh Robinson
The town of DeLancey, New York. Formely Lansingville. It was given its present name DeLancey in 1872 because New York State already had another Post Office of Lansingville. The name is taken from that of James DeLancey Verplanck, who owned the land in the vicinity. The History of Delaware County.
Territory: Latin territorium, from terra the earth. Noun_(plural territories) 1. a large "extent" or -tract- of land; a ~region~; a county; a (district). 2. A geographic (area) under control of a single ~(governing)~ "entity" such as {state} or municipality; an area _whose_ borders are determined by the scope of political power rather than solely by natural features such as rivers and ridges.
In a capability of junction between a colony set up and a pre-existing societal environment; A territory is the area between point A and point B. Point A could represent an acquisition. Point B could represent a Border. The existing party is the aquisition in notice or agreement of a colonial border. Search Aquisition and Border to find an ultimate reasoning. When in America a tribal area can become an aquisition in a settlement within a border. Territory may lay between the two. This will give transaction to both parties. This example can be realized when a colonial party ventures an Island. The tribal matter or existing occupancy will seek trade through the territorial area. This will be in agreement that one ventured party may arive and set up store or in affiliation (a fort) to be recognized as a capability to supply necessities. In this agreement a fort may be considered as a mobile fort. Through this administration, a foreign can be applied. A good search for an example Admiralty would be 'Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, the fishing industries'. This is where the Admiralty came to be as the supportive governor when that title approuched land. In the event the authority of that northern area was lapsing and thence how this title was given. We now have the colors of the Admiralty which in standard are represented on ship as rear and so on, I beleive there were of three White, Blue and Red the first two of higher importance. Try these two centuries 15th and 16th. This will be the forming of Admiralty of that area, perhaps more of Newfoundland. Europe was there in the 14th century as well.
Territory can be seen within an oceans boundery. This is why for instence England considered different tacticts to tax, when other countries were trading within the territorial bounderies and excluding the trade within England. At points of time not only a country's flag was flown aboard a ship, other self merchants traveled the waterways for trade. Ten miles or so within one's boardered territory can cause a great deal of loss in trade and 'commission'.
COFA: Compact of Free Association
Office of Insular Affairs
United States Department of the Interior
United States possession
Bureua of Insular Affairs
War Department
Office of Territorial Affairs ~ (formely the division of Territories and Island Possessions and then the Office of Territories) in the Interior Department "insular" means ('Island').
Search: Colonial Office The Lords of the Committee of Privy Council ` appointed for the consideration of all matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations. Added to that search can be DeLancey one of them was associated with it in the 18th century. You may want to just investigate the term Plantations and how the term came to be. It does in fact represent a colonized establishing. Lets see Plan-t-a-tion. Plow is a good one Pl-ow Pl-ant-ta-tion. Maybe not. Although in old literature the"A' has been used from its original meaning. By adding an -a- before a suffix{tion} will continue with a plural that will allow a _denotation_ or a denote, something or someone of a better or more prestigious quality or status. "a" by itself frequently denotes.
Plantation as of Plan can be or is formal or informal. I would suspect mostly formal. So perhaps anything entering a formal condition "can" be called informal. As of a Forest where Robin Hood resided. He would steal from the rich to give to the poor. The King new of it; Robin Hood would mainly steal the King's tax's. The King informaly would have knowledge, that eventually the monies would be transacted and perhaps then the set formed tax would be paid, and some cases not. Nevertheless the money was like in bank holding, unless it was hidden or buried. Who would do such a thing. Interesting to know people have been burying money for years way before Robin Hood was to take control of the forest. Funny thing is when two people get together and aquire the funds it could be imagined as; since the money was out of sight then no-one knows of its existence. Thus would lead to tax evasion. Perfect definition of tax evasion, an informal sector, economic activity beyond the preview of government.
John (nickname Lackland or Softsword) was King of England from 6 April 1199 until his death. He may have disliked Robin Hood or portrayed himself as an ~enemy~.
Calender of Ancient Correspondence
Chateau de Comper: This castle located in Paimpont forset (former know as Broceliande), three kilometers to the east of the village of Concoret in the department of Morbihon in the region of Brittany, France. Conluence has derived its meaning as Comper, as like Quimper perhaps from the Breton word Kemper. Quimper was originally settled during Roman times A.D. 495, it had become a bishopric. It became the capital of the counts of Cornouailles. In the 11th century, the town suffered considerable ruin. In 1364, the duchy passed to the House of Monfort. It is located on the edge of France; region Brittany; department Finistere in the north west part of the country. Countenances, Lassy, Avranches, Bayeux, Cherboug are just east of the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey. All of these named are nearest to the ocean except Lassy. The Chateau de Comper is about the same distance inland as Lassy.
Auch: Is a very ancient town. Auch derives from the tribe of Ausci. In Latin it is pernounced Awski, singular Auscus. Its language is of Basque. More information of Auch and the Roman conquest can be found at www.wikipedia.com/auch And as you will notice it also sits inland almost centered by the west and esat coasts of France in the southern part and is north from the boarder of Spain. This type of location may be a defence remedy to secure lands and lands end, and or the capability of land. land can be recognized as an invention. So to new comers it is very vulnerable.
Guy II of Chatillon, Count of Saint Pol married Matilda of Brabant Hugh II, Count of Blois. Guy I, Count of Blois. Charles I, Duke of Brittany he had as son Guy this may be in relation to Guy deLancey in existance around 1432 described in the DeLancey Book "A Romance of a Great Family. 3-4-2011 5:46 p.m.
3-12-2011 10:05 p.m. Did you know in the dictionary there is no letter other then the (p) which follows (ap). My search was Appropriate. Appalachian is in fact the next word after any word starting with -ap-.
Here is something that if you were around during black and white T.V. you may remember the Lone Ranger. I think he and his faithful companion were Kimosabe and Tonto. Back then the Indians used to put their ear to the ground to hear who was coming in the distance. Kimosabe is coming along and asks Tonto; whats going on today Tonto? gewiss man with big black horse women with big bell dress with one board buggy. Kimosabe asks now wait a minute how can you tell all that by listening to the ground. No they just run me over.
3-13-2011 9:09 a.m. Fraunces Tavern. This building was built as a mansion by Etienne (Stephen) DeLancey in the 1700's. The location is just a few blocks from the previous Trade Center at 54 Pearl Street New York, New York which is Lower Manhattan.

7-3-2011 below pictures inserted at 8:12 p.m. e.s.t.
1st picture is of Oliver DeLancey youngest son of Etienne and Anne Van (Cortlandt) deLancey whom are next. Anne is third and then Sir Peter Warren. 8:21 p.m.
Etienne (Stephen DeLancey and Anne (Van Cortlandt) DeLancey
Sir Peter Warren
7-11-2011 Courtland ~ / Orioff Van Cortlandt / Stephen / Philip / Stephanus. Orioff, a Dutchman, arrived in New Amsterdam in 1638 and founded a dynasty which at one time owned 200 square miles of land. This land, formerly a Mohegan Indian hunting and planting ground, was purchased for a small sum from the British settlers. Van Cortlandt's were traders, merchants and shipbuilders, and they married into such families as the Schuylers, Phillippes, Livingstons, thus doubling their wealth and influence.
Orioff's son Stephenus, was appointed mayor in 1677, the first native-born American to hold the post. He purchased a large parcel of land from the Indians for Wampum that included six tobacco-boxes, six earthen jugs, one small coat, nine blankets and 14 kettles. Part of this sale included the Van Cortlandt Park consisting of 1146 acres.
In 1748, Orioff's son Frederick, built the family mansion, which still stands near the high school. The family farmed the land and lived in the house until 1889 when they donated the property to the City of New York for use as a public park.
The Van Cortlandt mansion served briefly as a police station until 1896 when it was placed in the custody of the National Society of Colonial Dames which now maintains it as a museum. The flats were used as a camping grounds during the Revolutionary War and George Washington used the Van Cortlandt estates as headquarters at various times. In 1917-18, the site was used as a combat training area, when doughboys dug and hiked through the woods, preparing for war in France.
The New Netherlands Ancestors of Edward Floyd DeLancey. ~ His Mother Frances Munro. Her mother is Margaret White daughter of Henry White and Eva Van Cortlandt the daughter of Frederick Van Cortlandt and Frances Jay. Frederick's parents are Jacobus Van Cortlandt and Maria De Vries. Jacobus's parents are Olof Stephenszen Van Cortlandt and Anna Loockermans. Frances Munro is married to William Heathcote De Lancey his wife's side are the Floyds, Woodhull's, Howell's, Hutchison's, Jone's, Townsend, Coles, Hawkshurst, Willet's, Cornell's, Stoothoff's, Cool's Field's. DeLancey's side are of the Heathcote's, Cortlandt's, Lookerman's, Tjercks, Schuyler's, Van Slichtenhorst's, Van Wenckum.
7:32 p.m. 7-16-2011 Frederick Philipse Robinson ~ September 1763 - January 1, 1852 was a Virginian soldier, born in the Highlands, near New York. He fought for Britain during the American War of Dependence. He took part in the War of 1812 and commanded a brigade at the Battle of Plattsburgh. In 1813 and 1814 he commanded a brigade under Wellington in Spain. He was a provisional Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada in 1815. Afterwards he was a governor of Tobago, and he became a general in 1841. He died in Brighton England.

Beverly Robinson's House. A wealthy colonist from New York, was a son of the Hon. John Robinson of Virginia, who was the President of that Colony. he is mostly remembered as the commander of the Loyal American Regiment, a loyalist regiment in the American Revolution and for his work with the British secret service during the war.

Beverly married Susanna, daughter of Frederick Philipse, who owned an immense landed estate on the Hudson River. It is generally supposed that Susanna had been courted by George Washington as well. On the 23rd of September, 1780 Andre was captured and on the 26th was conveyed a prisoner to Colonel Robinson's own house, which, with the lands adjacent, had been confiscated by the state, which Arnold had occupied as his headquarters, and of which Washington was then a temporary occupant. Both Robinson and Benedict Arnold were closely acquainted before, and also as of the knowledge to Sir Henry Clinton as of Arnold being a traitor. And it appears in a letter from Arnold to Robinson, the idea of going over to the other side. Robinson was in character of witness to a possible innocence of John Andre after conviction. Sir Henry Clinton sent three commissioners, in hope of producing a change in the determination of Washington.
Frances Gore (Blackheath, London 1769-3 November 1852, Brighton) was a British officer and British colonial administrator. Gore was commissioned into the 44th foot, in 1787 but transferred to the 54th foot in 1794 and the 17th Light Dragoons in 1795. He retired with the rank of major and then became Lieutenant-General of Upper Canada from 1806-1811. Gore's administration built roads, recognized the militia and founded schools.

John Jay ~ December 12, 1745 - May 17, 1829 was an American Politician, Statesman, Revolutionary, Diplomat, a Founding Father of The United States, and the first Chief Justice of the United States. Jay served as President of the Continental Congress from 1778 to 1779. (Jay's Treaty of 1794 peace terms with Great Britain and the First French Republic. He Co-Wrote the Federalist papers. Governor of New York from 1795 to 1801. established a law practice with Robert Livingston around 1768, until establishing his own law office in 1771. Was a member of the New York Committee of Correspondence in 1774, which was created by the Committee of Fifty-One called the Declaration of Dependence by John DeLancey. It's original was called the Committee of Safety based on the Committee of Nine based in Boston Massachusetts, it originated through the Sons of Liberty. Jay was married to Sarah Livingston.